Boston Globe on brink of closure

The Globe had photos of the Boston protest but ran the AP's story, I think believing it would be more responsible reporting to get a nationwide perspective on this, rather than simply zeroing in on the protesters in Boston. I think the real story here is the Globe's dwindling resources and increased need to rely on wire services.
If you are referring to this, Pelhamhall already mentioned it in his first post:

(and just as a disclaimer, the Globe did pick up a small AP blurb on tax protests held throughout the nation, but the article was mostly about whether they were truly non partisan or if they were Republican-driven - there was little reporting on the events themselves)
I'm sorry, but I'm not buying this. I think the amount the Globe covered this was ample. In a world where resources and time are both limited, they can't cover every single thing. When the US is in an unpopular war and there are protests, that is news. When the Federal Government cuts taxes and there are protests that the Government raised taxes, that's not news. In fact, that's just a bunch of people who won't let the facts get in the way of their strongly held opinions.

Personally, I say congratulations to the Globe for not falling for Fox News' Astroturfing.

On a related note, I heard on Fox 25 this morning that John Henry is considering buying a stake in the Globe. Sounds good to me; the guy clearly knows how to run a business, especially a local Boston business.
On a related note, I heard on Fox 25 this morning that John Henry is considering buying a stake in the Globe. Sounds good to me; the guy clearly knows how to run a business, especially a local Boston business.

Yeah, that was in the Herald this morning too (natch). That would be great news (so to speak).
When the US is in an unpopular war and there are protests, that is news.

If 200 unwashed, burnt out hippies banging on bongo drums is news, then 2,000 non-hippies protesting the government is news.

Also, the April 2007 coverage of the hippies did not at any point stray into comments about their appearance, lack of diction and articulation, or their stench of illegal drugs. For THAT protest, the Globe took the "high" road.
The fact that they got a pic and an AP story after protesting that their taxes were raised when they were in fact lowered is more than fair.
Plus, the whole thing was based on the false premise that today's situation is in any way analogous to the situation in 1773. It's a complete raping of our country's (and this city's) proud history in order to score cheap political points.
It's a complete raping of our country's (and this city's) proud history in order to score cheap political points.

Exploitation is what these people do. It is what they survive on.
Exploitation is what these people do. It is what they survive on.

Wait,'re mad at people for being mad that the government is abusing and misspending taxes? I don't understand how anyone can think these people are wrong. Sure, maybe you disagree with how they went about voicing their displeasure, but if you're satisfied with how the government is currently spending taxes, and has been spending taxes for years...there's something wrong with you.

It doesn't matter if you're Republican or Democrat, the government is out of control when it comes to spending money. From wars, to stimulus packages, to pork barrel spending projects when is enough, enough?
Funny how enough is enough came at exactly 12:00AM January 20th, 2009.

Where were all these people two years ago?
Wait,'re mad at people for being mad that the government is abusing and misspending taxes? I don't understand how anyone can think these people are wrong. Sure, maybe you disagree with how they went about voicing their displeasure, but if you're satisfied with how the government is currently spending taxes, and has been spending taxes for years...there's something wrong with you.

It doesn't matter if you're Republican or Democrat, the government is out of control when it comes to spending money. From wars, to stimulus packages, to pork barrel spending projects when is enough, enough?

Yes, Fox News is fair and balanced (and had nothing to do with starting these rallies), stimulus during a recession is bad, FDR prolonged the Great Depression, we had too much regulation during the W years, we need to increase national defense while eliminating taxes, and Obama is a secret Muslim-Socialist who enjoys killing babies and plans to enslave white people.

How could one not like these people? They are clearly the ones we should be listening to. After eight years of Democrats in control of the Federal government, it's about time we give someone else a chance. Why not the extreme right?
Actually, I like this version of the Right a lot more than the last. At least 'wasteful spending' is something I can actually agree with them on. I wish this was their focus for the past 8 years rather than trying to convert the US to a theocracy.

