Bowker Overpass replacement?

I don't see why anything fancy really needs to be done beyond just removing the part of the Bowker that is over Beacon Street and Comm. Ave., and leaving the part over the Pike alone.
I don't see why anything fancy really needs to be done beyond just removing the part of the Bowker that is over Beacon Street and Comm. Ave., and leaving the part over the Pike alone.

That... might actually work. I was all set to say we couldn't do it because it only solves half the problem, BUT, disposing of Charlesgate and leaving the frontage roads (Charlesgate E/W) alone actually tidily handles everything better than I thought it would upon closer inspection.

Connect whatever ramps you can to Back Street and dispose of the rest, rip down Charlesgate north of the Pike, build an EB onramp from where Boylston meets Charlesgate to complement the EB offramp at Park Drive/Beacon Street, signalize all relevant interchanges and you're pretty much good to go.

The two sides of Back Street and Newbury Street would both need to be connected, but that's comparatively minor.
The entire Charlesgate is structurally deficient. The majority of the work needs to be done on the part that is north of the Pike anyway, but the entire thing needs to be replaced. It is no longer safe.
Can the part over the Pike be repaired rather than replaced? I can't imagine closing that down for even a day.
Can the part over the Pike be repaired rather than replaced? I can't imagine closing that down for even a day.

It's a regular ex-Turnpike Authority bridge. I don't know when it was last repaired, but it's definitely in better shape than the Bowker-proper which was an ex-MDC/DCR structure. You can see from the transition in paint job where the Pike maintenance ends and where the Bowker maintenance begins. Basically every inch of it from the bridge joint abutting the WB breakdown lane north is part of the Bowker-proper and can go.

Charlesgate's still going to be a thru street over the Pike, so the full footprint of the Pike-proper span is going to be used in any post-Bowker configuration. They can slice off the Bowker at that literal expansion joint then do what they want with the ramps (which, even if they're the same exact ramps are still long overdue for a structural rehab). The only Bowker residue that would exist on the Pike-proper span would be maybe 20 ft. of stub space in the middle after the ramps peel out. Plunk a little grassy park or a monument on top of that stub to classy it up.
I can't tell if you intentionally miss this point, but you ALWAYS miss it with your pro-auto posts. No one said the population shouldn't increase. No one said, the workforce shouldn't increase. But if we didn't build highways, can you imagine, just for a second, in an alternate universe, where cars weren't kings and highway lanes weren't currency, that the growing population might have settled in a different geographic pattern?

Hint: Europe.

We don't live in that alternative universe, we live in reality where people, when given a choice, want to drive a car. That was one of the points of my rambling vent.... we live in a country where car/highway access is more or less a proxy for economic activity. The vast majority of semi-finished and fully finished goods travel by truck and regardless of how most people on this board feel, most people, when given an option, will travel by car because it is faster, more private, and easier than taking public transit. About 85% of the people in my office drive to work because it's faster, easier, and makes it possible to live somewhere with a nice school district and still have a reasonably priced home with that nice school district. That's a major reason why Brookline and Newton are so expensive now-- living close to the city with good access and good schools is something that consumers value. And yes, it might be significantly more expensive to drive, but the benefits outweigh the costs. My car costs me $850 a month in fixed costs ($500 payment, $150 parking at home, $150 parking at work, $100 insurance), but instead of having to make a 90 minute commute across three transit lines, I make a 20 minute drive.

Great post Kahta, I don't have much time right now, but I will try to reply to a few things.

There were plans in the 40s calling for all kinds of transit expansion, I've seen it before, they did understand the consequences of the highways they were planning to build. Unfortunately, it got dropped and most of the plans were never built. The "coordination" document kind of hints at it with their mention of "if and when New Haven railroad service is discontinued to South Station" bit.

The understanding in terms of parking of the consequences of all those cars being routed into downtown was dropped too, until the Clean Air Act forced it back on the table.

