Columbus Center: RIP | Back Bay

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Re: Columbus Center

. . . My discussion was that building on land is cheaper than building on just air right.

No, your argument is not ?building on land? versus ?building on just air right? [sic]._ Your argument has always been that you refuse to believe that Columbus Center?s TDC (Total Development Cost) is less in the air than it would be on the ground._ You?ve offered no proof, only your insistence and your belief.

Every single time you resume this argument, you ignore the meaning of TDC._ You are doing that again by substituting ?building? for TDC.

The facts and figures in the public records already proved that CC?s TDC is less in air than it would be on land._ Those facts and figures were posted in this forum.

You switch to new vocabulary every time you want to re-start the same old argument, but you?re not fooling anybody (except perhaps yourself).

When comparing CC?s air-based-TDC vs. its land-based-TDC, it is irrelevant to consider other projects at other locations._ Doing that just introduces irrelevant factors that obscure the answer.

. . . One Kenmore is on 50% land while CC is on 5% and that they estimated One Kenmore is more expensive than CC.

Firstly, One Kenmore no longer exists._ Over one year ago, the original One Kenmore proposal was re-proposed as Fenway Center._ Re-read both proposals, because it was far more than just a name change.

Secondly, you can not intelligently argue that ?Fenway is more expensive than Columbus? as you wrote._ Fenway?s gross square footage is 800,000 square feet, but Columbus? is 1,526,700._ Fenway?s most recent estimate is $450 million (Boston Globe, 20 August 2009) but Columbus? is $850 million (Boston Herald, 11 July 2009). Size and cost are about half at Fenway of what they are at Columbus.

Thirdly, one project costing more than a different project is irrelevant, because comparing land-based percentages from different sites doesn?t prove anything about the original argument that you resurrect every few months:_ how CC?s TDC is less in air than on land._ That argument requires comparing the same project, to itself, in air versus on land._ In the context of that argument, comparing different projects, sizes, and locations is meaningless.

. . . I'm focusing on the date they have given which is what we are discussing.

No, we are not discussing dates._ Dates are irrelevant to the original question of how CC?s TDC is less in air than on land.

. . . They may not know the exact cost to build it but they do recognize that it cost more to build over the turnpike than on the ground.

Untrue, at both sites._ At Columbus, I already posted the arithmetic that proved CC?s TDC is less in air than on land._ At Fenway, no one knows the TDC yet, so trying to move this argument to that site is pointless, because the cost data needed to resolve it won?t be available for a few more years.

You should decide exactly what it is that you want to argue, and on what bases, before you post any further._ And if you do try to start this argument again, post your proof, with supporting arithmetic and applicable logic, and show your work.

So far, the only thing you have proven is that you do not know what TDC is, or what it includes, or how to compare it, or what the public records show as the Columbus TDC.
Re: Columbus Center

No, your argument is not ?building on land? versus ?building on just air right? [sic]._ Your argument has always been that you refuse to believe that Columbus Center?s TDC (Total Development Cost) is less in the air than it would be on the ground._ You?ve offered no proof, only your insistence and your belief.

You offer no proof either. Show me the TDC of a CC size development on land and compare it to the cost of CC. So shut you yap about my beliefs until you can prove yours.

Thirdly, one project costing more than a different project is irrelevant, because comparing land-based percentages from different sites doesn?t prove anything about the original argument that you resurrect every few months:_ how CC?s TDC is less in air than on land._ That argument requires comparing the same project, to itself, in air versus on land._ In the context of that argument, comparing different projects, sizes, and locations is meaningless.

You have yet to show me this example. Your argument is meaningless as well then.

Untrue, at both sites._ At Columbus, I already posted the arithmetic that proved CC?s TDC is less in air than on land._ At Fenway, no one knows the TDC yet, so trying to move this argument to that site is pointless, because the cost data needed to resolve it won?t be available for a few more years.
Read what I wrote and the quote I quoted. I said that although the government does not know the exact cost of the deck, they acknowledged that it cost more than a project built over land. Read! instead of putting words in my mouth.
Re: Columbus Center

You offer no proof either . . . You have yet to show me this example . . .

On the contrary, the proof has been given and referred to many times._ It?s been available to you for over a year._ Re-read the proof.

■ My post #1278 on 21 August 2008
■ My post #1411 on 28 September 2008
■ My post #1435 on 29 September 2008
■ My post #1450 on 05 October 2008

. . . I said that although the government does not know the exact cost of the deck, they acknowledged that it cost more than a project built over land.

