Fan Pier Developments | Seaport

A small brushed aluminum plaque should be mounted to read "Futura-Book Construction, 2010. On loan from the artist, with the approval of the Boston Civic Design Commission."

If only Richard Serra were still alive for a commission... oh wait, he is!
And just when you thought it looked as much like an office park as it possibly could. We get the Coup de Grace. Blah to silly address dealie.
This building looks like it belongs on Route 128 with the Burlington Mall.

Not a good start for Fan Pier.
One good thing about this building being a massive stump is that it will
house a good amount of workers, or alteast once it gets close to full occupancy. This will help start life in this part of town, granted 9-5, but its better than barren parking lots. I imagine restaraunts should see an increase right away. The ICA will get more exposure and the need for retail will increase, especially for something like a 7 11. So its very modest, but the Fan Pier part of Boston begins when this place opens for business. And have some faith, this area still has a lot of great things going for it, just maybe not architecturally.
^^How does CVS not have a store down there yet? Maybe they can move one of the 50 or so they have downtown.
^^How does CVS not have a store down there yet? Maybe they can move one of the 50 or so they have downtown.

Maybe there is something down there already, but I don't think so. And obviously a CVS isn't anything exciting at all, but it helps generate activity and hopefully creates momentum for grander things. Again it's better than a parking lot full of seagull shit.
^^How does CVS not have a store down there yet? Maybe they can move one of the 50 or so they have downtown.

Will keep my lips zipped about when and where a CVS might be in the future down here....
Is it sad that the rumor we are supposed to be excited about is the possibility of a CVS opening in the Seaport?
No need for excitement, but the current occupant of the space doesn't know they aren't going to be there anymore.

I for one welcome a CVS and am unhappy we don't already have one.
No need for excitement, but the current occupant of the space doesn't know they aren't going to be there anymore.

I'm glad the scarcity of empty retail space in the Seaport has forced the landlord to terminate a lease.
hate the T stop
bonus drive-by pix,did'nt realize I got the cloud reflections till I uploaded
I don't recall there being a Starbucks in that T station -- did they add one?
Oh man, I really thought the T headhouse was the base of the building. It would have made it better.
Oh man, I really thought the T headhouse was the base of the building. It would have made it better.

I thought the same thing! Then I started paying attention and realized what I was looking at.

And no, there's no Starbucks in that station, but there should be. The massive amounts of completely empty, modern-looking, not-so-well-lit space make me feel strangely uncomfortable. I bet Starbucks would actually attract more people than the Silver Line does.