The very first line of the very first document says that the traffic is predominantly local in character. How does a bypass help them?

You claim that Route 9 should be grade separated like Storrow? We call that road by it's name, Boylston St/Huntington Avenue. Turning that into a limited access grade separated road seems like a horrible idea. Yes, it would divert some drivers from the Mass Pike (the least of the problems -- Brookline would just love you) just as Storrow Drive does today.

Induced demand is a phenomenon observed on a much smaller scale than economy-wide changes such as women moving into the workforce.

This seems like a contradiction? How does the market work when there's parking minimums? The point of them is to undercut the market.

Okay I'm out of time but I just want to say that I'm not opposed to cars and I've already taken flack for that but I think we should have our streets be designed first and foremost to serve the people who have to live next to them everyday, that we should value accessibility and permeability rather than raw speed.

Well, there is a bit on parking in one section where the idea of banning on-street parking is talked about.

The bypass helps move traffic desiring to travel to other parts of the city-- the study used as a basis for this plan (posted) shows the travel desire lines.

Route 9 until Brookline village-- I don't think of Route 9 as that beyond there.

But wouldn't you agree that it is better to induce demand onto say, storrow and the [new] central artery, than shift it all onto Beacon st/comm ave/a million tiny streets in downtown? Even if the induced demand was eliminated, there would still be a base need, I don't think there was much induced demand when the central artery was still above ground, but people still needed to get where they were going.

Okay I'm out of time but I just want to say that I'm not opposed to cars and I've already taken flack for that but I think we should have our streets be designed first and foremost to serve the people who have to live next to them everyday, that we should value accessibility and permeability rather than raw speed.

That's the problem-- the same argument can be made for everything else
"This highway/pipeline/power line/train line can't go through my corn field, that's my livelihood and that land should be used for the benefit of someone who is just driving through here/lives in a big city/just wants to make a profit."

The permeability is created by some of the minor suggestions that I made because it shifts traffic onto main roads and away from where people walk and ride bikes.

It's not about removing existing pavement. It's already a goner -- requiring many hundreds of millions of dollars to replace it. I don't see why we should be on the hook to blow hundreds of millions of dollars to rebuild exactly what was there before, not without a seriously hard look at what we're doing.

Kahta and you seem to be missing this point. We're not talking about going in to remove freshly built highways (well, I'm not, anyway). We're talking about rickety, deteriorating, end-of-life structures that will cost an already cash-strapped state an unbelievable amount of money to replace.

I don't think it's worthwhile to duplicate what was done in the past.

It's not as easy as just removing the old pavement-- because the system that we have now was built up with those links in place. I don't have any issue with increasing gas taxes to pay for better roads/maintenance, just like T riders shouldn't have an issue with raising fares.
We don't live in that alternative universe, we live in reality where people, when given a choice, want to drive a car. That was one of the points of my rambling vent.... we live in a country where car/highway access is more or less a proxy for economic activity.

Oh I see how it is. Only people who drive cars count. Can't say that's a new attitude, sadly. :/

The vast majority of semi-finished and fully finished goods travel by truck and regardless of how most people on this board feel, most people, when given an option, will travel by car because it is faster, more private, and easier than taking public transit.

Reminds me of that apocryphal quote from Henry Ford. You can have any color of car so long as its black. Americans always buy black cars because, when given an option, that's what they want. Look out the window, everyone owns a black car! Clearly that is what the American people want.

We've spent hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars on making it possible for you to get in your car and go anywhere for cost of gas alone. It's an amazing achievement. At the same time, we allowed the public transit system to decay and deteriorate to the point where it is just staying one step ahead of total collapse.

Whose choice was that? A bunch of old guys (few, if any, women) who are dead or nearly so, whose vision looked something like this.
Popular Science 1929 said:
Sixty years from now if a man finds it necessary to make a hurried trip, he will step into the form-fitting seat of his waiting automobile, press a tiny button set into the rim of his steering wheel, and, without the slightest sound, glide away from the curb.

