Encore Boston Harbor Casino | 1 Broadway | Everett

Re: Wynn Everett Casino | Everett

An LNG tanker has a lot of explosive power but (1) it is about a Hiroshima bomb or less (2)it is hard to get a good air fuel mix to detonate and (more importantly) (3)it is at ground level or in the water so the blast is dissipated digging a hole in the ground or water (recall that blast-effect bombs are ideally air-burst, Hiroshima was set for 1,900 feet up)

But it is true that LNG if ignited could burn ferociousy for 5 to 8 minutes and kill thousands- through heat and second fires, whether or not there is a casino nearby. (Which is why they've had DHS protection since 2001)

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Re: Wynn Everett Casino | Everett

We already know some of the restaurants as discussed several pages back. I expect a few dozen high end stores and 3-4 entertainment venues of varying sizes as well. Plus there will certainly be an ultra high end spa.

I just had a conference several weeks ago in Las Vegas, and we stayed at the Wynn Las Vegas. I have stayed there several times before, but this time I took more advantage of what Wynn had to offer. I don't gamble, but I enjoyed the resort. The restaurants were very good, although quite expensive. We saw both "Showstoppers" Broadway musical review and "Le Reve," the Cirque du Soleil show. Both were excellent, and well worth the money. I'm hoping there are similar theatre and entertainment offerings at Wynn Boston Harbor. We walked through many of the newer casinos and hotels, and I think the Venetian/Palazzo and Wynn/Encore were several of the best. In addition, the room was HUGE and everything was spotless. If the Wynn Boston Harbor turns out like its Las Vegas sister, I think it will be a nice shopping, dining, and entertainment facility. I had a very positive reaction to the Wynn Las Vegas, and I am by no means a big fan of Las Vegas.
Re: Wynn Everett Casino | Everett

Jahvon -- Terrorists traditionally go after what are commonly called "Soft Targets" -- e.g. large ad hoc or impromptu gatherings of people with minimal access controls -- e.g. the holiday party in San Bernardino, the crowd enjoying the fireworks on the shore in Nice, the people at the concert in Paris

Casinos by nature of their kind of activity [e.g. Money and ways to make and lose it in bunches] have lots of security systems and security people looking for the "Oceans 14" or just some minor criminal activity -- so except for maybe the lobby they aren't soft targets. Neither these day is the Marathon, or is the 4th of July on the Charles -- both come complete with heavy-duty security.

A much more likely target would be the crowd exiting through the Hub on Causeway after the Bean Pot in a couple of years.

On the other hand genuinely "Crazy People" and some of the more recent to the West "suicide-type" terrorists, will often pick a target for some other reason than its softness. Recent examples in the west include: malls, government buildings, trains, buses, or an airport where the security systems are considered relatively to very good -- but unfortunately only forensics -- since the crazies and suiciders are in general not deterrable, and system response-time is usually excessive for prevention.

Then I guess that the WTC and the Pentagon were soft targets. Easy pickings for an attack.
Re: Wynn Everett Casino | Everett

We already know some of the restaurants as discussed several pages back. I expect a few dozen high end stores and 3-4 entertainment venues of varying sizes as well. Plus there will certainly be an ultra high end spa.

I didn't find the discussion, but thank you.

I imagine you'll see a lot of the luxury brands that are having a hard time finding the right space (size, location) that haven't entered the Boston market yet possibly set up shop here. Prada is one that comes to mind.
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Re: Wynn Everett Casino | Everett

SW steakhouse will be interesting. Only 9 restaurants in the country serve Japanese certified Kobe Beef and this will be one of them. It'll probably be the most expensive cut of steak in Boston.

The Las Vegas SW steakhouse sells the meat for 55 dollars an ounce (so 550 dollars for a 10oz steak)
Re: Wynn Everett Casino | Everett

If terrorist's struck this area with 2 airliners filled with gas they would blow up half the east coast.
Wynn is next door to the energy grid that runs the city along with all the Airline tankers holding all the fuel.

Real Estate values would finally plummet.

Riff -- that was done to some towers in NYC and the Pentagon -- move along nobody is going to do that one again

The reason the attack on the WTC Towers in NYC worked was that you had two long-haul big planes [BOS to LAX, BOS to LAX] full of fuel following their routes west toward Albany until it was too late even for the F-15's to catch up to them as the dove down the Hudson to NYC.

