Cities in Motion 2: Boston


Senior Member
Mar 3, 2012
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This is a very early version but I figure I might as well put it out there for people to enjoy: a map of Boston (version 0.5-alpha). If you have the game, have fun. If not, well I see that it's on sale this week on Steam for half-price. ;)




The main arterial, highway and rail network is largely in place. I've done local streets here and there. What I haven't done, by and large, is buildings and parks. There's a few sections done as an experiment but you'll have to rely on the automatic city growth function to supply the rest. Which produces weird results, oh well. But you'll get to see what Brighton would look like with skyscrapers!

The game has a relatively simple model of roads so I can't duplicate all the fancy shmancy traffic engineering we're all familiar with, but I've tried to interpret it as closely as possible. Also CIM2 does not really support the idea of a subway-surface tram, so that's been cobbled together with a hybrid approach, with underground pedestrian tunnels and metro tracks.

The terrain is generated by map4cim which imports elevation files and produces a streetmap texture (that you can see). I dampened the hills a bit though, to make it easier to build, and because the elevation data is really not that precise. Grade separations basically have to all be done by hand, and for some reason, even the coastline didn't come out quite right so that had to be fixed too.

I intend to keep adding more to it over time, so keep an eye out for future versions. Maybe even a 1.0 some day.
This is pretty cool. I look forward to seeing how it turns out.
Never heard of this game. How do you win?
Just got this game the other day, looks like I have to try this out. Was wondering if something like this was possible
How does it work? Do you just lay out the transportation infrastructure and the rest of the city grows?
Yes, the auto-growth mode means that the game uses some algorithm to place buildings according to the transportation infrastructure around it.

There are campaigns but I haven't defined any for this map. Maybe in the future. I just use sandbox mode for now.
Pretty much you also have to create each mass transit line and adjust the schedule, buy the vehicles, etc.
What are your takes on the DLCs? Worth the additional cost or can do without?
I haven't bought one. There's a few free ones. Monorails seem pointless, at least they were in the last game.
I had nothing going on tonight so I grabbed a beer, turned on unlimited money and added in the rapid transit lines.

Overall map:

B Line fucked as always:

Night shot over the Common

Congestion in the central subway entering Boylston

Bowdoin-Geneva looks a little different in my game...

A quick stab at a Red/Blue Connector, in this case surfacing in Cambridge Street and running into the existing MGH station.

Here's a link to the save game:

  • Download the Boston Map, obviously.
  • Download the "City Planner" ruleset from Steam Workshop.
  • Buy and download the "Metro Madness" DLC (Only needed for the commuter rail. I'm not sure what happens if you try to load the save game wihtout having the DLC. If it's totally non-functional and there's interest I can strip those out and upload a DLC-free version)

Here's what's in the savefile:
  • Red, Blue, Orange Lines
  • B/C/D/E Green Line
  • 2, 4, 5 Silver Lines
  • CT1,2,3
  • Fairmount Line
  • Needham Line
  • Commuter rail to JFK and back

Putting this together was fun as hell, and I'll probably pick it up again in a few days to do things like restore the A train on the Green Line, build Silver Line Phase 3, do the Urban Ring, and try out some of the ideas in the Crazy Transit thread.

The big problem with my save game is the Cities in Motion rules that define things like speeds and maintenance. The default ruleset, and the custom ruleset I usually play with, aren't great for a map this big. For example, the walking radiuses around Red Line stations are only about a fifth of a mile! I would suggest making a custom ruleset (go to tools and then the ruleset editor). There are a lot of little tweaks you can do like increasing the station radiuses, and little Boston touches like increasing driver aggressiveness and pedestrian walking speeds.

Matthew, here's a few issues with the map alpha:
  • Many of the rapid transit depots are way off the map, so I just added depots at the nearest edge, such as at Airport Station and North Quincy
  • There's a gap in the green line tracks near Science Park
  • The pedestrian/tram/subway workaround for the greenline isn't implemented for Symphony and Prudential Stations
  • Missing the Summer Street Bridge into Southie

Amazing work and I'm looking forwards to version 1.0!
Awesome shots man!!! This game's graphics look gorgeous.

B Line fucked as always:
Storrow EB is also fucked in that pic. Hahaha.

Does the program give you any transit station usage statistics? I'm curious how many people are using Bowdoin in the simulation. =P
Nice! Great to see someone enjoying the map.

There's a few issues that I have building up on a list. Thanks for the additional tips.

Oddly enough I found the B branch to be working smoothly in my test save. Slow but functional. Maybe yours are getting backed up from some traffic, or from custom rulesets? Also what kind of schedule did you set on it?

Storrow will always be fucked. Every car lines up for Arlington Street, it seems. And I can't forbid certain turns, so they get backed up making left turns. And the simulation does something stupid for merging on the highway, because it blocks up all the lanes. Needs a bugfix I think.

Most of the depots, sadly, will be off the map because of size limitations. I encourage people to improvise. I may cut off a bit at the ends actually, to make that a little easier. The one area I am rethinking is Reservoir which barely has enough room for 1 maybe 2 depots. Maybe it's better to just anchor the 3 branches separately.

I also noticed a gap somewhere around Copley/Hynes. Oops. I guess you found that one too.

I didn't get to finishing the Southie grid yet so I'll add the bridge when I do.

Rulesets can be released separately from maps, so please share!
In case anybody other than me cares, there is now a Linux version on Steam...