Going up a steep ramp a few blocks away, he will straighten out on a wide, glass-smooth, elevated highway that will stretch, in a line as far as the eye can see, in a perfectly straight line.

Then the motorist will press another button. The car will immediately accelerate to 150 miles an hour so rapidly that the driver will be pressed with considerable force against the seat.

Cute huh? Found that while doing some unrelated research.

Kahta said:
About 85% of the people in my office drive to work because it's faster, easier, and makes it possible to live somewhere with a nice school district and still have a reasonably priced home with that nice school district. That's a major reason why Brookline and Newton are so expensive now-- living close to the city with good access and good schools is something that consumers value.

Yes.. Brookline and Newton.. two towns with some of the best transit access in the Boston region outside of the city itself.

You're right, people will pay a premium to live next to transit. Even the Green Line. Funny how that works, even it's decrepit state, the MBTA keeps adding ridership and people keeping paying more and more to live near it, vacancy rates going down and down. Imagine if it didn't suck.

And yes, it might be significantly more expensive to drive, but the benefits outweigh the costs. My car costs me $850 a month in fixed costs ($500 payment, $150 parking at home, $150 parking at work, $100 insurance), but instead of having to make a 90 minute commute across three transit lines, I make a 20 minute drive.

I don't mind if people are willing to pay the costs. But I, and others, don't want to pay the high price of having a city gutted by parking lots, chopped up by grade separated highways, a city that is decimated by pollution and the extreme amounts of infrastructure required to make car commuting feasible for everyone. If I wanted to live like that, there's the 99% of the cities in the United States where I could go live like that. I prefer Boston. Heck, compact walkable places don't take up much space. So there's plenty of room in the Boston region for both kinds of living, and other diversity as well.

I know your commute sucks, we discussed it. Part of it is the crummy state of transit after years of decay, part of it is the terrible planning of the Silver Line, and part of it is the billions of dollars we spent to make I-90 an easy route from Brighton to the South Boston waterfront. Transportation and land use are inextricably intertwined.

I'm not saying you should give up driving to work, due to the current situation. You gotta deal with what you gotta deal with*. But it's no reason to plan the future to be shitty too.

The bypass helps move traffic desiring to travel to other parts of the city-- the study used as a basis for this plan (posted) shows the travel desire lines.

I assure you that Brookline will resist any and all attempts to build a grade separated highway through the middle of town. We know how those work out.

But wouldn't you agree that it is better to induce demand onto say, storrow and the [new] central artery, than shift it all onto Beacon st/comm ave/a million tiny streets in downtown? Even if the induced demand was eliminated, there would still be a base need, I don't think there was much induced demand when the central artery was still above ground, but people still needed to get where they were going.

There's a bunch of great quotes in The Power Broker about this sort of thing. I was working on a more comprehensive article, actually, but here's a taste. Every time Robert Moses would build a parkway, it would invariably fill up with cars. The good traffic conditions would last maybe a few weeks after the opening of the new road. Of course, his response was "we need to build another one!" When the West Side Improvement was opened it took 20 minutes to traverse the isle of Manhattan lengthwise. A little while later it regularly took nearly 50 minutes, almost the same as travelling local streets. The Southern State Parkway was a big improvement over the hodgepodge of local farm roads used previously. It was also completely jammed with traffic so that it would take hours to get to Jones Beach. The Gowanus Expressway ran through Sunset Park using the elevated structure of the old elevated train (which was replaced by a subway). Except that the Gowanus was larger in width, blocked out the sun completely, and below it was a massive highway at-grade as well. It killed 3rd Ave in Sunset Park, a formerly thriving neighborhood built around the el. There's so much more (great book) and I haven't even arrived at the Bronx chapters yet. This all happened by the 1930s, btw, so the concept of induced demand was already well exemplified by the time Anthony Downs wrote in the early 60s.

