Chelsea Infill and Small Developments

So? If they're adjunct faculty it's probably because they're not terribly talented instructors, there's little demand for their specialty or they don't have great credentials.

Yes, everyone is paid exactly what their worth there are no structural forces at play. There was no neoliberal turn in academia, there has been no explosion of administrative positions and pay for heads of colleges, there has been no deliberate effort to reduce the job security of academics and bring as many people into adjunct status as possible, it is all just a bunch of people not deserving of anything better. You are all completely blind to class society and I will keep saying it. You all so easily fall into the most baseless of capitalist lies that people individually are to blame for whatever struggles they may face, it must be comforting to think that in your luxury condos but it wont be when desperation really sets in.
Please don’t. Its rather tedious, like listening to someone who really hates dancing.

In fairness, kmp's constant insistence that everything is perfectly fair and meritocratic is also incredibly tedious.

I agree we should shift these discussions to threads outside of the architectural area, but you can't ask one side to do it and not the other. So long as kmp is going to drop these turds of ignorance into the development threads, then folks like cole have a right to rebut them.
In fairness, kmp's constant insistence that everything is perfectly fair and meritocratic is also incredibly tedious.

I agree we should shift these discussions to threads outside of the architectural area, but you can't ask one side to do it and not the other. So long as kmp is going to drop these turds of ignorance into the development threads, then folks like cole have a right to rebut them.

Of course he does. And I have a right to point out that he’s being tedious.
In fairness, kmp's constant insistence that everything is perfectly fair and meritocratic is also incredibly tedious.

I agree we should shift these discussions to threads outside of the architectural area, but you can't ask one side to do it and not the other. So long as kmp is going to drop these turds of ignorance into the development threads, then folks like cole have a right to rebut them.

I never intended to say it was perfectly fair but if someone is a capable and well-rounded scholar and teacher in a relevant discipline then at some point they’ll find a place willing to hire them to a tenure track or full-time position. They might have to stoop to Kansas State or Fargo Community College but a job’s a job and it's a lot easier to find a better one when you have one to begin with. If they’ve exhausted all avenues of full-time employment and can’t find such a position it’s probably because they were less qualified than others or there’s not enough demand for their specialty to justify more than an adjunct position and compensation, i.e. byzantine basket weaving is only offered in spring semesters of odd years and even then only five people sign up. If they do feel as though they’re undervalued then they should unionize and fight for better wages and if that doesn’t work out, maybe learn a trade or drive for Uber. Would anyone be tying themselves up in knots to explain and excuse under-employed accountants or attorneys?
I never intended to say it was perfectly fair but if someone is a capable and well-rounded scholar and teacher in a relevant discipline then at some point they’ll find a place willing to hire them to a tenure track or full-time position. They might have to stoop to Kansas State or Fargo Community College but a job’s a job and it's a lot easier to find a better one when you have one to begin with. If they’ve exhausted all avenues of full-time employment and can’t find such a position it’s probably because they were less qualified than others or there’s not enough demand for their specialty to justify more than an adjunct position and compensation, i.e. byzantine basket weaving is only offered in spring semesters of odd years and even then only five people sign up. If they do feel as though they’re undervalued then they should unionize and fight for better wages and if that doesn’t work out, maybe learn a trade or drive for Uber. Would anyone be tying themselves up in knots to explain and excuse under-employed accountants or attorneys?

...sure, there's a logic to how they could perhaps eventually earn more. You happened to pick on a particularly nuanced example of wage determination, one that is tied to complex legacy institutional phenomena, and did so in a broad-brush way ("it's probably because they're not terribly talented instructors"...). The demand side of your argument (e.g., what topic they teach) I can generally agree with, but as I pointed out in my prior post on the last page, this is an instance where someone chooses their specialty ~8 years before they hit the labor of all the people to pick on...

