General Electric HQ (Necco Buildings Reno) | 5 Necco Street | Fort Point

Re: General Electric HQ | Necco St.| Fort Point

Edit: Beaten by a second. Haha.

Pulling EPNF images now though...

I knew I was racing you... :) If you pull out the images, I'll delete my post, because those linked ones are big.
Re: General Electric HQ | Necco St.| Fort Point

The roof structure sure is interesting. Overall looks like a great development.
Re: General Electric HQ | Necco St.| Fort Point

Please note: The official address for the project is 244-284 A Street, not Necco St. as I and others had guessed. Can the thread title reflect this?

EDIT: Thanks!
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

Plans, Sections, Elevations, Renders (not posted above):

























Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

I imagine that roof's gonna be tough to land a helicopter on.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

I'm left speechless from the barf I'm choking on.

Ok, so that was a little dramatic...but initial impression is that I don't like it. There are a bunch of cool ideas here, but it feels forced, as if the architect took the calls for innovation too literally. The view looking west at the exposed supports for the solar veil combined with the building cantilever and visible trusses drives me bonkers...feels imbalanced...too much going on...but that could be my ADD kicking in. I will admit, I prefer more monolithic structures (a la 200 Clarendon and MT), so maybe I'll never be satisfied.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

I'm left speechless from the barf I'm choking on.

Oh come on, dude. That's headed into troll territory. You could propose Notre Dame in Boston and someone on AB would say it's "too ostentatious. Disgusting."
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

I actually like this a lot. Theres a lot going on here and they bring it together well.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

Oh come on, dude. That's headed into troll territory. You could propose Notre Dame in Boston and someone on AB would say it's "too ostentatious. Disgusting."

Not trolling, just injecting some clearly misinterpreted cynical humor (which oftentimes manifests itself as some ridiculously crass statement). I wasn't calling out anyone's opinion...just simply expressing mine. I did try to support my reaction with some thoughtful commentary, although I often fall short in that regard because I'm not in the planning and design profession (I rarely post on here for that specific reason).

I get it, though, and will try to avoid statements that are not germane to the discussion.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point


I agree. This works for me even if there is a lot going on. I also really like materials they are planning on using for the cladding.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

This works wonderfully for me as well. I love the use of materials and old-meets-new contrast. I'm very curious to see the use of wood fins in the sun screen. These materials are a refreshing break from the seaport's extensive glass. I'm always skeptical of wood's long-term maintenance/sustainment (and believe me, I've heard all about how certain species and/or treatments are supposed to "weather well") - you would think we'd know how to do it by now, though, so let's see! I'm curious if anyone knows more about what species they're planning to use; mahogany is making a comeback as an outdoor material lately. Looks too dark to be teak from the renderings, but could be inaccurate.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

Not trolling, just injecting some clearly misinterpreted cynical humor (which oftentimes manifests itself as some ridiculously crass statement). I wasn't calling out anyone's opinion...just simply expressing mine. I did try to support my reaction with some thoughtful commentary, although I often fall short in that regard because I'm not in the planning and design profession (I rarely post on here for that specific reason).

I get it, though, and will try to avoid statements that are not germane to the discussion.

Sorry for overreacting, but I feel like sometimes if we don't respond to the extreme stuff then the thread devolves into slinging mud at the building. I get that you weren't trying to do that, though.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

Overall, I like it. But the solar veil does seem to be a bit much...

Interesting that the ground floor render includes a "parking ramp", as GE previously said that the building would not include parking. I have no issue with an underground garage - it seems prudent to include one; I wonder what made them change their mind...

EDIT: The BRA filing shows that the building will include just 30 parking spaces while the current lot has 203. Okay, that's basically no parking.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

Overall, I like it. But the solar veil does seem to be a bit much...

Interesting that the ground floor render includes a "parking ramp", as GE previously said that the building would not include parking. I have no issue with an underground garage - it seems prudent to include one; I wonder what made them change their mind...

EDIT: The BRA filing shows that the building will include just 30 parking spaces while the current lot has 203. Okay, that's basically no parking.

See EPNF excerpt:
1.3.7 Parking
Vehicle Parking
In support of the City's goal to not overbuild parking, the Project will include
approximately 30 below-grade parking spaces underneath the New Building for GE
employees. The garage will be accessed via a driveway on Necco Street. As
discussed more fully in Chapter 8, Transportation, there is currently ample public
parking available on a typical weekday in the area. While GE may generate additional
parking demand beyond the approximately 30 spaces to be provided on-site,
employees will be first encouraged to utilize public transit, walk, bike, and use
nearby public parking if they need to drive.

Bicycle Parking
Consistent with the City's goals, GE will provide secure bicycle storage to encourage
cycling as a healthy and environmentally-friendly means to commute. A total of 50
secure indoor bicycle spaces be available for employees upon Project completion
with the ability to expand to 120 spaces as demand warrants. In addition, on-site
shower and locker facilities will be provided for employees. Also, 30 at-grade
publicly-accessible bicycle parking spaces will be located throughout the Campus
near building entrances. GE is also considering sponsorship of a Hubway Station on
or near the Campus to serve employees and visitors.