The funny part is that even with the new parkway or expressway, the local streets would still be just as jammed up (or maybe just slightly less). You can't induce demand only onto one route and take it away from the other. Well at least, not by doing what he did.

That's the problem-- the same argument can be made for everything else
"This highway/pipeline/power line/train line can't go through my corn field, that's my livelihood and that land should be used for the benefit of someone who is just driving through here/lives in a big city/just wants to make a profit."

(presume you mean't "shouldn't")

Yes, that's why we have property rights and got abuse of eminent domain under control. Well, presumably. There's a big difference between a corn field and a city though. A corn field you can negotiate with the owner and work out a mutually beneficial deal. Nobody gets "Moses'ed" these days. A city is a whole other can of worms. There's so many people, so many relationships, and so many side effects that it is a monumental task to accommodate them all reasonably. And it's not right to just roll over them. We're past that, as a society. That's why we don't build urban freeways anymore here. Even disregarding the monetary costs, the human costs are overwhelmingly bigger than the benefits. That goes for the Route 9 elevated bypass too.

It's not as easy as just removing the old pavement-- because the system that we have now was built up with those links in place. I don't have any issue with increasing gas taxes to pay for better roads/maintenance, just like T riders shouldn't have an issue with raising fares.

The old pavement is getting removed regardless of what we say or do. It's decrepit and beyond repair. Either it gets replaced, or the safety inspector comes along one day and shuts it down, like they did briefly on the Casey. The question is what is it getting replaced with.

The system we have now evolved into place, it did not arrive one day by magic. Storrow Drive was built before the Mass Pike extension. The Bowker overpass covered what was once "the crown jewel" of the emerald necklace. The world changes, people change, ideas change, and there's no reason that infrastructure shouldn't change with the times either. Especially when the issue is being forced by deterioration. Land use and transportation are inextricably intertwined, and both will change together over time too.

At one point the state of the art was bypasses. Bypasses for everything. Now we know that doesn't work. So we change.

*I have a friend who works near you and has to walk from North Allston to the Red Line to connect to the Silver Line every day. Not everyone can afford to drive.
We don't live in that alternative universe, we live in reality where people, when given a choice, want to drive a car.

And every little girl wants a pony. Do we subsidize ponies? Think of all the stimulus for horse breeders and trainers, not to mention the construction companies who have to build all the stables and barns and pens. And then all stimulus to agriculture for buying carrots and oats. Just think of what we could do with all that manure! Making plant pots out of poo, using it for extracting methane for electricity generation, fertilization, etc. Can't forget about the Keynesian multiplier, too! And, in the name of ponies, lets not forget about those animal spirits.
Oh I see how it is. Only people who drive cars count. Can't say that's a new attitude, sadly. :/

Highways are basically part of the continuous advancement of economic progress outlined in this paper. There's no way around that fact. They are a productivity enabled and make operating a supply chain exponentially more efficient compared to trains only. The same principles that apply to operating a supply chain apply to personal life.

Here are a few examples of common activities for driving vs the T--

Going to the grocery store-- instead of driving to Market Basket in Chelsea, my options are about 50-100% more expensive and restrict me to buying only what I can carry.
Bringing my dog to the vet-- quick, let me walk to the D-Line, take the T and risk looking like strollercat, but the 100 lb dog edition. Easily a 50 minute trip each way because of walking/waiting and the vet I bring him to is near Brookline village.
Visiting my parents-- they live near Lowell. Let me take the Green line to north station, then take the train to Lowell, then have one of them drive 30 minutes each way to get me. oh, my town used to have a passenger line, but then highway interests/economic progress killed it in 1934.
Seeing friends that don't live in Boston-- Once again, like going home, traveling to see them takes at least twice as long as driving.

The list keeps going on and on...

I needed to get a lead paint testing kit the other night and the hardware store near me closed at 630. Instead of taking a bus and a 45+ minute ride, I drove my car 15 minutes over to Watertown to home depot.

