Bush? BUSH!


Active Member
May 30, 2006
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Fuck Bush?

What does that have to do with anything? The state and towns are all controlled by Democrats.

Let's focus on the developments and not irrelevant political comments.
TallIsGood said:
Fuck Bush?

What does that have to do with anything? The state and towns are all controlled by Democrats.

Let's focus on the developments and not irrelevant political comments.

uh yeah, who the hell are you? I get the feeling from having been around this board for more than half an hour that the statement was probably in jest.
I've been around for years at least 5-6 years (probably longer than you). Started with Skyscraperguy and later this board. Just not posting much anymore due to work demands - just reading.

Thanks for the warm welcome!

p.s. Check the joined date for each of us . . . .
Ok guys, lets move along now.

Welcome, TallIsGood, sorry if my sarcasm was lost on you. This is the internet after all.
Haha jeez tallisgood, are you one of the like 20% of people that approve of Bush??? I never have seen someone get so offended by someone insulting the President lol And I don't understand why you would be around for so long and you talk about how we should keep it unpolitical and more about the architecture, yet 2 of your 3 posts are about a stupid sarcastic joke lol You say you have read the posts and been around the forum for a while, well have you not noticed that in just about every thread the discussion always veers off to a different topic, but eventually we get back on topic. It just seems insensible to me to get so defensive about a little sarcastic joke and then attack van, who is the moderator of this area of the forum. He is a good guy, and I started off with my problems, but improved lol
Now this is really off topic, but at least I am not insulting Bush I guess. Although he is a retarded, stubborn, redneck/moron... I guess he is our President so whatever. But it is hard to see the sarcasticness in a statement on the Internet, that's why I find it easier to show my sarcasticness by placing a smiley after it or putting an LOL/HAHA. On the web you just need to think harder about what people say and pay more attention to details and punctuation which give away that the person is being sarcastic. Everyone on the forum is pretty easy going and fun to talk to and can handle the jokes, but I guess their are exceptions.
All in all, the forum has a great atmosphere and their are a lot of fun and intelligent people to interact with.
Well that's my little spiel, it kinda was pointless, but it is late and I am bored so why not type a long ass lecture about something I should stay out of lol :lol:
^BostonBoy, if I corrected every solecism on this forum, I'd annoy the hell out of myself and everybody else, but I really can't let this one go: the noun corresponding to 'sarcastic' is 'sarcASM', not 'sarcasticness'. The latter hasn't made it to OED yet, though if you keep at it...


(Oh, while I'm at it, the customary adult punctuation is '.' rather than 'lol'.)
Interestingly enough, according to some dictionaries, sarcasticness is a word.
But the sentence should have stated: sarcasticness "of" rather than "in"
reference.com said:
Dictionary Entries
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source
sar?cas?tic /sɑrˈk?stɪk/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[sahr-kas-tik] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. of, pertaining to, or characterized by sarcasm: a sarcastic reply.
2. using or given to the use of sarcasm: to be sarcastic about ambition.
Also, sar?cas?ti?cal.

[Origin: 1685?95; sarc(asm) + -astic]

?Related forms
sar?cas?ti?cal?ly, adverb
sar?cas?tic?ness, sar?cas?ti?cal?ness, noun

?Synonyms 2. biting, cutting, mordant, bitter, derisive, ironic, sardonic. See cynical.
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, ? Random House, Inc. 2006.
Who knew?
statler said:
reference.com said:
Dictionary Entries
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source
sar?cas?tic /sɑrˈk?stɪk/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[sahr-kas-tik] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. of, pertaining to, or characterized by sarcasm: a sarcastic reply.
2. using or given to the use of sarcasm: to be sarcastic about ambition.
Also, sar?cas?ti?cal.

[Origin: 1685?95; sarc(asm) + -astic]

?Related forms
sar?cas?ti?cal?ly, adverb
sar?cas?tic?ness, sar?cas?ti?cal?ness, noun

?Synonyms 2. biting, cutting, mordant, bitter, derisive, ironic, sardonic. See cynical.
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, ? Random House, Inc. 2006.
Who knew?

apparently TheBostonBoy.

but more importantly, other than those who delight in correcting them, like justintacious, who knew what a solecism was?
haha well I am in Honors English class, so i do know some things about punctuation and grammar
TheBostonBoy said:
haha well I am in Honors English class, so i do know some things about punctuation and grammar
Use those things! They are good and needful things.
TheBostonBoy said:
i do know some things about punctuation and grammar

I've heard some odd cultural variations...but who calls their grandfather "punctuation?"
TheBostonBoy said:
haha well I am in Honors English class, so i do know some things about punctuation and grammar

Wait, this logic doesn't make any sense.
Patrick said:
like justintacious,

lol lol lol

(and I don't mean ellipsis). I would have spelled it justintatious, but I've learned my lesson not to go out on the limb before checking the OED, and justintacious is fine. What an amazingly catholic language.

vanshnookenraggen said:
TheBostonBoy wrote:
haha well I am in Honors English class, so i do know some things about punctuation and grammar

Wait, this logic doesn't make any sense.
What logic are you talking about?
justin said:
Patrick said:
like justintacious,

lol lol lol

(and I don't mean ellipsis). I would have spelled it justintatious, but I've learned my lesson not to go out on the limb before checking the OED, and justintacious is fine. What an amazingly catholic language.


Look, Justin, you clearly have a strong command of the English language, which is definitely a plus for you, but in my opinion, since you are too smart to not realize you are not writing in a completely educated forum, speaking in terms so far removed from the vulgates is a little ostentaTious, hence the nickname. really, though, no offense intended.
^oh, none taken whatsoever; I thought your pun was hilarious (and spelling it with a 'c' is correct, if rare, as you taught me). If I ratcheted my vocab a bit of late, it's just a reaction to run-on sentences punctuated by simpering. And there is no shame, even for the 'vulgates', in occasionally learning a useful new word.

