Former Grampy's Gas site | 290 Cambridge Street | Beacon Hill


Love the copper treatment of semi-oriel bays! Very early 20th C Urban!
I really want to see what this building will look like like in five years.

(I say that hopefully, and with zero sarcasm.)
It appears that the stone work is actually precast concrete...which never wears well. Limestone would have been great.
It appears that the stone work is actually precast concrete...which never wears well. Limestone would have been great.

Clearly the limestone would have been better. Seems to be hard to find any developer willing to pay for high-quality, non-precast material though.

Everything that Suffolk's new building lacks: a cornice (several actually), symmetry, a sense of self-dignity (no WTF reactions)..
Ive been wondering for a while now why this building has been generally well-received while the new building on Mt Auburn in Harvard Sq has been pilloried as an unimaginative museum piece. They are very similar and though this building is more handsome, the general concept of revivalism holds true for both...
As a lay person with no design training, I'll offer my 2 cents why IMO this one looks better than Mt. Auburn. The facade treatment is broken up both horizontally and vertically. The Mt. Auburn building is a more monolithic looking. That being said, although the Mt. Auburn building isn't exciting and perhaps even boring, I don't mind it. It treats it's urban surroundings better than most new buildings going up lately.
Cambridge Street may be a bumpy mess without any bike infrastructure, but this building is likely getting a Soul Cycle location. This will be an indoor spinning studio at $30 per class. Abutters meeting next Thursday.
Anyone know how many units/parking spaces this has?