Need to get a package from the Post Office? easily an hour errand to Coolidge Corner and walking (in subzero temperatures) would probably take about the same amount of time. Driving took a total of 20 minutes.

Dropping my dog off at daycare before I have to travel for work? Something that takes a total of 30 minutes becomes well over an hour.

Need to appeal a parking ticket/do something at town hall? Again, taking the T takes over an hour round trip in what can be accomplished in 15 minutes in a car.

I know your commute sucks, we discussed it. Part of it is the crummy state of transit after years of decay, part of it is the terrible planning of the Silver Line, and part of it is the billions of dollars we spent to make I-90 an easy route from Brighton to the South Boston waterfront. Transportation and land use are inextricably intertwined.

Yes, as we've already discussed-- driving (even not on the pike) is still significantly faster than taking the T. It's not a consequence of the disrepair of the system, it's simply a consequence of the operational constraints that are part of public transit. As I demonstrated above, the same inefficiencies happen with transporting via rail which is why once value has been added to raw materials, they almost always travel by truck.

Reminds me of that apocryphal quote from Henry Ford. You can have any color of car so long as its black. Americans always buy black cars because, when given an option, that's what they want. Look out the window, everyone owns a black car! Clearly that is what the American people want.

We've spent hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars on making it possible for you to get in your car and go anywhere for cost of gas alone. It's an amazing achievement. At the same time, we allowed the public transit system to decay and deteriorate to the point where it is just staying one step ahead of total collapse.

Whose choice was that? A bunch of old guys (few, if any, women) who are dead or nearly so, whose vision looked something like this.

Cute huh? Found that while doing some unrelated research.

Popular science always has a futirist view of technology. the same things were said about cars for 40 years-- when I was in high school I bought a collection of every issue from 1946 to ~1998 and read a lot of them. The same things were said about telecommuting from about 1970. Its one thing to theorize about technology (as that article is clearly doing) and another to realize what the practical application is. The same things have been said about solar/wind power since about 1970 "Its just 5 years away from being cost competitive with fossil fuels".... the hybrid car concept has also dated back to that era, as have electric cars, yet the practical, real world, applications are still incredibly limited. It also sounds like self driving cars are described in that article... and here we are 80 years later and once again, now they are possible but the real world limitations may prevent them from ever being fully developed.

And for the record, it would not take much to make highways operationally safe at 100 mph. My car can achieve that easily and feels "about right" at 90 mph, but I try to keep it at a speed that feels safe based on traffic conditions and road conditions. The issue is that other people don't have cars that can drive that fast and that highways (in Massachusetts at least) aren't in good enough condition or designed for that type of speed. In much of the country that would be entirely possible because of the flat terrain. I'm not an expert on civil engineering or road design by any means, but I talked about it at length with my grandfather before he passed away and its entirely possible, but because stopping distance gets exponentially longer with higher speeds, there's a practical limit to road design and construction that gets applied

Yes.. Brookline and Newton.. two towns with some of the best transit access in the Boston region outside of the city itself.

Brookline and Newton are where they are partially because of history, but also because of Boston schools. My place is worth about 30% more than virtually identical condos that are 80 feet away because it is in Brookline.

You're right, people will pay a premium to live next to transit. Even the Green Line. Funny how that works, even it's decrepit state, the MBTA keeps adding ridership and people keeping paying more and more to live near it, vacancy rates going down and down. Imagine if it didn't suck.

Increased ridership (and more parking problems) can be explained by--

Gentrification/increased population density-- now that 4 bedroom home has 4 yuppies/college students there instead of a couple with a few kids.
Bad economy-- starbucks/retail/per diem/temp work doesn't pay enough for car ownership
High cost of car ownership-- 10 years ago it was possible to buy a used car for $500 that had a year of life left. Now, the same car costs $4,000 and at the same time, wages for low skill jobs are basically unchanged while the cost of living has increased substantially. The average doesn't tell the whole story because the bottom of the market has come up a lot faster than the market as a whole. The number of cars on the road (TTL US) has declined slightly since 2008 while the average age has continued to rise.

