Fenway Center (One Kenmore) | Turnpike Parcel 7, Beacon Street | Fenway

Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

I saw that. Thank you for clarifying.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

I cannot think of a project right now that I would support getting money. Having said that, the federal government is falling over itself to spend money; if so, wouldn't it make sense to grab some? We're not South Carolina, we don't have decline on <strike>principal</strike> principle. Was the W Hotel the best place to put some of the money? I don't know. To a certain extent, I don't care!

I consider the matter closed.

That is the entire problem about throwing Federal Govt. money at private funded projects. There is no transparency for the taxpayer?s money. The situation ends up like a black hole like the Big Dig project. The only developers that will reap the rewards are the ones making the back room deals. So bottom line the taxpayers ends up working an extra 20more hours to make ends meat with their devalued dollar because of all these bailouts. The project ends up being half-assed because the politicians raping the developers with their extra bills.
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Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

Can I just direct everybodies attention to section 632.234/C of post #224 on page #43?
This backs up the point that I made in line 65, the fifth word, of post#5435 on page #67.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

The Bible mentions dinosaurs existing, btw.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

From Universal Hub:

Construction begins next summer on a $500-million project across from Fenway Park that will replace a non-descript parking lot and aging commuter-rail station with new housing and offices - some built on a deck across the turnpike - and a large new train station, developer John Rosenthal and city and state officials said today.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

Next summer huh? We'll see...
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

Hasnt it been "next summer" for a couple of years now?
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

Is it just me or does the plan now feature less building and more open space and parking?


Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

I'd say the opposite, actually. Looks a bit more dense now than it was before. It's still Charles River Park-like in terms of the strange pedestrian walkways, but I don't fault that design too much - it's not a parcel with infinite potential anyways. Hopefully the existing parking lots adjacent to the newly-created section of Yawkey Way will be developed after this is complete.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

What happens when someone proposes a building that will cast a shadow on his "solar farm"?
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

What happens when someone proposes a building that will cast a shadow on his "solar farm"?

Its not like the red sox would allow anything tall anyway, it would disturb their precious wind.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

This new plan is a big improvement in my opinion. Building 1 now comes out to Beacon St. as does a portion of building 2. Before building 2 was entirely set back (with what appears to be some kind of vegetative barriar) as was all but the very corner of building 1.

There will still be a lot of empty space along the sidewalk, but at least now there is a lot less of it.

Maitland is now cleanly connected to Overland as well, instead of sticking to the old "street" pattern.
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Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

What happens when someone proposes a building that will cast a shadow on his "solar farm"?

You will see a "solar access" trespass claim and threatened litigation!
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

Solar farm: brilliant. Makes that large footprint evaporate in eco-conscious NIMBY minds.

They should have put one on the Columbus Center render to offset Ned Flaherty's OCD emissions concerns. He'd be posting here all about how much he loves his new LEED-supersized neighbor.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

Banker & Tradesman - October 17, 2009
Fenway Center Developer Has New Model For ?Building On Air?

By Paul McMorrow

Banker & Tradesman Staff Writer


Developer John Rosenthal said the revenue sharing agreement he and state transportation officials announced Thursday afternoon will become a model for getting air rights developments off architectural boards, and onto the streets.

"This will absolutely be a model," said Rosenthal, the developer behind the proposed $500 million, 1.5 million square foot Fenway Center project. "Other air rights projects will be built based on this."

While predevelopment work on most other Turnpike projects has ground to a halt over the past several months, Rosenthal and state officials have been huddling, working to overcome the kinds of financing and construction hurdles that grounded Columbus Center.

They emerged Thursday with a revenue-sharing agreement that will give Rosenthal breathing room on the front end, and grant the state a windfall of hundreds of millions of dollars on the back end.

Rosenthal's development site straddles Turnpike lanes and parking lots between Beacon Street and Brookline Avenue, in the shadow of Fenway Park. Half is solid ground, and half is air. Rosenthal said he's paying market rates for the site as if it were entirely land. His firm will assume sole responsibility for building the deck above the Turnpike.

Initially, Rosenthal said, lease payments will flow back to his firm to make up for the cost of developing buildings above the roadway.

"They recognize the difficulties of building on air," he said. "We'll treat is as prepaid rent. Once the deck is economically neutral, net payments flow to the state."

Rosenthal estimated that the state would net more than $300 million in revenue over the 99-year lease's lifetime.

"It's incredibly difficult to finance an existing building, never mind new construction over two rail lines and eight lanes of highway," the developer said. The revenue-sharing agreement lets him finance the entire deal as if it were on solid land; financing from MassHousing and the AFL-CIO Housing Investment Trust, and a 20-year lease with Longwood medical-area tenants for the bulk of his parking garage's spots mean the first phase of work will commence in 2011, as soon as his $12 million reconstruction of Yawkey Station is complete.

Outgoing Transportation Secretary James Aloisi said one of his frustrations has been "how difficult it seems for the Turnpike to actually complete successful real estate deals." He added, "This will be a model for how we will leverage our transportation real estate assets."
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

It will be a model if it actually works. I don't see any buildings there yet.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

A 1300 car garage? That current lot holds how many? 200-300? Do we really want to send another 1000 cars into Kenmore Square? What a terrible idea.

This project seems to be all about the parking garage. It's been that way from the beginning. The condos and tower are all pie in the sky and will probably never happen.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

A 1300 car garage? That current lot holds how many? 200-300? Do we really want to send another 1000 cars into Kenmore Square? What a terrible idea.

This project seems to be all about the parking garage. It's been that way from the beginning. The condos and tower are all pie in the sky and will probably never happen.

Yeah this is my only problem with the project. If theyre rebuilding Yawkey, and theyre half a block from Kenmore, why does it need so many parking spaces?

Neds UFC crap is stupid like always. What about the poor souls that live on Mountfort street? Why is that ok?
