This was the first expansion location of Radio Shack -- you could almost think of it as the babyhood home of Radio Shack*1,2AB exclusive: I think I'm the first to report (having just randomly stumbled across it in Norfolk registry records) BU's $50m purchase of 730-766 Commonwealth Ave. from an entity controlled by Druker. The sale was recorded last Thursday; link to deed here. ..... The cluster of buildings includes a CVS, Pavement coffee and Nud Pob (Thai food), and formerly housed Radio Shack and Guitar Center.
This purchase offers BU an opportunity to create a major statement at BU central, which I think they’ll take advantage of down the line.
Hopefully it’ll still include a retail component (ala a Holyoke center).
COM definitely!!! I imagine that BU would wait until the Data Science building is completed so that they could relocate the programs currently located in this block before any redevelopment is undertaken.I'm still trying to think of a large building that the school needs or intends to build. Now that the computer/data science center is a go, what's next? Law school got renovated so no new building there. They need another dorm but that's going in the student village on west campus.
They definitely need a new School of Communications. Might be a good place for it.
I'm still trying to think of a large building that the school needs or intends to build. Now that the computer/data science center is a go, what's next? Law school got renovated so no new building there. They need another dorm but that's going in the student village on west campus.
They definitely need a new School of Communications. Might be a good place for it.
Isn’t Nud Pob across the street?If BU kills Nud Pob I am suing for my tuition back
You are perhaps thinking of Noodle St. up the way. Nud Pob is between Pavement and the parking deck structure.Isn’t Nud Pob across the street?
Statler -- sorry to disappoint -- don't know anything about Toys R You Tube or whateverOh cool! Do Toy R' Us next!
This Peter Fuller building, built 1927 as a showroom for the luxury Cadillac line, was the last stop on a tour I took of Cottage Farm with an architectural historian. It was nicknamed "Fuller's Folly" because it was so far out in the country for such an opulent building (one of only a few Boston buildings designed by Albert Kahn). Alvan Fuller, Peters' father, had become so successful with his original Packard complex 20 years earlier that many automobile businesses followed to this stretch of Commonwealth, and by 1929 there were 117 car dealerships and auto-related businesses here.I believe the building was an auto dealership, as were several along Comm Ave. The building's been blocked up at least since I was there in 1970. It was, at the time, the obvious solution to creating office space on a road that was truly ugly, noisy (with T trains) and lacked any appeal except to rush up and down Comm Ave to classes. It was almost at the tail end of the campus since little was developed west of it until the west campus dorms were built, the sports field improved and the hockey rink built. The armory was still owned by the state and the area behind was undeveloped. West campus was considered back then "jock haven" and rather isolated from the rest of the campus.
It's really nice to see that stretch get a facelift and proper pedestrian + bike infrastructure. Even in the 3 years I've lived here, biking by it daily, it's been a big change and finally pleasant for bikers (except for all the people who don't look before crossing the lane to a crosswalk...). The glass along the street level is really inviting and BU did a great job furnishing the interiors with bright colorful furniture.
I've always felt pretty uneasy about the Booth theater nextdoor though. It's aggressively different without picking up many contextual cues. And while the entrance plaza is visually nice, the forward tilt of the facade has a pretty fatal flaw. A huge amount of the sound from the pike bounces right off and is deflected down at the plaza, so it's super noisy. And it's north facing so little to no direct sunlight. Pretty unwelcoming place to sit.