Cambridge Infill and Small Developments

More park news - Binney St Park looks super close to opening. Construction vehicles are gone. Just the fence remains. Large portion is a dog park, but there is a lot of seating outside of the park. Curious how busy it will be during lunch come Springtime. This is at Binney, Galelio Gallalee way, and Main st, adjacent to Grand Junction tracks. Was supposed to be completed 'summer 2024'. Quick internet search couldn't find any notice of 'opening day'. And apologies for the rotation - didn't feel like going to photoshop to make the rotation look prettier.

Can't wait for the fencing to come down--will make navigating that area on foot much easier!
A couple of small projects:

CHA Jefferson Park groundbreaking occurred recently:

Thanks for the update. I lived there 1954 to 1966. At the time it wasn't bad, with ample open space and playgrounds within the housing project grounds. The adjacent North Cambridge neighborhood was very pleasant, friendly and walkable.

It does pain me a bit to see it disappear, as it is where I grew up, but as my Irish uncle used to say; "When you gotta go, you gotta go."
Thanks for the update. I lived there 1954 to 1966. At the time it wasn't bad, with ample open space and playgrounds within the housing project grounds. The adjacent North Cambridge neighborhood was very pleasant, friendly and walkable.

It does pain me a bit to see it disappear, as it is where I grew up, but as my Irish uncle used to say; "When you gotta go, you gotta go."
“Hopes and dreams don’t build housing. Money does.” Yup
A few infill projects in the Port:

114-116 Prospect Street--4 BR 4.5 BA, $2.695 mil (for one of the units).

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213 Harvard Street Condominiums

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How do people feel about the white lap siding at 286 Broadway? It looks weirdly cheap and out of place when compared to the other two materials that seem to be trying to go for a contemporary look
Stumbled across this open house today near Inman. This is a 4,500 sq ft new build SFH on the market for just under $5m. I asked the realtor what was there previously and they said a 2-family. This type of conversions should be illegal.

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Some context: the developer originally tried to make this a two-family, but needed a curb cut to meet the parking minimums that were in place. Neighbors, driven by the church next door, opposed. So, developer went with a single family that they could do by right. If BZA process wasn't such a nightmare or the zoning change to eliminate parking minimums was already in place, there could have been a better solution that involved getting zoning relief. Still, the developer took a high-handed approach and against common sense built a luxury-priced home on an inappropriate site (directly up against a busy street in an decidedly non-luxury area). It has been languishing on the market for a year with the original asking price dropping from $4,750,000 to $3,699,000. It would not be surprising to see it go below $3,000,000. The uninspired exterior styling probably doesn't help.
More park news - Binney St Park looks super close to opening. Construction vehicles are gone. Just the fence remains. Large portion is a dog park, but there is a lot of seating outside of the park. Curious how busy it will be during lunch come Springtime. This is at Binney, Galelio Gallalee way, and Main st, adjacent to Grand Junction tracks. Was supposed to be completed 'summer 2024'. Quick internet search couldn't find any notice of 'opening day'. And apologies for the rotation - didn't feel like going to photoshop to make the rotation look prettier.
This park has an opening celebration tomorrow morning.
747 Cambridge St This did not come out as promising as the rendering. (The old Polish Club)

View attachment 48351
Looks like the plan got modified to drop the small balcony at the front and add a box on top of the three stories. Dropping the balcony just makes this a box, kind of sad.

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