About 2 weeks ago, I dropped my kid off at BU after he had been home for a few hours, and saw essentially that very view, but at night. The Data Sciences Center was lit up, and combined with the Hancock, Pru, and Four Seasons, formed a really big presence in the night time sky. Very spectacular, particularly when it was really just 4 buildings.kz1000ps that 1st pic though..
Such a great angle!
This is the kind of building that grows on you. At first it was like, what the.....?, but I'm getting it now.
In the last two photos, the sun-reflected angular offsets really work with the busy streetscape, the entire scene kind of Tokyo-ish in its kinetic energy. I give this building an A+. At first I was grumbling about it, but there I was, also complaining about Harvard Square not being daring enough lately, and so finally we do have something that is edgy and dynamic in this BU area, and it is working great. Thanks for the great photos, people, and straightening out my geezer mindset on this.