Commonwealth Avenue Improvement Project

ya it's gonna look nice
hopefully they complete it by the time i go to college in like 2 years, cause i mite go to BU or BC but w.e lol
Things are coming along, with much of the utilities done being moved and the sidewalks poured, although the area around BU East is still a mess

Yes, there's cuts in the sidewalk for them.
kz thanks man! Always on top with getting the photos! Gotta love it! Keep up the good work and thanks again
Big improvement.

(Better than the Greenway, if you think about it.)
missed opportunity

I have a feeling that the improvement won't be so great in the final analysis. IMO there is a simple aesthetic fix that has been ignored in this and other cases with the green line. In most areas where the green line runs down the center median there is only a six inch curb separating it from the street. It would be far better to 'enclose' the street with a three to four foot wall. As things now stand, the eye is drawn to the train tracks which are uniformly hideous and weed choked. The solution along huntington was slightly better, as the curb is about one foot high. Nonetheless some fool thought it would be wise to plant grass in the thin strip between the tracks and the street, amidst the trees. Not surprisingly the grass is either dead, covered by weeds or a foot tall. When are designers who work for the MBTA going to realize that everything included in their plans needs to be maintenance free? Its unfortunate but true.
ablarc said:
Big improvement.
ablarc on page 2 of this thread said:
No matter how much they do it always seems to look the same.
So are you being sarcastic or has your opinion changed?

ablarc said:
(Better than the Greenway, if you think about it.)
Taller than a dwarf?
statler said:
So are you being sarcastic or has your opinion changed?
That was then and this is now. The brick pavement makes a big difference. Ditto widening the sidewalk. Trees will also be nice.

Greenway should have had light rail.

Taller than a dwarf?
Lol, much taller!
I'd like to see some improvements make their way up Comm Ave to Allston and Brighton...the street is falling apart up there.
^ Hell, it needs improvement all the way to the end of the line at Boston College.
This is already becoming a huge improvement to the campus--if only they had incorporated those huge old Oaks in front of the student union instead of tearing them down.
bdurden said:
This is already becoming a huge improvement to the campus--if only they had incorporated those huge old Oaks in front of the student union instead of tearing them down.

Yeah..It's a shame those had to go but they were old and beginning to look sickly
I was under the impression the sidewalks were going to be widened not shrunk. Note the new light in the 2nd pic compared to the old one.



Theyve also made their way towards Kenmore. Unsafe pedestrian conditions I think



Pictures a few days old
Those indents in the sidewalk are for buses. Part of the improvement in this stretch is to ease the congestion due to the buses that stop and go. In parts, the sidewalk is being widened, like outside the GSU.
On the inbound side, some of the sidewalk is being taken away because the roadway is being shifted over to allow for wider T platforms. What you see in the above photos are the slots for parallel parking. There are some that are for bus pullovers as well.
Stone and granite planters/benches are going in around the GSU and courtyard--I assume BU is covering these costs? I cannot imagine the city spending the money on this.