No, that?s not what you wrote._ This is what you wrote.
. . . They may not know the exact cost to build it but they do recognize that it cost more to build over the turnpike than on the ground.

You continue to fool yourself by repeating your original mistake:_ you forget (or never learned to begin with) that ?cost to build? is not the same as ?TDC (Total Development Cost)?._ You will remain confused until you stop treating these two different costs as exactly the same._ Learn the difference, because therein lies the answer.
Re: Columbus Center

^*^^ THIS is being my point two. And why I am saying Mr Ned F. SPANKING your bear BOTTUMS like leathermans in knotty bar!!!
Re: Columbus Center

Don?t flush just yet; your conclusion lacks a rationale, so it is irrelevant.

? Perhaps you are disappointed that Columbus Center?s supporters wrote letters only after being offered inducements?
? Perhaps you are discouraged that other endorsers wrote while employed by or dependent upon the development team?
? Are you dismayed that people seeking work in development appeared during the pep rally?
? Are you frustrated that the mayor ignored each letter writer?s identity and affiliation, and merely tallied each piece of paper as a ?yes? or ?no? vote?
? Are you disgusted that unsigned, anonymous pieces of paper were treated as legitimate?
? Don?t you think it?s fraudulent to count the same letter more than once?

After missing hundreds of public meetings, did you care what the public comments were?

Did you pull the comment letters and review them yourself?

What did you see?

Has it ever occured to you that some of us know you IRL, not just on the internet? And that some of us may be useful to you IRL? Limited gains, acting like this to people.

My blas?, "oh look, it's Ned and his killer particulates again," attitude of indulgence was soured by your blanket indictment of anyone supporting this project. You're not subtle in your suggestions of outright bribery. Since you're upfront about who you are, if I was one of the people being accused of this, I'd ask counsel if it's actionable.

But that's not my point. My point is: who wouldn't want to benefit from something being built in their neighborhood?!? We live in a commonwealth. When what you do can benefit me, and what I do can benefit you, we're all the better.

Can I always want more than is possible? Sure, but that doesn't mean I cut my nose off to spite my face.

You ask, "What did I see?"

I saw opportunity. I saw a project to employ construction workers during a depression. I saw a neighborhood scar, erased. I saw a project that was flawed in many ways. I saw a process as broken as it's ever been. I saw a project that was good in many ways. I saw a new building. I saw opportunity.

I did not see a cure to everything you think is wrong with Boston---in your words, "public process, master planning, taxation, elected officials, bribery, public subsidies to private profiteers, and much more"---but then again, I was looking for a building, not a leprachuan riding a magic unicorn dispensing wishes with his faery wand.

I reach my conclusions based on my experience, education, understanding of history, and conversation. My best conclusion after reading your latest missives, is to join others in politely marginalizing you.
Re: Columbus Center

. . . Has it ever occured to you that some of us know you IRL, not just on the internet? And that some of us may be useful to you IRL? . . .

I research facts, and post them here, under my real name, for others to discuss._ It?s totally irrelevant whether some ? or all ? or none ? of the forum members know me personally, because my messages aren?t about me, they?re about the built environment from the perspective of the 14-year-old Columbus Center._ I joined the forum only to share key facts that no one else was sharing; I did not join to find people to ?use? (your word).

. . . You're not subtle in your suggestions of outright bribery. Since you're upfront about who you are, if I was one of the people being accused of this, I'd ask counsel if it's actionable. . .

No, you wouldn?t, because none of it is actionable, since all of it is true._ The culprits know they haven?t a leg to stand on, and they know that the proof is in the public records._ Consequently, not one of them has ever voiced a single objection._ They?d rather these facts not be publicized, of course, but they never object, because it?s all true.

. . . My point is: who wouldn't want to benefit from something being built in their neighborhood?!? . . .

The Columbus Center proposal is not merely ?something built in a neighborhood? as you wrote.

● It represents the permanent consumption of public space, so it needs competitive bidding and Master Plan compliance.
● The owners proposed it as subsidy-free, but then sought 19 subsidies totaling $605 million, so it needs an independent public audit of all costs, revenues, profits, and subsidies.
● Subsidy applications contain fraudulent claims, so they need serious investigation.

And so on.

