Foundation Medicine (Parcel P) | 400 Summer Street | Seaport

Looks like a beautifully mutated overgrown 1920s factory.
The last render in that deck shows a mural along East Service Road for the Ground Floor. That's nice.
This is excellent and I'd be okay to let them get started today.

Iffffff I were inclined to be nitpicky in the most obnoxious way possible, I'd say I wished they didn't treat all four sides of the typical window bay with equally weighted corbelling. It'd be nice to see some flat granite sills at the bottoms, which would give the windows a more traditional feeling.

But I am not so inclined today. Not about to look a gift horse in the mouth when all I do is complain about a lack of masonry detailing and facade depth. We have that here, let's go.
This has been obvious for some time, but Foundation Medicine has officially signed on for this:

Largest office lease since Vertex. I didn't realize that, but it makes sense: single tenants for these shorter buildings are actually leasing more space than anchor tenants on taller ones (State Street, Verizon).

They got approval from the BCDC and will begin in the fall.
I'm sure someone has already brought this up, but I really appreciate the way this design nods to Fort Point's vernacular style. It's a handsome mix of old and new, and it will help knit together the Seaport and the elevated Summer St corridor.
Beautiful building! So, if this development also includes building the Summer stairs, and the Amazon Building development currently under construction, which I understand will build out Harbor Square, the pedestrian walkway from Summer St. to Seaport Blvd will be complete sometime in 2022? Am I correct on this?
It's official. Foundation Medicine has signed the lease for 580K SF.

Bldgup article.

According to the Bisnow site construction is expected to begin later this year.

from the BosNow story
Construction is expected to kick off in fall/winter 2019 and be complete in 2022.

Given the huge new development plans for the old Gillette / P&G properties and further toward Broadway T -- Someone now needs to think of how to connect Summer Street to A Street in a more elegant public manner than the old industrial stairs currently in use.
Given the huge new development plans for the old Gillette / P&G properties and further toward Broadway T -- Someone now needs to think of how to connect Summer Street to A Street in a more elegant public manner than the old industrial stairs currently in use.

Felcher Street?

But seriously... there's no space.