Also, here are definitions of GE's programs (notably "maker space") as we were previously discussing in this thread:
The following describes the uses summarized in Table 1-1 above:
› Office - Employee work space for GE Headquarters functions and components of
GE business units.
› Maker Space:
 Internal – work space for GE employees to work and co-create with invited
collaborators and visitors to prototype and develop new products/solutions.
The maker space is generally used for prototyping, 3-D printing, and smallscale
manufacturing from the lab to viable production quantities for both
physical and digital products.
 External – hands-on classroom workspace to support GE educational and
outreach programs. The space will also feature maker equipment to display GE
technology and innovation. The GE outreach programs accommodated in this
space include: the GE Garages, a space for tech startups to collaborate with GE
and experience the company's cutting edge products, as well as the Brilliant
Labs—a program sponsored by the GE Foundation in conjunction with Boston
Public Schools. Located at the ground-level, this space will be open to the
community, including university and high school students, to explore careers in
Science Technology Engineering and Math.
› Bistro – A ground-level restaurant space open to the public.
› Employee Community Space – Community space for GE employees and their
visitors, including a cafeteria and other amenities.
› Museum – Publically accessible space intended to be an evolving display of the
inspirational story of the past, present, and future of GE, both from a technology
and human initiative point of view.
› Convener Space – Large assembly space for presentations/events where GE and
interested global and local community thought leaders get together to share
knowledge with each other and become a catalyst for innovation to solve
tomorrow's global challenges.
› Community Work Lounge – A visitor reception/check-in lounge furnished with a
variety of seating options for employees, customers, and public visitors to use as
a "co-work" area or gathering point.
› Lab – Laboratory space to include flexible space with hoods and shared support
space primarily for life sciences business. GE anticipates using this space to
engage 6-12 early stage companies to develop innovative co-created products.
› Coffee Bar – A ground-level quick service coffee bar with a variety of “grab & go”
options that will be open to the public.
The spaces detailed above can be categorized into the following function areas:
› HQ Functions – Office space that supports corporate functions, including
Finance, Legal, and Marketing.

GE Businesses – Office space utilized by business units within GE that focus on
key product segments including Current by GE, Healthcare IT, Power, Aviation
and Transportation.
› Innovation Network Space – Space provided by GE for GE, its partners,
customers, co-creators and the general public to innovate the future of industry.
This space focuses both on bringing innovation to scale and on the development
of the company's digital-industrial products.
› Internal Community Spaces – Spaces that can be utilized by all employees to
connect, collaborate, refresh, and relax.
› Public Community Spaces – Spaces open and accessible to the public:
 Ground Floor: not less than 75 percent of the ground floor of both the Brick
Buildings and the New Building will be open and accessible to the public,
including the Museum, the Bistro, the Community Work Lounge, public
restrooms and the External Maker Space, including Brilliant Labs.
 Upper Floors: The Museum in the New Building will expand onto the second
floor of the New Building. The Convener Space on the New Building's upper
floors will host conferences and networking events open to invited members of
the public.
› Infrastructure - Space within the Project dedicated to the delivery of program
elements. Infrastructure space includes space for building systems, mail rooms,
and security.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

I like it. I don't love it. It's "innovative," but doesn't quite go overboard. Given the contrast that the brick provides and the visibility of the channel-front location, I would have love to see some titanium cladding a-la Gehry, but this is nice and the glass works.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

holy shit, they totally nailed's both perfectly contextual and daring
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

This works wonderfully for me as well. I love the use of materials and old-meets-new contrast. I'm very curious to see the use of wood fins in the sun screen. These materials are a refreshing break from the seaport's extensive glass. I'm always skeptical of wood's long-term maintenance/sustainment (and believe me, I've heard all about how certain species and/or treatments are supposed to "weather well") - you would think we'd know how to do it by now, though, so let's see! I'm curious if anyone knows more about what species they're planning to use; mahogany is making a comeback as an outdoor material lately. Looks too dark to be teak from the renderings, but could be inaccurate.

BigPicture -- Bravo -- both for your review and I agree almost on all points :eek:

I'm thinking its Teak -- some Teak is not Scandinavian Blond -- no doubt it works well in wet even salty conditions -- the US Navy used to use it for ships decking through WWII

USS Missouri (BB-63) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Missouri in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii; aft deck and 16-inch (410 mm) gun turret
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

the front massing reminds me of the back of an old cathode ray TV set
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

I like it. I don't love it. It's "innovative," but doesn't quite go overboard. Given the contrast that the brick provides and the visibility of the channel-front location, I would have love to see some titanium cladding a-la Gehry, but this is nice and the glass works.

Lrfox -- Titanium is so yesterday -- we've got Zinc and Silicon Carbide :cool:
