You mean universities like Harvard (founded 1636), MIT (1861), BC (1863), BU (founded 1838, relocated to Boston 1867), NU (1898), or medical institutions like Mass General (1811), Mass E&E (1824), Children's (1869), and NE Baptist (1893)?
I didn't know the "New Boston" began all the way back in the 17th century. Frankly, my dear, the "New Boston" has been here all along. It just took the advent of mass media, advertising, marketing and PR campaigns for opportunistic shills to try to make Boston something other than what it has been since its founding.
Your preference for arriviste elites over old-time locals is not too dissimilar to justifications given by white imperialists for colonizing the lands of "lesser" races: "Yeah, they were here first, but we can make much better use of this place, so fuck'em."
Maybe studying quaint old-timey colonialism will give you some ideas you can present to Mayor Wu for dealing with "the biggest threat to Boston's progress". I'm sure "New Boston" will be grateful and generously reward you for your efforts.
Lastly, a word of caution for you. The elites converging on the "New Boston" from all corners of the globe aren't coming here to do the work of the "old-time local townies". They're coming here to do the work of the "old-time local elites", which probably includes
you. Don't be surprised to find you and yours included among the "biggest threats to Boston's progress" in the not too distant future. Here's a preview of that for you: walls were entirely bare. Thirty-one oil portraits,and other historic figures — had been removed.
"Frankly, my dear"??????
"Don't be surprised to find you and yours included among the "biggest threats to Boston's progress" in the not too distant future."????
I don't understand why you needed to go in a personal attack direction, but that's for you to self-examine.
But onto THE POINT, those great institutions you listed never
ceased to exist in the 1950's, 1960's, 1970's. As far as I recall, they WERE INDEED still here. And it still was the old parochial, backwater Boston. I can't imagine anyone claims "New Boston" existed in Mayor Curley's time.......or Louise Day Hicks'.....or Dapper O'Neil's?
Delta is the New Bostonians added to the great backbone of the old academic/medical/cultural institutions - - - and changing of the guard in old vastly racist (yes, vastly racist) neighborhoods such as Southie, Charlestown, Somerville, etc. with more diverse populations.
The rest of your personal attack post is strange. You have no idea who I am and where I come from and to support your certitude ("you and yours").
But you are batting .500 with this: ".....The elites converging on the "New Boston" from all corners of the globe aren't coming here to do the work of the "old-time local townies" (check mark). They're coming here to do the work of the "old-time local elites", which probably includes
you." (incorrect x mark)
1) Yup, the new "elites' are indeed
not coming here to do the work of the "old-time townies". The newcomers who are replacing the old-time townies to be a cop or work on the T
aren't moving here from U Colorado/Boulder or Stanford. That is for the previously isolated and discriminated against groups of the city and new immigrant populations who are displacing the old-time townies. A more diverse population and police/firefighter/union etc. is a good thing and a new thing for Boston. Hopefully, for many of these "new townies", this newly more available rung on the ladder can be the first step to climbing to the 'elite".
2) But these new 'elites' are also not "coming here to do the work of the "old-time local elites" either. They are taking Boston in a new and dynamic direction. They
won't be the elites who instituted the Sunday Blue Laws or gave international reputation to the term "Banned in Boston". Yes, history is a pendulum and the SOME of the actions the new Bostonians may take may be idiotic in a DIFFERENT direction (i.e., the Brigham and Women's portrait removal). Looking for a 100% agreement all the time is for comic book readers. Mayor Wu, Vlodomyr Zelensky, the Bruins have made some bad moves over the course of this year with many great moves. I'm not going to cherry pick the few bad ones and close my mind to their overall performance.
Unlike your post, I won't take to personally categorizing who you are (in your ugly words, "you and yours"). An argument that includes personal attacks usually signifies an attempt to deflect away from a bereft point. From your post "word of caution". Attack argument points. Don't make personal attacks.