Chelsea Infill and Small Developments

That map predates the SL3/SL Gateway project ever even getting funding or starting construction. The SL3 stations already have their final names. The only thing that has to happen is for the commuter rail station to move into its new permanent position.
City Manager: 458 Broadway, the former Salvation Army Store: Plans are to have commercial space on the street level and 4 floors of living space. Planning stages to start 02/11/2020.
City Manager: 458 Broadway, the former Salvation Army Store: Plans are to have commercial space on the street level and 4 floors of living space. Planning stages to start 02/11/2020.
In case anyone is wondering why the building at 460 Broadway has the name "Freeman building" carved near the roofline, it was the home of Freeman's Drug Store back in the 1950's and 1960's.


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Some Development Projects to keep an eye on:

1. Former Salvation Army Store in Downtown Chelsea (Broadway)--- 4 Additional floors of living space above the ground floor retail space; added parking in the back.
2. Former Midas Lot (Upper Broadway/Revere Line)
3. Former Steward Nursing Home, 932 Broadway (Upper Broadway)--- proposed: 27 Market Rate Condos, 6 Affordable Housing
4. Former 7-11 on Washington Ave--- 24 Condos
5. Spencer Flats @ 254 Spencer Ave--- 5 Market Rate Units:
6. 51 Crescent Ave--- 8 Market Rate Units, 2 Affordable Housing Units
7. Forbes Park Project

Infrastructure Projects:

1. MASSDOT: Replacement of the "Chelsea Curves" portion of Rt 1
2. MASSDOT: Chelsea Viaducts Replacements
3. MASSDOT: 5th Street Tobin On Ramp Rehab.
4. CITY: Upper Broadway Complete Rehab--- replacement of Road (Broadway) from City Hall to the Revere City Line, Sidewalk, Lighting and possible bike lines.
5. CITY/MBTA: Bus Only Lane from Bellingham Square thru Third Street (Pilot Program)
6. CITY: Re-imaging Broadway: Complete makeover of Downtown Chelsea (Broadway): Replacement of Road, Reducing Car Traffic to 1 Lane, Bike Lanes, Consolidation of Bus Stops, Updating Bus Stops, Widening of Sidewalks, Crosswalk Bump out, Updating Lighting and providing a Face lift to most of the retail shops' storefront & signs.
7. CITY: Beacham Street Rehab (Spruce St to the Everett City Line): Replacement of road, installing new sidewalks, adding Bike Lanes, updating lighting, flood prevention work
8. CITY/BB/LYFT: Installation of 5 new Blue Bike Stations throughout the City.
Having the silver line station directly connected to the CR station is going to use two subpar systems to their maximum effect, creating a pretty decent transit system for Chelsea in lieu of a heavy rail subway connection.
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OK...I guess they're sort of topping off those high-concept shelter blocks now. Why has so little else seemed to move with this station site in >3 months? The platform support stilts were all poured last week of March/first 2 wks. of April. It's nigh July 1. :(
OK...I guess they're sort of topping off those high-concept shelter blocks now. Why has so little else seemed to move with this station site in >3 months? The platform support stilts were all poured last week of March/first 2 wks. of April. It's nigh July 1. :(
A lot of the work has been on the crossings lately. There have been CR shutdowns and road closures several times over the past months as they work on overhauling the grade crossings. They also recently lost FRA approval for the quiet zone in the area making that work even more important.
