Design a Better Malden


Senior Member
Mar 13, 2010
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This forum should be suitable for this thread, considering proximity. So, if you guys have any suggestions for the city of Malden, feel free to post and discuss. Keep in mind that at any time I may pick out things to pass by 'the right people' to consider or spin off from. There's ALOT of open ears, alot of motivation, and alot of vision in Malden right now.

Only thing I ask is that you try to focus on downtown, but anything would be great. And I'll of course not take credit if I do pass anything along, but I will mention that such ideas are being discussed on this forum.

There's so much potential in Malden and I think the places around Boston that will see the most positive growth in the next 20 years will be Somerville and then followed by Malden (assuming GLX happens and BLX to Lynn doesn't happen). So think what would bring YOU to Malden that you think isn't being worked on or not done right.
This forum should be suitable for this thread, considering proximity. So, if you guys have any suggestions for the city of Malden, feel free to post and discuss. Keep in mind that at any time I may pick out things to pass by 'the right people' to consider or spin off from. There's ALOT of open ears, alot of motivation, and alot of vision in Malden right now.

Only thing I ask is that you try to focus on downtown, but anything would be great. And I'll of course not take credit if I do pass anything along, but I will mention that such ideas are being discussed on this forum.

There's so much potential in Malden and I think the places around Boston that will see the most positive growth in the next 20 years will be Somerville and then followed by Malden (assuming GLX happens and BLX to Lynn doesn't happen). So think what would bring YOU to Malden that you think isn't being worked on or not done right.

I don't know if this is technically in Everett and not Malden, but if you know any of the idiots responsible for the present state of Routes 16 and 99 and that entire area around Santilli Highway/Gateway Center/Wellington Station, could you please hit them for me? It's impossible to find anything around there, and even if you do find where you want to be going, it's impossible to get there around there without violating at least three traffic ordinances and/or driving half a mile up the road to just drive half a mile back down the road and don't even get me started on the rotary.

Nevermind that the entirety of Air Force Road on top of being a challenge to get to is unacceptably run down and sketchy looking for somewhere that has a rock climbing gym and a trampoline park.

EDIT: I guess I didn't really suggest any design improvements, so here are my suggestions:

#1) One rotary is bad, but tolerable. TWO rotaries with less than 500 feet between them is obnoxious. Replace both of them with proper signaled junction, grade separate Revere Beach Parkway from everything else, or both.

#2) As previously mentioned, Air Force Road does not have good "vibes," for lack of a better word. Advise whatever company presently set up there who is responsible for that (I think it's a marble company but I may very well be wrong) to seek real estate elsewhere, preferably in a location NOT sharing a parking lot with two child-friendly venues.

#3) Pursuant to #2, hire some exterior designers or something to clean that place up and make it more inviting. I don't think that's possible when you have to work around storage yards and warehouses, hence why #2 is a necessary component of #3.


That's Medford and Everett -- not Malden.

Well, in that case, I have never been to Malden.
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My advice to anyone who wants to improve downtown Malden: go a couple miles up the road and look at downtown Melrose. They're doing it right.
1. The relocation of City Hall and reconnection of Pleasant St. to connect Malden Center to the square

2. Apartments at the former Super Fitness site even if the maximum amount of floors are 12 floors

3. Extend Garnet St. through the parking lot to meet Main St. and build a mixed use building
I'm unsure of the status of this project but, this would fit the bill

4. While skeptical I do support the minor league ballpark because the city is not paying for the stadium or the clean up of the contaminated N.Grid site. Also bars & restaurants are struggling to survive (Boston Market and My Honey Fitz closed this year). Having 6,400 people come to the city 70 times would only help the downtown nightlife.
If there's any opportunity for redevelopment, it should start with government center, and to the bank of america building directly south. These two buildings anhiliate the vibrancy created by the T. They cut off the city from the train station, disengage the pedestrian at street level, and provide limited use outside of their specific functions.

Thing is, these two square blocks aren't enough to revitalize an entire downtown. Exchange street and rt. 60 going to main street are both pedestrian-hostile, and any solid plan to revitalize Malden would include incentives to build mixed use buildings (the type we're seeing in Fenway, although perhaps smaller in scale here) along these streets, and to re-fit existing buildings/garages with retail on the ground floor. Keys are: continuous streetwall, ground-floor retail, some apartments on top.
Malden Government Center is already in the early process of research and design for relocating. The building across Exchange, 200 Commercial (or the BoA building as you call it, no idea if that's what it is), isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

Incentives for mixed use are already in the works, if not recently passed, including requirements for retail under residential developments.

Exchange Street is in the process of seeing new signage/awnings for businesses and will see a new development which looks promising, at the corner of Exchange & Jackson (former Planet Fitness).

