Downtown Crossing/Financial District | Discussion

Re: ?

JimboJones said:
What's to miss? ... The HMV? (Oh, right, closed because no one went to it.)

HMV exited the entire US market. Harvard Square still suffers from their closing. I don't know that the closing of its Downtown Crossing store had anything to with the amount of business it was doing there.
Re: ?

JimboJones said:
You're going to miss it and you live in Memphis Tennessee???

(I'm partially joking, I'm sure you have good reasons for wanting it. Also, what I wrote below isn't directed to you, Mr. Tenn, but to anyone who wishes things could just "stay as they are".)

What's to miss? The CVS? Dress Barn? The Barnes & Noble? (Oh, right, closed because no one went to it.) The HMV? (Oh, right, closed because no one went to it.)

The neighborhood is on its last legs.

I mean, really. It's a no-man's land.

Read what the pushcart vendors are saying, for pete's sake.

... he is not convinced that the area will reemerge as a vital shopping district once construction is over, because other problems, such as the presence of drug addicts and homeless people, need to be addressed ...
... I have to worry about homeless drug addicts, thieves, the weather - now this? ...

What do you want this to be, downtown Worcester?

I know in the 80's down town crossing had the highest pilferage rate in the country and I wouldn't be surprised if it's worse now.
When did the HM close? My girlfriend was their last sunday and bought a pair of sunglasses before meeting me at AMC boston common.

Maybe she is cheating on me :shock:
Not H&M the clothes store on Washington St, HMV the record store on Winter St
Oh i though you meant h&m the clothing store. Confusion on my part, sorry!
I just noticed that Bath & Body Works has moved out of the Corner Mall. anybody know if there is something going in to replace it?

Speaking of the Corner Mall, I think the management there should really take advantage of this 'down time' in Downtown Crossing and completely rehab that space. Most importantly, removing the awful 1980's marquees.
I'm not sure what the finished product should look like, but it is such a prominent spot in the city it deserves the gold treatment. But don't touch the gargoyles.

edit: Edited to correct store name. :oops:
At least when I most recently looked, the sign said that Bath & Body Works (not Bed Bath & Beyond) was under renovation and will reopen in October.

Seems like bad timing, being closed just when all the students are arriving.
^^ Thanks Ron. I guess I missed that sign.

Damn, I was kinda hoping something less suburban was going in there...Oh well.
I hate to state what might be considered the obvious, but is it possible that we have too many shopping/entertainment areas in the small physical land mass of the city? When Downtown Crossing was the ONLY place to shop it was bustling. With all the previously cited areas of major shopping/entertainment opportunities, Downtown Crossing has been left behind. It is a commercial center looking for clients.

Maybe, since it is at a T crossroads, developers should look to the endpoints of the Orange, Green and Red lines for customers and actually cater to those using the T, specifically: from Oak Grove...Asians; from Forest Hills...Hispanics, Afro-Americans and Asians; from Alewife...a huge diversity of ethnic groups, Middle Easterners, as well as yuppies; from Ashmont... Irish, Hispanics, Asians and Afro-Americans; from Quincy....Asians; from Braintree....Irish-Americans; from Lechmere...Brazilians and Portuguese; from Brookline/Newton....Russians and other Eastern Europeans; etc.

As for feeling uncomfortable around all those African/American kids....who feels really comfortable around ANY group of teens hanging about?? I'm pretty well over the hill and have never felt threatened in Downtown Crossing, except by the herd mentality of some of the teens, regardless of race, who hang about in groups. I would feel the same way in South Boston, Dorchester or Brookline (does Brookline have teenagers?). Even then, its all posturing and show and nothing to be worried about. I am more uncomfortable in Downtown Crossing after 6 PM, when my only companions are a few mentally ill homeless people and lots of trash and litter.
Isn't it good for Downtown Crossing that teenagers like to go there? That means it has a future as those teens become adults. I'd be more concerned if most of the people were over 50.
not that safe an area

Padre Mike said:
As for feeling uncomfortable around all those African/American kids....who feels really comfortable around ANY group of teens hanging about??
I've been harassed many times in downtown crossing. If there is a large group of black males and one female, the female usually will do something whether it is bumping me when she passes or throwing her cigarette at me, on rare occasion just making a comment. I know many people with the same experience. I've also stopped several purse snatching. I admit my experiences are from the 90's but I doubt it has changed for the better.
These things never happen to me, and I'm routinely there at dusk or later.

Beggars, on the other hand ....
Actually, I find young people with clipboards to be the biggest annoyance in Downtown Crossing.
statler said:
Actually, I find young people with clipboards to be the biggest annoyance in Downtown Crossing.

BINGO! I've given up trying to fake a smile for those people.
Padre Mike - of course Brookline has teenagers. All of them are nice and college bound and stay out of trouble. You'd have to waltz into the backyard of some SoBro mansion during a rager and try to pick a fight with a drunk football player if you wanted to get harassed.

As for Downtown Crossing - I've never had any trouble whatsoever there.
kz1000ps said:
statler said:
Actually, I find young people with clipboards to be the biggest annoyance in Downtown Crossing.

BINGO! I've given up trying to fake a smile for those people.
Yeah. they ask me for money and all I had were 2 dollars. They didn't accept it because they said it was too little to do a difference. Well they can go suck my [expletive].

The only time i had someone throw a lit cigarette on me was some teenage girl high on crack or something and didn't notice i was there standing. I have a scar on my hand where it landed now. Underage smoking is getting out of hand.
not an acceptable answer

Ron Newman said:
These things never happen to me, and I'm routinely there at dusk or later.
I have a problem with this kind of answer. The fact is I have been harassed and I know others who have been harassed because they are white. This is wrong and unacceptable regardless as to whether you have been harassed yourself. Maybe you are just mean looking :D .
