After the Hotel Commonwealth, it's almost difficult to criticize anything in Kenmore. I'm dreading the day when BU tears down the "West Gate" building (currently apparently empty, except for the City Convenience on the bottom floor) in Kenmore. Then they'll put up a building that tries to imitate West Gate, yet has plastic siding, an unnecessary mansard roof, and mass-produced brick. And, in keeping with the theme of the building, it'll be cheap to rig it out with wifi Internet. That way BU will be able to finish the good work it started with the Hotel Commonwealth. ... I actually like BU's old brutalism better than the postmodern junk they're putting up these days...
It's funny -- neighbors always freak out if something "different" is built, so you wind up with developers aching to tear down a great old building and put up a new, cheaper one with more floorspace that looks just like the one they tore down. That, not Faneuil Hall, is where you get real Disneyfication and fake Main Streets.