Also, doesn't the increased ridership harm your (and others) argument that the central artery made driving in Boston too easy and the city is on the verge of being overrun by cars?

I don't mind if people are willing to pay the costs. But I, and others, don't want to pay the high price of having a city gutted by parking lots, chopped up by grade separated highways, a city that is decimated by pollution and the extreme amounts of infrastructure required to make car commuting feasible for everyone. If I wanted to live like that, there's the 99% of the cities in the United States where I could go live like that. I prefer Boston. Heck, compact walkable places don't take up much space. So there's plenty of room in the Boston region for both kinds of living, and other diversity as well.

Again, you're acting as though the plans for the inner belt and intermediate belt have been revived or as though the comments are now the official transportation policy of Massachusetts. Parking lots (at grade) are basically disappearing in Boston because the land is so valuable (Fenway is the last area of large parking lots that I can think of. The parking lots of South Boston will all be gone in 20 years time. The biggest obstacle is political fighting/profit maximization around taxes, the same goes for making the pike go completely underground. When it's time to replace the I-93 viaduct between the zakim bridge and medford, you can damn well bet that below-grade will be seriously considered even if it means that tolling (with FHA approval) is used to pay for it. Once there is a serious discussion about fixing storrow drive, you can almost guarantee that tolling will be on the table.

Making a city manageable for the non-transit users is a good goal because most people look at transportation as a means to an end while balancing needs (perceived and actual), financial cost, convenience, and time. Transit has some some significant shortfalls, but that doesn't mean that it should be ignored, but at the same time, making driving more difficult (eliminating storrow drive, I-93 turned into a boulevard, deleting lanes on I-495, etc.) isn't the answer.

I assure you that Brookline will resist any and all attempts to build a grade separated highway through the middle of town. We know how those work out.

You're either willfully ignoring what I said or you're just not reading it-- I suggested building small overpasses/underpasses to speed throughput at a few locations that are chronically congested today not unlike Comm Ave at Mass ave, huntington at mass ave, or the proposed 2 lane (one in each direction) forest hills overpass. The same thing applies to bowker.

There's a bunch of great quotes in The Power Broker about this sort of thing. I was working on a more comprehensive article, actually, but here's a taste. Every time Robert Moses would build a parkway, it would invariably fill up with cars. The good traffic conditions would last maybe a few weeks after the opening of the new road. Of course, his response was "we need to build another one!" When the West Side Improvement was opened it took 20 minutes to traverse the isle of Manhattan lengthwise. A little while later it regularly took nearly 50 minutes, almost the same as travelling local streets. The Southern State Parkway was a big improvement over the hodgepodge of local farm roads used previously. It was also completely jammed with traffic so that it would take hours to get to Jones Beach. The Gowanus Expressway ran through Sunset Park using the elevated structure of the old elevated train (which was replaced by a subway). Except that the Gowanus was larger in width, blocked out the sun completely, and below it was a massive highway at-grade as well. It killed 3rd Ave in Sunset Park, a formerly thriving neighborhood built around the el. There's so much more (great book) and I haven't even arrived at the Bronx chapters yet. This all happened by the 1930s, btw, so the concept of induced demand was already well exemplified by the time Anthony Downs wrote in the early 60s.

The funny part is that even with the new parkway or expressway, the local streets would still be just as jammed up (or maybe just slightly less). You can't induce demand only onto one route and take it away from the other. Well at least, not by doing what he did.

NYC and Boston have such differing population densities and car use/transit patterns that I'm not sure that they can effectively be compared even in that era. The character of NYC was a working waterfront at that point. Not to mention, the west side highway had pretty much every deficincy that the old central artery did-- today the central artery is still a 6 lane highway, but has a substantially improved design.

