Dorchester Infill and Small Developments

On Talbot between Codman Sq and the train tracks. The building is supposed to be TOD for the future Fairmount Line station.
oh, not a place I'd like be seen in,I'll try to do a drive-by for yah! (with a camera lol)!
lol, don't worry about it if it's too sketchy. You're already the hero of this board.
Universal Hub these past 4 days has me thinking Dorchester is erupting into a war zone like we've never seen.
Well remember it's not all of Dorchester,just pockets here and there!
today going slowly
they tore off the front of this building,should have just tore down the rest?
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train station on Washington st



did we ever decide if this is in Dorchester or Roxbury? They've stripped away the old building an now will be new construction

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I need to get a better pix of this(and not from the inside of a train) this went up fast in a vacant lot across from the Fields Cor,T stop.I lived at the end of this street back in the mid 80's and it was a vacant lot back then, so it's nice to see something finally being built.Anyone know the name of this project?
Wow I've been trying to find updates on this project for literally...years. That's the Bloomfield Gardens project developed by Viet-AID, the Vietnamese Community development organization.

I can't find any updated renderings...but this is the idea:

Thanks^ I thought the Vietnamese had something to do with it as they have really taken over Fields Corner and have built up a wonderful little community,when I lived off that st (Geneva ave) I was shot at,mugged,chased etc drugs, crime was the norm! I had a beautiful 7 rm apt for $500 a month,but boy did I risked my life everytime I stepped out of my apt lol! This area has changed for the better,though like most parts of Dorchester it could be cleaner! From there I moved right into Fields Cor where Adams st cross's Dot ave,the Vietnmese started to move in soon after replaceing the long time Jewish/Irish businesses(I often wonder what would have happen if the Vietnmese did'nt come in and open all the stores,rest.apt buildings, what would Fields Corner look like today? Codman Sq? ) I'm now in Melville Park(20 yrs) close to Codman Sq which IMO is the worst Sq in the entire city! I'll do a Fields Corner/ Vietnmese new buildings/bussinesses/churchs/etc. photo tour soon! ps the building looks better in person than the rendering for once!
^ I'll take any massing that finally caps the wasted potential of all the one-story taxpayer retail buildings in Boston.

I would love to see zoning incentives to undo the damage done by the original restrictions laid down in the 1910s: encourage 2-3 stories added to every one-story retail building, and encourage retail to claim the ground floor of the single-use apartment buildings on busy arterial streets.

BTW, this is a great thread. Encouraging to see Dorchester urbanizing more and more; reminds me of a lot of projects building up parts of woodframe Queens.
^ I want to see hundreds of these going up everywhere south of Melena Cass Boulevard.
^ Only in Bizarro Boston, where the Fairmount corridor is the Indigo Line and a streetcar runs from Dudley to Mattapan sq.

But yes. I agree. Still, there's been serious progress over the past few years: Dudley St, Dot Ave, and Blue Hill have all seen significant development in the 3-5 story range, some with actual first-floor retail. Now we've got even got Jackson Sq coming together and that Dudley Square city offices thing is supposed to break ground any day now (fingers crossed, natch)

For me it's a lot more rewarding than seeing a fat stump thrown up downtown at the expense of the old urban fabric (looking at you Liberty Mutual).
