Carbon Taxes and Global Warming

"The way people live their lives today" is an anomoly of the last fifty years brought about by policies that aren't sustainable any more. "Brave 2009 planners" realize this and no longer let drivers unduely influence transportation planning and policy.
rather than saying "society is wrong, and we must shutter and abandon the suburbs, cities will rise again, we will radically re-work human society in America, and therefore I am planning for this future radical world, completely ignoring the way people live their lives today"

Who is saying this?
Classic straw man argument.
"Underground" is saying this. Something about how our society is wrong, and in the future a radical re-drawing from suburbs back to old cities is how we will live.

My reaction is, that's nice, now can we plan and build architecture for today and the next few decades and not some far-off la-la land?
Where does the $0.66 come from? You mean on top of all of the other fees and surcharges? Sure, what the hell another $0.66 is nothing! Lay it on me, and keep jacking up all the other fees and taxes, who cares? What's the big deal?

The study of economics and its long history has no place in Massachusetts politics. Unions need to be paid, work needs to be created, the monster needs to be fed, not killed off.
"Underground" is saying this. Something about how our society is wrong, and in the future a radical re-drawing from suburbs back to old cities is how we will live.
Huh? I'm pretty sure I said that Government Policy is unsustainable, not that Society is wrong.

Correct me if I'm wrong but one of your arguments about mass-transit is how inconvenient it is and how our society has evolved to use the automobile, which it far more convenient than the T.

I agree that the automobile is more convenient right now, but you miss one HUGE thing. The mass-transit system will evolve, too. In most places, mass-transit is more convenient than driving. That's what the fee is for-more money for mass-transit, to make it more convenient to use-in the cities and in the suburbs.
Where does the $0.66 come from?

My mistake. You wrote wife and two kids, but somehow I read one. $0.50 per person rather. Your whole issue is with paying fifty cents more each for a family of four to park at the airport.

The other fees you mentioned are not related. As with the airport, roads do not build and maintain themselves. If you want to use them, you're going to need to pay for them. Tolls are one way for you to do this, gas tax is another, and if we're nitpicking...

Gas tax increased raises drive to airport $2-3 for metrowest family of four
Are the four of you each driving your own Hummer and towing a boat? We're talking nineteen cents a gallon here. Where do you get $2-3?

Again, if we want to have the conveniences of society, we need to pay for them. If we don't, who will? Where will the money come from? Do you think it make more sense to charge the people who are actually using these things or to raise taxes on everyone?