Some forum members believe that ?building something is always better than building nothing.?_ It is one of the favorite mantras of the BEEARN (Build Everything, Everywhere, All-the-time, Right-away, No-matter-what) crowd._ It is a falsehood._ ?Something? isn?t always better than nothing, and even when it might be, we should aspire to results far greater than the guaranteed mediocrity of just ?something.?

For 14 years, I have said the Columbus Center proposal would end just as it has:_ un-permitted, un-insured, un-subsidized, un-financed, and un-built._ For 14 years, I have said that the most important thing that we, as a society, could do is get competitive bids, from qualified developers, with full financial disclosure, who comply with the Master Plan, and who do no net harm to the environment._ Had we done that 14 years ago, something beneficial would be here today._ The sooner we take those steps, the sooner something beneficial will arrive.

I have been an ardent advocate for developing all I-90 air rights citywide for 18 years. _ But I also know a pig-in-a-poke when I see one, and Columbus Center has proven to be exactly that.

. . . You ask, "What did I see?" I saw opportunity. I saw a project to employ construction workers during a depression. I saw a neighborhood scar, erased. I saw a project that was flawed in many ways. I saw a process as broken as it's ever been. I saw a project that was good in many ways. I saw a new building. . .

I saw those things, too, so perhaps we?re not so far apart in ideals._ But I also realized that none of the benefits you imagined would ever arise from this proposal._ For 14 years, I said we should either improve the current proposal, or else reject it._ Every prediction I made has come true, so I?m still advocating.

By the way, I did not ask what you saw through rose-colored glasses; I asked what you saw in the public comment letters._ That?s where I found that so many of the people cheerleading for the project were also pulling cash out of it.

. . . I was looking for a building, not a leprachuan riding a magic unicorn dispensing wishes with his faery wand. . .

You set your sights too low._ Looking for no more than just ?a building? is what led you to fall head over heels, hope, pray, and get your heart broken._ Had you held out for higher standards, you would never have been surprised by how this proposal has ended._ And if enough people had collectively held out for higher standards, all this could have been avoided, and something beneficial would have been built years ago._ As it is, all we did was waste 20 years:_ 1996 - 2016 (lawsuits take time).

. . . My best conclusion . . . is to join others in politely marginalizing you.

When you choose to marginalize someone else because they brought you facts you wish they hadn?t, then you end up marginalizing yourself most of all._ I?ve been a staunch advocate of air rights re-use for 18 years, and will continue advocating for responsible development._ If you also want responsible development, then never forget the facts in the current public records, and insist on higher standards next time.
Re: Columbus Center

I being mispelting BEARRn when talkking of spankd bottum. I was SORRY about this and croooked peoples who steal THE RIGHTS.
Re: Columbus Center

No, that?s not what you wrote._ This is what you wrote.

Are you serious? I'm sorry I didn't copy and paste what i posted earlier and thus what I wrote wasn't word to word. I don't understand why you pick on the smallest detail. Here's my point: The government i.e. the Patrick administration is giving money to the Fenway Center for the purpose of helping to cover the extra cost for building over the turnpike even though they do not know the exact cost of building over the deck. Read the article. It says there clearly.

And no I don't take you One Franklin comparison as valid. Why? One Franklin required the demolition of a building, the preservation of a facade, size is 1/5 different, the design is different which may require more or less steel and concrete to strengthen the structure. And if you are claiming that I am being nitpicky about details, I'm following your example. Although you did not say it straightforward, you criticize my comparison because it's not a "perfect match." Well let me tell you this. Your comparison isn't either.
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Re: Columbus Center

KentXie, why bother? All you're doing is feeding the troll, and this thread has been a stalemate for how many months now?
Re: Columbus Center

KentXie, why bother? All you're doing is feeding the troll, and this thread has been a stalemate for how many months now?

kz is right. Don't know why it took me so long. I guess my moms dropped me on my head during a few of her gin-enhanced constitutionals.
Re: Columbus Center

KentXie, why bother? All you're doing is feeding the troll, and this thread has been a stalemate for how many months now?

I did stp. But I made one little comment and Mr. Ned Flaherty went akjfjabfjbhfabsfjabhfajbhsh. Anger issues much?
Re: Columbus Center

Did i sound angry? It wasn't my intention, nor was does this thread make me feel angry. Exasperated perhaps...
Re: Columbus Center

Yes Flaherty. Sorry if I was unclear kz.
Re: Columbus Center

Are you serious? I'm sorry I didn't copy and paste what i posted earlier and thus what I wrote wasn't word to word. I don't understand why you pick on the smallest detail . . .