Of course there was huge lines to get to the beach-- this was an era before widespread AC and then, add in car ownership and a weekend, everyone wants to go! Not really a big surprise, especially since it wasn't easy to leave metro NYC at the time.

Yes, that's why we have property rights and got abuse of eminent domain under control. Well, presumably. There's a big difference between a corn field and a city though. A corn field you can negotiate with the owner and work out a mutually beneficial deal. Nobody gets "Moses'ed" these days. A city is a whole other can of worms. There's so many people, so many relationships, and so many side effects that it is a monumental task to accommodate them all reasonably. And it's not right to just roll over them. We're past that, as a society. That's why we don't build urban freeways anymore here. Even disregarding the monetary costs, the human costs are overwhelmingly bigger than the benefits. That goes for the Route 9 elevated bypass too.

Again, I'm not proposing the inner belt/southwest expressway (Yeah, I may have said some stupid things, but I agree that it was probably a bad idea).

You're also reading between the lines and acting as though I'm talking about turning Route 9 into an I-93 style double deck viaduct. Nothing could be further than the truth. It's just a question of fixing dysfunctional sections of that road road which date back to the 1920s and weren't improved in the past because of either the turnpike authority or excessive hand wringing by brookline residents.

The old pavement is getting removed regardless of what we say or do. It's decrepit and beyond repair. Either it gets replaced, or the safety inspector comes along one day and shuts it down, like they did briefly on the Casey. The question is what is it getting replaced with.

The system we have now evolved into place, it did not arrive one day by magic. Storrow Drive was built before the Mass Pike extension. The Bowker overpass covered what was once "the crown jewel" of the emerald necklace. The world changes, people change, ideas change, and there's no reason that infrastructure shouldn't change with the times either. Especially when the issue is being forced by deterioration. Land use and transportation are inextricably intertwined, and both will change together over time too.

Once again, as I have explained a million times on here, the mass pike extension and storrow drive serve entirely different parts of boston and have entirely different, but critical, purposes.

The rehab of storrow (whatever the rehab is), is without a doubt one of the best ROI road projects inside of 128 because of the critical role it plays in keeping traffic out of residential neighborhoods and connecting Allston/Brighton/Brookline to downtown without dumping the traffic on local streets.

At one point the state of the art was bypasses. Bypasses for everything. Now we know that doesn't work. So we change.

Bypasses/beltways worked to open up more land that was less expensive to suburban development and improved transportation oriented industries productivity and cost structure. The problem comes when they aren't expanded to accommodate economic growth.
I think you misunderstood my first line there, which was to wryly note the unfortunate fact that car owners are treated as more valuable people, politically.

I'm not sure why you think a trip to Lowell, a relatively transit starved exurban location, is comparable to my everyday experiences where I walk to my daily needs and workplace. A lot of the places I go you would end up spending 15 minutes hunting for parking or navigating a garage. Do you factor that in?

Just to jump ahead a bit, when you talk about bypasses/beltways opening up more land for suburban development, you are talking about increasing sprawl, basically. Sure that land is cheap, but it requires extremely expensive investment to bring it up to the level of infrastructure in preexisting places. It also doesn't look so cheap if it means an hour-long commute everyday. And finally, what happens at the end of that commute? Expanding suburban development ever outwards and expecting people to car-commute to the city implies that there must ever-expanding parking lots in the city to handle all those commuters. Expanding the highways doesn't solve that problem. Where do you park all those cars?

Right now we have the "parking freeze" in downtown Boston to prevent the influx of cars from overwhelming the city. It's a political stopgap, and it's only as strong as the people who stand behind it. Is that what's also driving the T's ridership increases as the population grows? I don't know, maybe.