And, yeah, sure, they could move to Kansas. But the point is that there will be a large number of them here, given the massive number of university students in boston. Hopefully they eventually leverage a collective voice and improve their wages, but in the mean time, let's cut these folks some slack. They are a group that shoulders a massive burden toward what makes Boston the elite university city that it is.
I'm reading these posts and what I'm getting out of them is--- I HAVE MINE SCREW YOU. (That type of thinking has consequences)
I do believe we have a serious income inequality in housing going on in Mass its very apparent when I hang out on the Seaport on the weekend the different type of class of people in the area.

What are people worth?
Are you entitled to a job because you have a PH'D in something?

What they don't teach you in school is helping students become self-sufficient and how to market themselves and their own specialized skills to the market place. Our school systems are teaching our children that you get good education then go work for a corporation. That is the wrong way of thinking.

The corporations are nothing more than a machine that will chew you up and spit you out without anytype of a emotion.

Boston is a hotbed for the corporations now which is driving up housing prices. The corporations have realized that a lot of the critical thinkers and innovators come to Boston to make the world a better place now the corporate parasites are coming up to steal the ideas or recruit the talent.

Chelsea in a few years will continue to force out the poor and become a more hip and vibrant place in my opinion. I believe downtown Chelsea has a great future just based on its BONES.
In fairness, kmp's constant insistence that everything is perfectly fair and meritocratic is also incredibly tedious.

I agree we should shift these discussions to threads outside of the architectural area, but you can't ask one side to do it and not the other. So long as kmp is going to drop these turds of ignorance into the development threads, then folks like cole have a right to rebut them.

The devaluation of educators from preschool to grad school (in both economic and societal terms) is a topic worthy of our national dialog. The fact what we're living through an era that some consider a "populist political revolution" adds some depth and urgency to the discussion. We'd do well to think about the many ways that populism plays a role in anti-intellectual sentiments in some corners of our society, and how this can deeply harm the integrity of our democracy.

In brief, aware and discerning people build and maintain places of value. Removing the knowledge, tools, and catalysts for evolved thinking from even a portion of the population is the handiwork of fools.
Boston is a hotbed for the corporations now which is driving up housing prices. The corporations have realized that a lot of the critical thinkers and innovators come to Boston to make the world a better place now the corporate parasites are coming up to steal the ideas or recruit the talent.

What is your opinion of urban development in Caracas? No corporate parasites there.
Well this last page of posts certainly has been informative about Chelsea's projects and construction. Thank you for all the pictures and information that can only be found on Archboston. I sure am glad I stopped by!
Well this last page of posts certainly has been informative about Chelsea's projects and construction. Thank you for all the pictures and information that can only be found on Archboston. I sure am glad I stopped by!

Does it really matter? The site's going to be dead in a month.
Well this last page of posts certainly has been informative about Chelsea's projects and construction. Thank you for all the pictures and information that can only be found on Archboston. I sure am glad I stopped by!

Yeah I think the last page of posts have been amazing since Chelsea is on the upswing from its 1990's bankruptcy that Boston University was granted receivership I believe.

Also I believe that Mass houses a good majority of illegals in the Chelsea area.
Maybe we can get Foreigners to invest in Chelsea and fast track them to citizenship to drive up the real estate prices?
Anyone know when the new Innes Apartments proposal is expected? I read it was coming in March...and it's almost June. Haha.
Baywood Hotels had proposed a Boutique Style Hotel on Second Street (behind Market Basket), but the last I heard from this project was that it was in the beginning stages, however I do see that the site is being prepped (for possible demolishing)?

Developers (Traggorth Companies) have met with many Mill Hill residents in what looks to be a multi-meeting discussion regarding a 5-story, 42 Units (1-3 BRs) with 42 Parking spot affordable housing building at the old Midas Location (Chelsea/Revere Border, adjacent to the new Hotel).

Forbe's developers had come back to the table to propose a project that would include 600 Units, some office & retail space. GreenRoots organization is helping bring the Chelsea Residents & the developer's reps come together and further discuss this project.