That?s right, you don?t understand why people rely upon details._ But they are important._ Lawsuits are won or lost because of a single incorrect word or punctuation mark written by someone who does not understand or respect the leverage of language._ International disputes arise because of a single term for which a delinquent diplomat or a tired translator does not bother to learn the full definition._ People die in accidents caused by a single calculation error made by a sloppy structural engineer who does not ensure accuracy._ Details are important._ They matter.

Once again, you need to decide what it is that you think you are trying to argue about, and then work with the details related to that, and exclude other details so they don?t distract you.

. . . Here's my point: The government . . . is giving money to the Fenway Center . . . to cover the extra cost for building over the turnpike even though they do not know the exact cost of building over the deck . . .

Firstly, never before has that been your point._ For one year, you?ve been refusing to learn the definition of TDC, and denying the published arithmetic, even though it?s been known for years that Columbus Center?s TDC (Total Development Cost) in air is less than it would be on land._ I?ve provided proof; you?ve provided only beliefs._ So, no, never before did you say that the state is giving $30 million to Fenway without knowing costs._ You could never have said it before because it was first announced only last week._

But since you now want to discuss the idea of giving a $30 million gift when the cost is unknown . . .

Yes, the government decided to give $30 million to Fenway Center to pay for tunnels without knowing the cost to design, build, and insure them._ That decision ? subsidizing something when its cost is unknown ? is exactly where the problem arises.

The detail you missed this time is that word ?extra? in your quote above._ No one has proven how much ?extra? cost is involved when building Fenway Center over the Turnpike, because no one has proven Fenway?s TDC in air versus on Fenway?s TDC on land._ TDC was published for Columbus, but never for Fenway._ Until both of Fenway?s TDCs are published, no one ? not you, not me, not anyone ? can intelligently argue about Fenway?s ?extra? cost._ As of today, Fenway?s ?extra? cost is still just a myth.

Remember:_ although transportation employees claimed that the excuse for the subsidy is ?extra? cost, that does not prove that any ?extra? cost really exists._ The transportation employees said ?extra? cost only to see how many people could be fooled by it._ They hope that no one asks them any of these 11 questions:

? What is the property?s fair market value rent?

? What is Fenway?s TDC in air?
? What would Fenway?s TDC be on land?
? Comparing Fenway?s TDC in air to TDC on land, how much cost savings is in air?
? Comparing Fenway?s TDC in air to TDC on land, how much ?extra? cost is in air?
? Comparing Fenway?s TDC in air to TDC on land, what is the net difference?

? What are the project?s actual costs, revenues, profits, and subsidies?
? What formula was used to derive a $30 million subsidy from the ?extra? TDC?

? What % of that $30 million ends up as Red Sox profit?
? What % of that $30 million ends up as New York Times profit?
? What % of that $30 million ends up as AFL-CIO profit?

➜ Are you aware that the transportation employees can?t answer these questions?
➜ Do you understand why they can?t answer?
➜ Are you aware that these questions embarrass those employees?
➜ Do you understand why these questions embarrass them?

I?ve already met with transportation employees, elected officials, journalists, and community leaders who understand these concepts._ If you?re a student, print out all the posts on this topic and review them with your professors; if you?re employed, review them with your managers._ Someone with ?extra? time may be willing to teach this to you.

. . . And no I don't take you One Franklin comparison as valid. Why? One Franklin required the demolition of a building, the preservation of a facade, size is 1/5 different, the design is different which may require more or less steel and concrete to strengthen the structure. . .

Nearly one year ago, I mentioned One Franklin to show you one thing, and one thing only:_ that $650 million in bank loans were approved at One Franklin, but no bank loans were ever approved at Columbus._ You?re distracting yourself with irrelevant factors again, and getting all excited about project differences regarding demolition, preservation, size, design, etc._ I wasn?t comparing projects, only bank loan approvals.

. . . And if you are claiming that I am being nitpicky about details, I'm following your example. Although you did not say it straightforward, you criticize my comparison because it's not a "perfect match." Well let me tell you this. Your comparison isn't either.