Also once you dumped all that burning jet fuel into the towers it would have essentially done nothing without the real fuel for the fire -- there was in those 200 floors a good fraction of a square mile of floor space filled with paper -- that's what did most of the burning the millions of pages of financial and legal forms filling tens of thousands of file drawers.

In addition to the difficulty finding the same combustibles -- its hard to imagine a flight scenario that ends at the casino in Everett. There are no long haul flights which originate anywhere near by so that the fuel would be topped up and where flying to Boston is on the way or near on the way.

You might posit a scenario where a large drone launched in Malden or Saugus heads for the casino -- but that is many orders of magnitude less energy.
Re: Wynn Everett Casino | Everett

Then I guess that the WTC and the Pentagon were soft targets. Easy pickings for an attack.

Jahvon -- circa 2001 they were "soft targets" -- although the attack was very complex and depended on a whole lot of things going perfectly -- However once the process began nothing then could be done to stop it

Today while our security is not perfect we have what is known as "Defense in Depth" with many layers of robust, though not perfect security

For example:

Mohamed Atta was singled out by some rudimentary security in Portland Maine -- but lacking any access to a database of "bad guys" -- they let him board the plane to BOS where he changed to the AA flight

The other team passed through the Logan [pre TSA era] security checkpoint carrying on themselves the then legal box cutters -- and without any challenge they boarded the United flight

Once on board there were no reinforced cockpit doors to keep the terrorists in the passenger cabin [and apparently no armed air marshals on board] and no potentially armed cockpit crews

Once they took over the planes and turned off the Mode S transponders there were no protocols allowing the local air defense folks in upstate NY to order the launch of the armed F-15 interceptors from Otis AFB. And once launched no-one could give them the go ahead until after the planes hit the towers to go on full afterburner or arm any weapons. All that is different today including the planes now in Central MA at Barnes.

There have even been changes to the fireproofing on steel. Circa 2001 -- the spayed on fireproofing was flung off the steel which allowed the monumental-scale paper-fed fires to soften the structure leading to the collapse. Also there are new requirements for fire and blast rating of emergency stairs which would have allowed many more people to escape from the damaged towers before they collapsed.

No One will be repeating that scenario in any western country with whom we shared critical after the attack information
Re: Wynn Everett Casino | Everett

Riff -- that was done to some towers in NYC and the Pentagon -- move along nobody is going to do that one again

I hope I never see another scenario like that in my lifetime. But seriously Whigh HOW DO YOU KNOW?
Re: Wynn Everett Casino | Everett

I hope I never see another scenario like that in my lifetime. But seriously Whigh HOW DO YOU KNOW?

Steel reinforced cockpit doors and increased airport security make a hijacking very unlikely. However a radicalized pilot could conceivably conduct another 9/11 type attack. GermanWings flight 9525 was deliberately crashed by the co pilot last year. It's not out of the realm of possibility that a commercial airline pilot may attempt a similar type of attack where they fly into a building instead of a mountain.

Sorry for taking this off topic even further.
Re: Wynn Everett Casino | Everett

I hope I never see another scenario like that in my lifetime. But seriously Whigh HOW DO YOU KNOW?

Riff -- Of course you never can say never

But -- the thinking terrorists are not likely to try to recreate what worked in 2001 knowing what is public knowledge about the changes that harden the scenario as a target

And they have to assume that there are plenty of things not public that have been done to make the prospects far less fruitful -- so they will try something else

Al Qaeda was / is known for spectacular complex plans
ISIS not so much -- they go simple and smaller -- e.g. a truck and a crowd

None of the rest have the capability in the US
Re: Wynn Everett Casino | Everett

Perhaps we can get this thread back on topic?
Re: Wynn Everett Casino | Everett

Perhaps we can get this thread back on topic?

You've got to be kidding. Whighlander and Rifleman, get back on topic?

Next you'll be asking for a unicorn that shits gold bullion.
Re: Wynn Everett Casino | Everett

You've got to be kidding. Whighlander and Rifleman, get back on topic?

Next you'll be asking for a unicorn that shits gold bullion.

I feel a little sarcasm on this board.
Re: Wynn Everett Casino | Everett

You've got to be kidding. Whighlander and Rifleman, get back on topic?

Next you'll be asking for a unicorn that shtz gold bullion.

Quick someone call William Devane :p
Re: Wynn Everett Casino | Everett

Thank you, freewind
Re: Wynn Everett Casino | Everett

This project is flying along! Wow
Re: Wynn Everett Casino | Everett

Hmmm. Is that pad in the center for the elevator core...or the vault?
