Boston Harbor Flood Protection Projects

^You obviously didn't check those stats. They're all highlights over the past decade (and some of them centuries) and only show the most extreme points. Arctic Sea ice minimum only includes data up to 2012. Global temperature only measures 2000-2009. Land ice decrease of Greenland only covers between 1996 - 2005. Seriously man, you didn't do any research. NOW GO BACK TO GOOGLE AND INCLUDE DATA UP TO AUGUST 2013!!!

There's a point on why I am arguing about climate change. This barrier is based on the notion that "there is climate change since the polar ice caps are melting and the sea level is rising." Well, I'm saying this is a pork-barrel project similar to Alaska's bridge-to-nowhere that was axed a few years ago. How can you guys refute NASA's data that says our polar ice caps increased by 60% this year and still demand this multi-billion dollar project be built for our city?
This is really bugging me because of the misinformation. The size of the Arctic Ice Sheet has nothing to do with rising seal levels. An ice cube in a glass of water displaces the same amount of water as in its liquid state. This is because it is less dense than water and therefore much of it floats above the surface. Try the experiment at home if you'd like!

But, melting ice sheets over Greenland and Antarctica, which would turn into water and flow into the oceans would cause the sea levels to rise. The Land Ice stat on Greenland posted above was the most relevant thing posted. So I ask this...why debate the Arctic Ice Sheet?

Is this thread dead yet?
See, the real way you know if your crazy or not is if you interrupt peoples logical, coherant conversations to insert your insane bullshit.

Trying to walk down Comm Ave in Packards corner on a date? TOO BAD DEAD BABIES AND ABORTIONS!

Trying to talk about protecting metro Boston from threats from the sea, be it from climate change, insane storms, or seahorses? BUT THE ICE SHEETS GREW THIS YEAR OBVIOUSLY THE DECADES OF RESEARCH ARE FLAWED!

Trying to talk about ways to improve transit in the seaport? BUAH HEAVY RAIL LIBURALS BALLPARK CASINO DAVE AND BUSTERS!

Its tiring really. I was the loony in a thread once, and while I still know I'm right and all of you are wrong, after three rants followed by being ridiculed I kept it to myself. Spewing your own propaganda isnt worth wrecking everyones good time.

...on the topic of climate change. Even if you don't believe its real, why the hell would you oppose almost any of the ways to counteract it? Everything you need to do are all good things for society and the planet in general. Its like saying that we should still be using asbestos for everything because its easier.
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Oh there's no stopping armpits and his learnings. Not when we're all such maroons.
Trying to walk down Comm Ave in Packards corner on a date? TOO BAD DEAD BABIES AND ABORTIONS!

You're clearly single.

Trying to talk about protecting metro Boston from threats from the sea, be it from climate change, insane storms, or seahorses? BUT THE ICE SHEETS GREW THIS YEAR OBVIOUSLY THE DECADES OF RESEARCH ARE FLAWED!

Clearly you are biased on that "decades of research" and find it true and infallible. Yet, you fail to pay attention that all your climate change buddies point to the ice-caps as a sign of global warming and rising sea levels. I'm sorry to be the one to inform you about this! Once again, click here and read this environmentalist group's answer to question 1 & 4. I THINK IT'S FUNNY THAT YOU DON'T SEE THE CONNECTION BETWEEN THE "FLOOD BARRIER" AND RISING SEA LEVELS FROM THE POLAR ICE CAPS. Maybe you should take more time reading about this issue so you can stop making a fool of yourself.

Trying to talk about ways to improve transit in the seaport? BUAH HEAVY RAIL LIBURALS BALLPARK CASINO DAVE AND BUSTERS!

You really aren't contributing to this thread at all. Please stop trolling.

Its tiring really. I was the loony in a thread once, and while I still know I'm right and all of you are wrong, after three rants followed by being ridiculed I kept it to myself. Spewing your own propaganda isnt worth wrecking everyones good time.

It's not propaganda. The ice caps really did grow more than 60%. Have you ever tried reading a newspaper or scientific journal before? It's never too late to start!

...on the topic of climate change. Even if you don't believe its real, why the hell would you oppose almost any of the ways to counteract it? Everything you need to do are all good things for society and the planet in general. Its like saying that we should still be using asbestos for everything because its easier.

Well, the science for really understanding "climate change" isn't really there yet. I suggest you read journal articles from the following leading scientists: Richard Lindzen, William Gray, William Happer, Fred Singer, Jan Veizer, John Cristy, Craig Idso, etc...

I know you want to feel good about yourself and think that by driving a prius around town will make the world a better place because it uses less gas. However, this is just a marketing ploy from Toyota to make you spend more money and pay for that extra expensive "green" battery.
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"Progressed" is the word you are looking for. Time doesn't evolve.
To further Rifleman's point, the earth, throughout it's history, has had multiple periods of relatively warm and cold overall conditions--all without ANY influence from ANYTHING manmade.
Madre Nature does her thing, has been for BILLIONS of years and will continue to do so long after humans have come and gone.
Please post your credentials. You're up against a couple thousand scientists who spend all day every day studying this, so you better have an undergrad in chemistry at least. Even then, you'd still be a couple hundred PhDs short.
...on the topic of climate change. Even if you don't believe its real, why the hell would you oppose almost any of the ways to counteract it? Everything you need to do are all good things for society and the planet in general. Its like saying that we should still be using asbestos for everything because its easier.

Let's dive deeper into your hypothetical: Even if climate change isn't real, don't we (at the very least) want domestically produced and renewal energy so that we can have clean air AND a strong economy?
To further Rifleman's point, the earth, throughout it's history, has had multiple periods of relatively warm and cold overall conditions--all without ANY influence from ANYTHING manmade.
Madre Nature does her thing, has been for BILLIONS of years and will continue to do so long after humans have come and gone.

Yeah, but now its going to kill us and everything we've made. Earthquakes, tornadoes, bad lightning and hurricanes have been happening for ever too, but we do things to mitigate (or at least prepare for) their impact. This is just the next big thing. Maybe our resident experts in lunacy can explain how earthquakes aren't real and are just a conspiracy to sell more concrete and give engineers jobs.

Or it's aliens.
