Copley Place Expansion and Tower | Back Bay

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Re: Copley Place plan calls for condo tower

My problem with the Boston Courant is that they give a voice to the crazies, and that puts an air of legitimacy to their claims.

We all know people who wear tinfoil helmets, talk to themselves, scream at pigeons, etc. Sometimes we empathize, give them a dollar or other help. Sometimes they scare us and we cross to the other side of the street.

The Boston Courant (and South End News too) gives these people ink.

It gives them a forum to step up to the podium and howl their insanity at the public. The South End News is guilty of this too by allowing Ned Flaherty a forum to voice his completely wacky "UFP" angle in a last-ditch effort to reverse the approved Columbus Center project.

It would be nice to see either the Courant or SEN write an article that merely proclaimed "Copley Place Tower a Big Hit" with a brief, 10th paragraph throwaway line towards the end "of course, there were the usual suspects who oppose all development in Boston, and they had the same pet arguments, and this is to be expected. This 5% of the population attends all these meetings and opposes all these projects"

Instead, the focus of the article is always on that one tiny 5% slice of the population. The editors make the 5% the lead, and the whole basis of the article! "People Come Out to Oppose Copley Place Tower"

It's maddening. Giving a forum to somebody like Ned - somebody who is not an expert on urban pollution, but a neighbor whose view will be blocked - to belch out his analysis of Columbus Center and urban pollution is unbelievable.

You can say, "well, they let another op-ed run in support" but that's not the point. The support was from somebody well-versed in what they were talking about - real estate sales. The antagonistic view about urban pollution was written by a computer consultant whose views will be blocked!

Real estate companies have to wake up to this fact, and should simply stop supporting these papers with their ad dollars. I've never seen a wackier dynamic than a newspaper that relies so heavily on real estate advertising take such a systematic and complete approach at trashing developments with their uneven reporting.
Re: Copley Place plan calls for condo tower

For a local newspaper to succeed, it needs to reflect in some way the views of its readership. That generally means existing residents rather than real estate developers (except where the two groups intersect).
Re: Copley Place plan calls for condo tower

That's fair Ron, but my point is that I don't believe these local papers reflect their readers. They reflect a 5% fringe of their readers.

A small, finite group opposes the Copley Tower plan. They have the time on their hands to fight it and make a loud mess of things.

A large, disparate group of people are "for the development" but just don't care enough to attend meetings and voice this opinion. To them, it's almost silly - "why go to a meeting on a Tuesday night to say I am fine with a building being built? Isn't that a total waste of my time? Just build the damned thing". It's just a non-issue to them. And these people are most people. And these people's opinions never seem to make it into the paper, just the small, finite fringe groups.
Re: Copley Place plan calls for condo tower

That's fair Ron, but my point is that I don't believe these local papers reflect their readers. They reflect a 5% fringe of their readers.

A small, finite group opposes the Copley Tower plan. They have the time on their hands to fight it and make a loud mess of things.

A large, disparate group of people are "for the development" but just don't care enough to attend meetings and voice this opinion. To them, it's almost silly - "why go to a meeting on a Tuesday night to say I am fine with a building being built? Isn't that a total waste of my time? Just build the damned thing". It's just a non-issue to them. And these people are most people. And these people's opinions never seem to make it into the paper, just the small, finite fringe groups.

I present that, while party apathy, it's also fear. A bitchy neighbor is hell to live beside. If said bitchy neighbor is railing on a project while you support it, said bitch can makes things miserable for you.

Sometimes it's just easier to keep quiet.
Re: Copley Place plan calls for condo tower

This week's Back Bay Sun has a story on the recent community meeting regarding this proposal and features a new rendering on its cover.

The headline may seem a bit alarmist, but I found the reporting itself to be quite fair and objective. The Sun's site hasn't been updated for this week, so the article isn't online yet.


Re: Copley Place plan calls for condo tower

Technically your posting could be called a tease, what is that 'pair of ambitious projects in Back Bay" on page 2? The Back Bay Sun sometimes takes a moth to update it's site.
Re: Copley Place plan calls for condo tower

it looks pretty good on page 2. I can't say "amazing", but it does look pretty good.
Re: Copley Place plan calls for condo tower

^^^ Is it the towers at prudential center?
Re: Copley Place plan calls for condo tower

Round glass building reminds me of the Bonaventure Hotel in LA or the Renaissance Center in Detroit.
Re: Copley Place plan calls for condo tower

Yeah those two buildings regarding Boston Properties would be AvalonExeter and 888 Boylston. Unless I am mistaken, Boston Properties isn't engaged in any other major projects in the city at the moment.
Re: Copley Place plan calls for condo tower

so I'm guessing the article was negative?
Re: Copley Place plan calls for condo tower

If you look at the first pic, the writing for the second page is visible. It seems to say something about the new face of the pru?
Re: Copley Place plan calls for condo tower

That is one sexy tower.


Re: Copley Place plan calls for condo tower

Please please please please please please please please please please please let this get built.
Re: Copley Place plan calls for condo tower

our skyline sooooooo needs this. can I add one more 'please' to that?
Re: Copley Place plan calls for condo tower

CURVES!!! yipp.EE!
Re: Copley Place plan calls for condo tower

Amazing how this would be Boston's 3rd tallest tower even with the SST in the works.

Its exactly what the skyline needs - tall, slim, and (comparatively speaking) stylish.
Re: Copley Place plan calls for condo tower

My first thought when i looked at that rendering: pretty slick. Second thought: the salt shaker bridge looks like it's going to fall into the water.
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