Four Seasons Tower @ CSC | 1 Dalton Street | Back Bay

I agree with DZH here and I had assumed that those three points to the top of the corners of the building considering that would match with this building having three corners and as far as I can tell the FAA uses corners as their points in most cases. For example Millennium Tower had several points they measured up to and each was one of the corners of the mechanical screen.
Just to get it out there, I hate NIMBY's and think they should all be crushed or get a life.

However, having said that I really don't give a rat's ass about competing with Oklahoma City for who has the biggest tower. In Boston, we should build up to FAA limits because the demand is there and space is limited. However, we're never going to have the skyline of NYC or Chicago so that's a needless comparison. Philly is a dump, Atlanta is boring, Houston is boring (never been to Dallas) and when I'm in Miami I can assure you I'm not looking at the buildings. In fact, I didn't even know they had buildings in Miami. ;)

Of course we're never going to look like Chicago or NYC, unless gold is discovered under the common, every NIMBY immediately dies, and Logan Airport gets mystically transported to Winchester.

But who needs to? Having one or two 900+ towers is pretty good.
I just realized that of course this is 756', and here is how I prove it:

A 100' antenna mounted on top brings the total height to 856'. I think every single forumer here, regardless of knowledge level, can recognize that they are not going to be mounting an antenna on top of the window washing rig.

Now somebody give me the Archboston Internet Sleuth of the Year award and I'll be on my merry way.

EDIT: Walked by this Wednesday, and it's well into the 3rd floor.
Still think "wtf?" When I see that curved pool. It's a lap swimming nightmare. Unfortunately, that's a deal breaker for me, so I will not be moving into the Four Seasons.
I pray to the glass and steel gods that this resembles 1 wtc's antenna as close to 0% as possible. Obviously its wayyyyyy shorter but idk what it is about that thing but it just looks soooooo bad. Like a flaming turd that clogs ur toilet then explodes when you try to plunge it and burns your house to the ground and then the land is haunted for eternity afterwards bad. If its a solid Trump Tower Chicago type I think it would actually look pretty okay. If its noticeable I think solid white would look the best but if its a regular antenna hopefully its uniform and not clashing.
Still think "wtf?" When I see that curved pool. It's a lap swimming nightmare. Unfortunately, that's a deal breaker for me, so I will not be moving into the Four Seasons.

Tell me about it, you'd hit the wall long before you hit the wall!

Not to mention, it's probably not even 25 meters, which is about the shortest a lap pool should be.
The penthouse fit and finishes are dope AF. Really top shelf, not that you would expect anything else, but still very nice to see.

As far as an antenna goes it, it would be nice if it got the undulating LED lights of the Bank of America tower on Bryant Park.
Seems like that is on schedule - didn't they say ~3 months for the first 3 stories ?
Still think "wtf?" When I see that curved pool. It's a lap swimming nightmare. Unfortunately, that's a deal breaker for me, so I will not be moving into the Four Seasons.

I think this is a classic case of sacrificing function for form. The curved pool looks cool as shit, but it isn't very practical for serious swimmers.
I look forward to when this guy starts to poke up above the surrounding buildings. The view from the bridges will be great.
I look forward to when this guy starts to poke up above the surrounding buildings. The view from the bridges will be great.

Just for fun, let's take bets when that is. I'll go with second week of August.
once the first three are truly done, i think we'll see about a floor a week. if that happens in mid-april, for 1 dalton to be clearly visible from the cambridge side of the charles, above the sheraton towers and others of similar height (29 stories) i'd say september.
The larger podium floors extend as far as 6 stories, so this won't be the true shape of the tower until it reaches 7.

Regarding visibility, it will be visible from the South much sooner than the North. I would think the first place to catch a view will be from the park by the South Boston High School, where the Dorchester Heights Monument is.

From the North, it mostly depends on the angle. From some angles there is a gap between the Sheraton and Hilton, where this could show up by a dozen floors or so. However, from most angles it is going to need to hit around the halfway point to really start being noticeable.
