Seriously, for every other building the public process involves scrutinizing absolutely everything, from mass to colors to height to parking to trees etc.
Do we even know how many parking spots?
Do we even know the real colors?
Have wind tests been done?
What will the shadows be like a 4pm on February 12th on a partially cloudy day?
How the hell is there a crane working on this thing and yet the neighborhood doesn't know shit?
For crying out loud, the best rendering we had on groundbreaking day was a cake!
What blows my mind is that other developers don't press charges against the rampant corruption in the mayors office and BRA.
shmessy, I pointed out the very first instance of the claim.
But the public process for Fan Pier happened years ago. Fallon just had to work within the master plan and whatever he came up with was going to go up fast once he had the money and a tenant.