The city is already working on securing grants and working on design proposals for pedestrian improvements such as curbcuts and crossings, especially around the east side of Malden Station.

I'll pass on the suggestion for retrofitting garages with some retail on the ground. Thank you. :)
How polluted is Malden River? If this actually shows the underground course:

Then maybe the river can be taken above ground up to Rte. 60 and a nice waterfront area can be constructed down to Medford St. (similar to what Providence has done).
For the most part, that is correct. But there's more, another river branches off under that parcel:,-71.071222&spn=0.010755,0.022724

Also, that's the parcel that would be covered by the ballpark, and their simply isn't a way to create a waterfront if that minor league stadium goes through. I've had the same idea, I wish it could happen, but doesn't look like it.

There was a proposal to daylight the river under Coytemore Lea Park (by the Post Office), but I'm not sure what happened to that. I've been thinking about suggesting a pathway between that park and Oak Grove, on the clearing above the culvert. And possibly creating a nice canal walk in the Oak Grove area (there already is, sort of, but it could be brought south, and connect with my idea for a path).
And I'm also considering a canal walk along the canal in the Linden Square area, by the movie theatre. It could connect to the bike path that will be going in, right near Rt 1, and could run all the way to Broadway on the Everett/Malden line. Would require coordinating with Everett and Revere, but significantly in Malden. That canal looks to be in dire shape, it needs a cleanup, it could be nice.
Where is Linden Square? There's a abandoned movie theatre somewhere in Malden? (Can't be an open one, or I'd have heard of it somewhere)

Let us know when you organize that walk; I'd like to join you there.
The Bike to the Sea trail from Everett to Lynn under development just clips Malden Center and could be a great amenity for attracting people.
Where is Linden Square? There's a abandoned movie theatre somewhere in Malden? (Can't be an open one, or I'd have heard of it somewhere)

Let us know when you organize that walk; I'd like to join you there.

Linden Square is almost in Revere, where Lynn St and Beach St intersect. The movie theater I was referring to is the Revere Cinema, nothing old or fancy.

The canal I was referencing runs pretty much right underneath the Squire almost. Development around the canal pretty much ceased when it was declared a flood zone all around it. I suspect there's alot of illegal dumping contributing to the problem, plus a lack of weed/shrub removal. I think it could make for an awesome canal-side walkway/bike path:,-71.025453&spn=0.003802,0.005681&t=h&z=18

Connection to the bike path could be made here:,-71.02078&spn=0.001344,0.00284&t=h&z=19
Do you like to walk? Do you have ideas how Malden can improve its efforts to get more people walking? Mayor Gary Christenson is looking for input from residents on improving Malden’s walkability. Walkers of all ages are encouraged to apply! The Mayor plans to assemble a committee of residents to make recommendations on better signage, crosswalk improvements and safety, and best practices in making Malden more pedestrian friendly.

Applicants should be enthusiastic walkers who live in Malden and are able to attend meetings. To apply, please complete the form below:

Online Form - Malden Walkability Committee

The deadline for responding is Tuesday, August 14th at 12:00 Noon.

I should probably get involved with this but I can't really think of any ideas that don't require rebuilding vast swaths of the city.

I'm not sure that better crosswalks are really going to do the trick.
Well I just filled out the form. It is true that true walkability will require a major reconstruction, but steps in the right direction - including things like future proofing things to make things easier if the opportunities arise. At the very least, hopefully we can target sidewalk reconstruction and better crosswalks experiences to the most effective areas.
Yeah, the 'best practices' bit is probably the best bet.

Perhaps it can lead to abolishing or at least diminishing things like the parking space requirements for new developments that are currently on the books.
Well, the person in charge gave me a call today. They ask me to come in this Thursday with options between 1 and 3:30. I tried to ask if they have anything after 5 and it seems my options is during my 9-5 hours. Fortunately my company I work at is very flexible and I'll just chopped my 1 O'clock appointment to be a late, moderately long lunch. However, it bothers that this still means such options means many people are locked out.

That said, I have an appointment. I'm not sure it is an interview to see who to place in the walkability committee or the committee is a survey where I come in and answer a questions (apparently during work hours). They said it will take about 15-20 minutes.

If anyone have better understanding of how committees works, I would appreciate it. If it is an interview, what should I expect and answer? If it a survey, what should I advocate? Or something else?,-71.027435&spn=0.001186,0.002411&t=h&z=19
Has anyone gone down to this path as it is now? It looks like you can get to it from the cemetery, but I don't know if you're officially allowed to or not. I might try biking over there this weekend.

Edit: you get a better view of the trails if you take it off 45 degree view mode.

I think that path is probably just created by dirt bikes.

You may be able to get to it off the end of Cleveland St.
