BU Data Sciences Center | 665 Commonwealth Avenue | BU Central

There is no "stacks of books" style sweeping Boston. All you are seeing is the current desires of highrise office tenants. This is what they want their office space to look like. In the 80s everyone wanted a corner office which lead to office buildings being built with lots of corners to create as many as possible. In the 2000's everyone wanted open plan offices which lead to moving the elevator core to a side of the building leaving blank walls on the exterior. Right now everyone wants outdoor space and the best ways to do that is to add balconies or offset volumes. We are not watching architects trying to build a style, we are watching architects trying to solve a problem.
^ Beeline’s recent views are the first that I’ve seen that do justice to the stacked-and-cantilevered design (which you do see from the Charles-side views but don’t really see from other angles).
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CCole, great photos! Thank you. Architecture aside, the quality of light in our city is so often truly remarkable. The Impressionists, I think, would have enjoyed it...

Mr. Sargent would like a word with you!
