Boston Globe on brink of closure

Because those rallies weren't held as a result of a Fox News Astro-turfing campaign? Just my guess.

Also, it was about taxes. It was on tax day, it was called a "Tea Party," and people were holding up signs about taxation. Sure, Government waste was an issue as well, but this rally was about taxes and how the protesters are under the impression that they were raised this year when in fact, for all but the top 5% of earners, they were lowered.
The tax party theme was coined and conceived by CNBC, no?

This relates to the goins'-on in the city of Boston on April 15th how?

"Oh those 2,000 people? Just ignore them, Foxnews sent them."

Ludicrous and juvenile.

Even if that was true, well, then there's your story. (The AP picked up this angle by way)

No story at all is something altogether different.

I'm not right wing by the way, I am a radical centrist.
Taxes are an issue. But I was under the impression that the issue was insane government spending?

Honestly, I don't know, the media blackout is truly disturbing.

It is great news that Obama is keeping the Bush Tax Cuts - congrats to him, symbolically leaving the highest bracket to revert back to 38.5% even though the bulk of the revenue is collected at the middle brackets. Stick it to the rich just cuz you can, play the class warfare card instead of treating all equally...

Good for Obama for embracing Bush economics - he certainly deserves plaudits for that.

The income tax is a great way to grab headline. But income tax isn't the only game in town.

Capital gains taxes? Corporate taxes? Cigarette taxes? Payroll taxes? Real estate taxes? Gasoline taxes? The billions of other levies, fines, fees, and taxes?

They won't be coming down under this president.

But about the Globe, if you can't rely on them to report the goings-on in Boston on a typical day, then why do you need them?

That is the only question worth asking.
1) The Tea Party was a self selected term. MSNBC's only involvement was to point out that they were also self selecting to call themselves Tea Baggers.

2) As for the Globe only giving partial coverage to a fake political movement created by a cynical "News" organization? Yeah, I'm fine with that. They also don't give a front page story to the LaRoushies ever time they demonstrate.

However, what the Globe has done is give excellent coverage on issues that actually relate to Government Waste. They've been the leader on coverage of Public Pension Abuse, MBTA waste, Turnpike Authority waste, the do-nothing job to Aloisi's sister, DiMasi's shady Cognos deal, DiMasi's shady ticket broker deal, Alan LeBoveridge's continuous foot in mouth disease, etc., etc. Simply because the Globe chooses to give limited converge to one group of nuts does not equate to the Globe having some sort of bias against news stories related to Government Waste. Personally, when I hear Carla Howell's turning up somewhere, I know I can promptly tune out that event.
Well, I guess the proof is in the viewership and readership numbers.

The Globe editorial page promotes government waste on a daily basis then acts surprised when it all backfires.

This shouldn't be about media bias, whether Wednesday's protest was just crazy people (please try to show me a protest - any protest - that isn't crazy people), this should be about the Globe opting to not cover news.

Here, I can do it quickly in full Globe bias:

Urged by Foxnews 2,000 people protest paying taxes in downtown Boston

A boisterous crowd of very dumb people clogged downtown Boston yesterday... etc. etc.

Jane Doe, some pathetic loser who uses poor diction and probably hates blacks, said, "Yee haw! Ain't this fun!" while waving an offensive sign showing our African-American president depicted with his hand in a presumably white person's cookie jar.

While Associate Professor of Political Science at Wheelock College said, "These people don't know how dumb they are, Foxnews is forcing them to do this and we should feel bad for them. Obama is literally the best president ever. Ever!" as tears rolled down his eyes and onto his hemp vest.


There, at least that would have reported the news, Globe style!
By the way, Michael Graham of WTKK is the person, I believe, who organized yesterday's rally. Again, it's hard to tell with the media blackout.

If you have some super secret evidence that Foxnews was behind it, then please share!

Hard evidence, not sloganeering please!
Is it wrong that my favorite source for current events is Robin Quivers?
She's been a key part of the Howard Stern Show since he was in DC. Topical, edgy irreverent; goes great with my morning coffee and granola.
Good god, the Globe doesn't flood the zone and has less comprehensive local coverage than the Herald for one event, and less comprehensive national coverage for the nationwide phenomenon than the AP story...which they print! And all this fuss?

The Globe isn't North Korea; only a government can black out news. You have a choice of thousands of news organizations on TV, online, or even that are other local newspapers covering this.
Let both the Herald and the Globe die, and let the meek inherit the Earth.
The Globe is callow. Other the sports page and a couple of writers, there isn't much worth reading.
Local news? A messy mix of Globe, Herald, Courant, WEEI, internut, gossipy pals, Lawyers Weekly.
TV news too, I guess. Frances Rivera is kind of hot. Liz Brunner is a cougar. Maria Stephanos, in a big hair Tia's kind of way.
Dated a couple of weather girls. Used to piss off the wife when I was just trying to catch the weather. Drag.
I love The Big Picture, but most of the site is cheesy as hell. It would at least be nice for the Globe to have a slightly more independent looking page.

I once applied with a position at as a roving street interviewer. They asked me what I would ask people and I trotted out a list of controversial topics of the day. They came back and said "we were thinking more along the lines of 'what are you doing this weekend?' or 'isn't it hot out?'"

Some awesome journalism there.

In my building in Cambridge the deliveries are about 1/4 Wall Street Journal, 1/4 New York Times, and 1/2 Boston Globe. Two days ago there was an angrily written note in the lobby demanding someone return a Globe "because it's what I look forward to every day".

These people? What do you mean THESE people?

The blacks and the jews.

I hope you understand the difference between criticizing a political party and criticizing the above.

Who do you think I mean? The leaders of today's Republican party. They exploit history, patriotism, fear, religion, race--anything they can--for their own gain.

(This thread is clearly way off track and these posts should probably be moved. Perhaps keep this thread to the Globe's survivability and not whether or not it's failure would be a good thing or a bad thing. Arguing about politics is on the internet is pretty silly and I apologize.)
They won last year.

Any paper that's not the NYT or Washington Post is lucky to get one, ever.
