Franklin Park - White Stadium Renovation

Ironic, women's soccer is a close second and the leader for girls. And while we're at it, let's close all the DCR ice rinks, too.
I don’t disagree. We should be pushing children into physically intensive but non brain-damaging athletic pursuits like track and field, rowing, racquet sports, basketball, baseball, and others. I think that soccer can be salvaged if heading is banned, but American football and hockey should be eliminated entirely.

This isn’t some hyperbolic or crazy position. We’re letting kids develop CTE before their brains are even done developing.
This isn’t some hyperbolic or crazy position. We’re letting encouraging kids to develop CTE before their brains are even done developing.
Avid football fan, but, yeah. Let's not beat around the bush. I strongly believe that schools sponsoring sports is in most cases positive but an examination is due on whether that holds up for some of the more violent contact sports.
Regarding football, I loved playing it in high school. I was nevertheless quite glad that none of my kids had any interest in doing it when they were the right age. And if we had known back in my day what we know today, I doubt very much that I would have played (father was a pediatrician). Eliminating heading for youth soccer would be a big safety enhancement, but most of my excitement about this project is the huge improvement for so many other high school athletic opportunities.
