BU Development Thread

So the inside of Myles is looking very different. All historical stuff is gone

i lived in Myles in the late 80s, the historical stuff was already long gone at that point, unless you consider the bizarrely textured plaster in the hallways to be historic. I know a few years after I was there, they did some work in the cafeteria and other first floor spaces that may have brought somewhat of a faux historic look, but I think much of the original visual details from when Babe Ruth lived there disappeared long ago.


Okay, looking at the pictures, I now see what you mean. I can see what they've done and why they did it -- basically turning it in to a more standard student dorm style, but I really enjoyed the non-dorm quirks of the old floor plan, and the suites, rather than the individual rooms shown on the diagram. Sniff.
Okay, looking at the pictures, I now see what you mean. I can see what they've done and why they did it -- basically turning it in to a more standard student dorm style, but I really enjoyed the non-dorm quirks of the old floor plan, and the suites, rather than the individual rooms shown on the diagram. Sniff.

Yes it looks like they went to Dorms R Us.

There also used to be a nautical theming
Any good times I had living there had little to do with the décor, but I agree that it looked more like a 50's jobber than the original hotel. Even the former bar/speakeasy which was a study lounge was covered in 1980's carpeting from wall to wall. I do remember the dining room being somewhat ornate though and I'm glad they kept that.
Any good times I had living there had little to do with the décor, but I agree that it looked more like a 50's jobber than the original hotel. Even the former bar/speakeasy which was a study lounge was covered in 1980's carpeting from wall to wall. I do remember the dining room being somewhat ornate though and I'm glad they kept that.

No you misunderstood, the dining hall is completely gone. It is now a multipurpose room that can be seen in bdurden's photo (it was locked for me).

I do not know what was done to the "secondary" dining hall area (the back) or the kitchens in the basement.

But you are correct, the building was full of crappy carpeting and non-original flourescent lighting.

The historical stuff was limited to the dining hall, the first floor hallway, entrance way, and elevators. The service elevator was also very old, it had a chain door you manually opened and you had to open it at the right time to get your elevator to stop where you wanted it. The Annex elevator also looked to be original.


Now open (although work on the entrance courtyard continues): http://www.bu.edu/today/2017/new-joan-edgar-booth-theatre-opens/
AT first I thought man they messed up but then I realized this is an existing building they are renovating. Unfortunately the reno seems to be just lipstick on a pig.
They're expanding the footprint out and towards the rear and have been driving sheet piles for the past week or so. I live about 150 feet away on E. Brookline St and every morning I get a nice massage while standing in my kitchen making breakfast (and watch as chips of brick and bits of plaster fall off the walls and ceiling and into my coffee).
I prefer the existing iteration. It's blend-in ugly as opposed to stand-out ugly.
I prefer the existing iteration. It's blend-in ugly as opposed to stand-out ugly.
I wish I'd said that!

Remember that the first three floors opened in 1972. The upper floors were a vertical addition added a few years later. Now the rear addition and remuddling will create a true abomination.
It gives it the 21st century random window look rather than the current "can we make a building with this many windows still look like a bunker?" look. I think the splash of color is an improvement.
The brutalist exterior of the original building should have been respected.
Indeed. All this needed was refreshed 21st Century glazing. If the canopy were a must-have, this could have been the suggested pop of color, powder-coated I-beams in BU red.


Miles Standish Hall reno/reconstruction is just about done. The new pocket park at the Bay State Rd / Beacon Street fork also wrapping up. The final phase 3 renovation of the Miles Annex building is ongoing.
Not much of a park but certainly a great improvement.
Not much of a park but certainly a great improvement.

My favorite part is the curb extension at Charlesgate West. That will really slow the turn from Beacon onto Bay State! That was such a horrible spot for cyclists trying to continue straight on Beacon. Bravo BTD for requesting that!
My favorite part is the curb extension at Charlesgate West. That will really slow the turn from Beacon onto Bay State! That was such a horrible spot for cyclists trying to continue straight on Beacon. Bravo BTD for requesting that!

...and good for the BSR side, because that split from Beacon is such a notorious cabbie dragstrip. Never felt safe as a pedestrian crossing anywhere Raleigh St. south.