I never said that you are ?nitpicky [sic] about details.?_ On the contrary, you need to give details more attention if you want to understand the arguments in which you keep finding yourself.
Re: Columbus Center

That?s right, you don?t understand why people rely upon details._ But they are important._ Lawsuits are won or lost because of a single incorrect word or punctuation mark written by someone who does not understand or respect the leverage of language._ International disputes arise because of a single term for which a delinquent diplomat or a tired translator does not bother to learn the full definition._ People die in accidents caused by a single calculation error made by a sloppy structural engineer who does not ensure accuracy._ Details are important._ They matter.

Once again, you need to decide what it is that you think you are trying to argue about, and then work with the details related to that, and exclude other details so they don?t distract you.

Grasping at straws I see. When you lose in an argument, you attack the grammatical error. Classy fellow you are. Yeah, internet must be serious business for you. Get a life.

Firstly, never before has that been your point._ For one year, you?ve been refusing to learn the definition of TDC, and denying the published arithmetic, even though it?s been known for years that Columbus Center?s TDC (Total Development Cost) in air is less than it would be on land._ I?ve provided proof; you?ve provided only beliefs._ So, no, never before did you say that the state is giving $30 million to Fenway without knowing costs._ You could never have said it before because it was first announced only last week._

You sir do not know how to read. I made the argument clearly after I read the article and I based it off that. What part of what I said made you believe that I made that argument before that? Not only are you grasping at straws, you're putting words in my mouth.

But since you now want to discuss the idea of giving a $30 million gift when the cost is unknown . . .

Yes, the government decided to give $30 million to Fenway Center to pay for tunnels without knowing the cost to design, build, and insure them._ That decision ? subsidizing something when its cost is unknown ? is exactly where the problem arises.

The detail you missed this time is that word ?extra? in your quote above._ No one has proven how much ?extra? cost is involved when building Fenway Center over the Turnpike, because no one has proven Fenway?s TDC in air versus on Fenway?s TDC on land._ TDC was published for Columbus, but never for Fenway._ Until both of Fenway?s TDCs are published, no one ? not you, not me, not anyone ? can intelligently argue about Fenway?s ?extra? cost._ As of today, Fenway?s ?extra? cost is still just a myth.

I?ve already met with transportation employees, elected officials, journalists, and community leaders who understand these concepts._ If you?re a student, print out all the posts on this topic and review them with your professors; if you?re employed, review them with your managers._ Someone with ?extra? time may be willing to teach this to you.

Main Entry: extra
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: accessory; excess
added, additional, ancillary, another, auxiliary, beyond, button, extraneous, extraordinary, fresh, further, fuss*, gingerbread, gravy, ice*, in addition, in reserve, in store, inessential, lagniappe, leftover, more, needless, new, one more, optional, other, over and above, perk*, plus, redundant, reserve, spare, special, superfluous, supernumerary, supplemental, supplementary, surplus, tip, unnecessary, unneeded, unused
basic, elementary, essential, fundamental, integral, necessary

And this is what was written on the article:

But perhaps most important to Fenway Center?s odds of success is the Patrick administration?s willingness to help pay for the higher costs associated with building over the turnpike, rather than on the ground. Instead of requiring Rosenthal to pay the full cost of the deck, the state would pay up to $30 million toward that additional cost.

I enjoy having you make long post only to have it backfire in your face by one quote.

Nearly one year ago, I mentioned One Franklin to show you one thing, and one thing only:_ that $650 million in bank loans were approved at One Franklin, but no bank loans were ever approved at Columbus._ You?re distracting yourself with irrelevant factors again, and getting all excited about project differences regarding demolition, preservation, size, design, etc._ I wasn?t comparing projects, only bank loan approvals.

2. Re-read my messages which explained how CC's TDC is less in air than on land:
#1278 on 21 August 2008
#1411 on 28 September 2008
#1435 on 29 September 2008
#1450 on 05 October 2008
First of all your post #1450 did not explain anything nor provide the proof so I assume that you meant #1451 (gasp an error?). Or were you doing tricks again? If you did mean post #1451, then you were the one who said that it was proof on comparing CC to another similar project.

I never said that you are ?nitpicky [sic] about details.?_ On the contrary, you need to give details more attention if you want to understand the arguments in which you keep finding yourself.

Before you preach about details, maybe you should check your own posts. As mentioned before, post #1450 DID NOT provide me a proof comparing CC and another similar project on land to show the difference in cost. Regardless if you meant post #1451 or not, you made an error. Now sit down boy.
Re: Columbus Center

Can someone give these two their own thread? The screeds of text are mind numbing.

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