Now we just need to come to terms on what we consider 'wasteful'. :D

(And yes I take full responsibility for turning the Globe thread into a political bitchfest - sorry)
This started as a complaint against the Boston Globe.

They opted to not cover an important 2,000 rally in downtown Boston, while at the same time have opted to cover countless, smaller, less important rallies.

Why? Who cares. They are failing. They are not a news organization.

Without even trying I was able to find these with just one Google click:

Antiwar protest draws 500 to Boston Common
Article from: The Boston Globe (Boston, MA)
Article date: January 19, 1991

And here:

300 protest China's human rights violations
Article from: The Boston Globe (Boston, MA)
| Date: March 31, 2008| Author: John Forrester |

And here:

Antiwar demonstrators protest call for troop 'surge'
Boston Common rally draws 200
By April Simpson, Globe Staff | January 12, 2007

And yet 2,000 people protesting government spending (not taxes - spending) and it's ignored.

To me, that says quite a lot about the Globe - what it is, it's business model, and it's rightful demise as a news organization.

I don't want the right vs. left, issue vs. issue to cloud the argument here, in this Boston Globe thread.

The Globe is not a credible news organization. It should go out of business as such. Fairly simple.
Just because they have a slant does not mean they are not a credible news organization. That's just crazy talk.

Who do you consider to be an unbiased news organization?
I Googled "Boston Globe Tax Protest" and found this story. People who protest against raising taxes in a year when their taxes were lowered should be happy that they got any coverage at all.

Likewise, the globe also covered the earlier gas tax protest, as seen here. The Globe is hardly ignoring this issue.

Furthermore, they've been all over the Pension abuse issue, they were all over Marian Walsh, they've been all over the Fire Fighters Union, they've been all over the MBTA, they've been all over the Turnpike Authority, and they've been all over Aloisi. To say they aren't covering Government waste is completely at odds with reality.
They picked up an AP wire report from KENTUCKY.

The gas tax rally is a good example, but that was something that struck a chord across party lines, no? Isn't Democrat Therese Murray the largest opponent of the gas tax? So it wasn't a "right wing" issue, it was a "populist" issue. If the Democrats were all for it and the Republicans the only ones against, do you wonder if it would have been covered?

Also, the protest Wednesday was about "spending" not "taxes" as you continue to falsely state. But how would you know, even an educated person such as yourself can't get the news from the Boston Globe.
^^ Pelham already mentioned that piece upthread. He is right. The Globe has a liberal slant.

This, however, does not make them a non-credible news organization.

In a perfect world they would be basis free. I'm not aware of any news organization that is.

the protest Wednesday was about "spending" not "taxes" as you continue to falsely state.

Then why the all the Tea Party hoopla? (Taxed Enough Already, right?) That's my biggest gripe with this whole thing. That and the sudden interest in the subject after 8 years of silence.
Statler - my point is that they didn't even cover it... obviously if they had covered it the article would have been bias, but that's OK, at least they would be reporting the news. Most people can read through the bias and make their own opinion.

Their news blackout decision was actually much more sinister and representative of a more dangerous form of bias - something more likely to be seen in North Korea than Boston.
Looks to me like they gave it the coverage it deserved -- a one or two paragraph local insert into a national AP wire story.
Then why the dedicated "Boston" story from the countless other rallies? The 200 protesting the successful Iraq troop surge? The few hundred protesting the freeing of the Kuwaiti people in 1991? Since these protesters turned out to be on the wrong side of history, a little tough reporting might have showcased that these people weren't really playing with a full deck of cards?

It's not like Wednesday was a heavy news day, OR that they had to send reporters far.

Picking up a little national blurb written in Kentucky is not telling me what all the commotion downtown was as I took a taxi by it. I picked up the paper in the morning fully expecting to find out the news of the day in my city, in my city newspaper. I was surprised to not find it.

That's all I'm saying.

(I'm also really bored today at work... like really bored - I could keep this up all afternoon, more than anything I'm just playing devil's advocate, so take it all with a grain of salt)