Population is growing again in the city after decades of decline. Whether it is families, singles, or seniors moving back, I don't think it's right to stigmatize the people who are living here as just "yuppies/students". And they are people too. The car ownership rate in all of Boston is about 65% IIRC, and in certain areas much lower (North End, Beacon Hill, Fenway, Back Bay, Allston, Cleveland Circle in particular). It's not just about being able to afford a cheap used car or not. There's simply no space in these urban environments for everyone to be a car owner, and never has been. It's a matter of geometry. Cars take up a lot of room, and the only reason people are able to keep them at all in these neighborhoods is because most other people don't.

That's going to get strained as more people need housing and that's why I think it's important to encourage the growth of car-free or car-lite households. Because we don't need more traffic congestion and we don't need more air pollution.

I don't see "boulevardizing" Storrow Drive working against drivers. I think it makes it easier to get to destinations in the Back Bay. You might have to go a little slower, but the road's already signed for 40 mph, you know (and even 30 mph in some places).

At this point the CA/T already exists so I'm not looking to remove that. I would like the land above to be reclaimed for a proper park and some development instead of a glorified median strip, though.

It's funny how you are bringing up nearly your exact same points from this thread almost a month ago to the day, in which you stopped participating in the discussion once your argument was really challenged.

The second half of page six beginning with my post here, as well as most of page seven contains a ton of very good discussion on everything you are now repeating nearly verbatim, with good arguments from both sides.

To reiterate one of my points:

...don't think for one second I don't like cars. I love cars. I'm a massive auto fan, far more then I care about or like trains. That doesn't change the fact they are the worst option for transit in an urban environment. Saying that I hate cars is ridiculous: I hate wasteful, expensive, inefficient, selfish, demoralizing, hulking infrastructure. Especially when said infrastructure is taking away funds from a system that is vastly superior in almost every way. And for the places that it is not superior in: THAT'S WHY THERE ARE CARS. Please note I have not argued for rebuilding redundant rail lines in the country, tearing up interstates that exist within citys, banning cars from anywhere, or installing subway infrastructure where it is not warranted. The only highway I want to see torn out is Storrow, but that is for a return to parkland (as Storrow and his widow both wanted), and I do not support the riverbank subway in any of the iterations that have been discussed here.
So, funny story about the Bowker.

I was walking downtown along Commonwealth yesterday, minding my own business, listening to music and staring absentmindedly at the skyline. I just clear the underside of the Bowker and


an 80-pound rock the size of a watermelon crashes to the ground not ten feet behind me.


I was fortunate enough to have my iPod on me, so I could take some keepsake photos of my near-death experience. Here's the part of the overpass the rock fell out of (sorry about the angle):


I called the police, and when I was walking back hours later the spot was cordoned off. Here's the news story:
Maybe if we wait long enough the Bowker Overpass will tear itself down.
^ I raise you all 5,000.

Oh Lord Jesus, it's an 80 pound rarrk (rock).

Glad you're okay. You basically would have died... Seriously... Mass DOT is just gambling at this point.
Notice how the concrete spawled from one of the sections recently repaired. Take into consideration the significant swaths of the Bowker which were not recently repaired. MassDOT is gambling on this and someone is going to get hurt or killed. I imagine one of these days an overweight flatbed is going to plunge atop Commonwealth Avenue traffic at rush hour .
I seem to recall that at the McCarthy meeting MassDOT promised that if the bridge got structurally worse while they were working on it, they would shut it down.

Is this what's happening with the Bowker?
^ I raise you all 5,000.

Oh Lord Jesus, it's an 80 pound rarrk (rock).

Glad you're okay. You basically would have died... Seriously... Mass DOT is just gambling at this point.


It's pretty despicable that the overpass is in this state of (dis)repair. I wasn't the only one who could have bought it. When I looked back after the thud, there was a guy maybe 25 feet behind me, about 15 feet from where the rock fell. We looked at the rock and then at each other. It was a nice glad-we're-not-dead moment.

Who does one call to complain about this sort of thing? MassDOT? Mayor's office?
