Boston Tech Center Redevelopment | 176 Lincoln Street | Brighton


Senior Member
May 6, 2007
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Berkeley Investments (the "Proponent"), through its subsidiary Berkeley 176 Lincoln Holdings, LLC, filed a Letter of Intent ("LOI") with the Boston Planning & Development Agency ("BPDA") on July 13th, 2020 for the proposed redevelopment of the approximately 5.2-acre site at 176 Lincoln Street in the Allston/Brighton neighborhood of Boston. The LOI calls for the demolition of the existing and long-vacant building on site, and details the Proponent's proposal for the creation of a new, three (3)-building, mixed-use project totaling approximately 815,000 total square feet (the "Proposed Project"). The Proposed Project is contemplated to include approximately 548,000 square feet of office and/or research and development space in two (2) primarily commercial buildings, while one (1) primarily residential building is anticipated to include approximately 314 residential units. The ground-floor of each building will be activated on all sides, with approximately 20,000 square feet of retail space included across the Proposed Project. Vehicular parking for the Proposed Project will be available in a shared below-grade parking garage.


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The distribution list for the LOI is the distribution list for the LOI for BFIT. Too much unsupervised working from home these days?
Glad to see something happening with this's massive as is and the lack of activity totally kills any streetlife around it.








This looks great, but anything is an improvement over the hulking corpse of a half-built datacenter
I'm excited by the proposal to revitalize this block, but the quantity of new parking coming online in this corridor on both sides of the Pike is really concerning.
Which would be very cool. It's already happening in the South End and it really makes you feel like this is a real city, not "the towne".
I know I'm super late to this party, but how can I get more information about this image, its design, and a "streetwall"? :)

Re: "streetwall", I was just making an offhand comment about the 3rd pic/diagram in Post #4. That area of the Pike is rapidly transforming.
Very cool. I note a possible dual meaning behind "Steam".
Looks good enough. Anyone remember the skating club proposal for this spot originally? Giant 2 story rink with surface parking.
^ Thanks equilibria its very much appreciated whenever you post these updates.

This looks much better than the previous tower proposal. This is much more appropriate and way better street level presence.
This project is really cool. Fantastic design and mixed use. Allston is building for the future
