General Electric HQ (Necco Buildings Reno) | 5 Necco Street | Fort Point

Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

General Electric HQ Project Public Meeting
SEP 07, 2016
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
BRA link

They also supposedly held a public meeting Aug. 17 with community members. Based on the presentation they gave, it looks like they're just reviewing exactly what will be in their headquarters and how everything will work out.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

General Electric HQ Project Public Meeting
SEP 07, 2016
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
BRA link

They also supposedly held a public meeting Aug. 17 with community members. Based on the presentation they gave, it looks like they're just reviewing exactly what will be in their headquarters and how everything will work out.

Stelar -- Great update -- the pdf of the presentation is very impressive

Not only is the building portrayed in a whole bunch of new renders -- see for instance page [13/19] -- but the company is a new kind of GE -- its now Jeff's GE -- Neutron Jack -- who lives on Beacon Hill has been exorcized
How GE Exorcised the Ghost of Jack Welch to Become a 124-Year-Old Startup
A decade after taking over, Jeff Immelt’s long bet on the Internet of Really Big Things seems to be paying off.
Bloomberg L.P.
Mar 17, 2016 - Jack Welch, who ran GE in the 1980s and '90s, would arrive by helicopter...It’s part of a much larger transformation at GE orchestrated by Jeff Immelt, Welch’s successor as chief executive officer. Most notably, GE is moving its headquarters from suburban Fairfield, Conn., land of golf and bonuses, where it’s been since 1974, to Boston, the Athens of America. ....In January, GE announced the move to Boston, where the deer are few and the software developers plentiful. “Sitting in a rural setting, you can never be scared enough of what’s next,” Immelt says. “You just can’t be. You can’t be paranoid enough. And I felt like it would be a good thing for the business just to be in the flow of ideas.” It could also help GE attract more young employees with technology backgrounds, which remains a struggle because most people still don’t associate GE with software.

as an update

on the BRA website
the following GE-related documents are available for your download [warning some are very large]
  • General Electric (GE) Headquarters Public Meeting Presentation 2016-08-17 DOWNLOADPDF 32 MB
    Document Type: Presentations
    Project: General Electric (GE) Headquarters Project
    Document Date: 08/17/2016
  • General Electric (GE) Headquarters Project Third Amendment to Master Plan DOWNLOADPDF 3.9 MB
    Document Type: PDA
    Project: General Electric (GE) Headquarters Project
    Document Date: 08/10/2016
  • General Electric (GE) Headquarters Project PDA Development Plan DOWNLOADPDF 9.1 MB
    Document Type: PDA
    Project: General Electric (GE) Headquarters Project
    Document Date: 08/10/2016
  • General Electric (GE) Headquarters Project BCDC Presentation 2016-08-02 DOWNLOADPDF 4.8 MB
    Document Type: Presentations
    Project: General Electric (GE) Headquarters Project
    Document Date:08/02/2016
  • General Electric (GE) Headquarters Project EENF EPNF 2016-08-01 DOWNLOADPDF 39 MB
    Document Type: Project Notification Form
    Project: General Electric (GE) Headquarters Project
    Document Date: 08/01/2016
  • General Electric (GE) Headquarters Project LOI 2016-06-23 DOWNLOADPDF 880 KB
    Document Type: Letter of Intent
    Project: General Electric (GE) Headquarters Project
    Document Date: 06/23/2016

This thing is moving at beyond the BureauKraptic Speed of Light -- superluminal
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Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

General Electric HQ Project Public Meeting
SEP 07, 2016
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
BRA link

They also supposedly held a public meeting Aug. 17 with community members. Based on the presentation they gave, it looks like they're just reviewing exactly what will be in their headquarters and how everything will work out.

I can't help but laugh sometimes at the diction used in these presentations. "Multi-function lawn." Anything is multi-function depending on how you use it.

It's a small patch of grass, just call it what it is.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

GE officially moved 175 employees to a temporary location at 33-41 Farnsworth St. yesterday. They plan to employ 300-350 people at this location by the end of the year.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

Metro is going to be even more out of control busy at lunch time, than it already is.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

Globe: GE plan to demolish historic bridge runs into neighborhood resistance
Boston Globe said:
Plans for General Electric’s future headquarters in Fort Point have run into a speed bump — one that’s green and four stories high.

As the project otherwise sails through Boston’s permitting process, neighbors are raising concerns about the pending demolition of an overhead pedestrian bridge that has connected brick buildings on either side of Necco Court for more than a century.

For them, the bridge over Necco Court is one of the most iconic elements in their neighborhood of historic industrial buildings, a structure depicted by local artists in paintings and photos.

Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

JumboBuc -- I doubt that the no-functional bridge over Necco Ct. will hold-up anything because the entity to ultimately own the Necco Ct, Buildings is the Commonwealth of MA through Mass Development -- so as in numerous other issues of jurisdiction -- Mass trumps Boston

For you GE HQ junkies some new Mega Documents to download and read
  • General Electric (GE) Headquarters Project BCDC Presentation 2016-10-04
  • General Electric (GE) Headquarters Project EPNF Comments 2016-10-03
  • General Electric (GE) Headquarters Project BCDC Presentation 2016-09-27
  • General Electric (GE) Headquarters Public Meeting Presentation 2016-09-21
  • General Electric (GE) Headquarters Project BCDC Presentation 2016-09-13
  • General Electric (GE) Headquarters Public Meeting Presentations 2016-09-07
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Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

GE’s $100M Boston headquarters receives design approval

The Boston Civic Design Commission on Tuesday evening granted design approval for General Electric Co.’s proposed Boston headquarters.

The headquarters campus will be located on a 2.5-acre campus facing the Fort Point Channel, spanning two historic former Necco candy manufacturing facilities at 5 and 6 Necco Court and a newly built property facing the water. The campus will span 388,700 square feet. GE's CEO, Jeffrey Immelt, has said the company intends to spend between $80 million and $100 million on the new headquarters.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

I bet you will be able to see the wall between the US and Mexico that Mexico will pay for.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

I bet you will be able to see the wall between the US and Mexico that Mexico will pay for.

yea, about as clearly as you'll be able to see GE's logo from Mars.

Hey, at least they have a cool logo if it does indeed end up being large.
At least it's not some company putting a giant sign on our skyline
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

So now if you want to be completely up to date in your GE HQ planning

I've updated my post of a few days ago [#430]

with the two newest documents to download -- Note as before -- while the GE Logo may not rally be visible from Mars -- the number of Mega Bytes of these exceeds the distance between Earth and Mars at closest approach [76 million kilometers in May] :cool:
  • General Electric (GE) Headquarters Project BCDC Presentation 2016-10-04
  • General Electric (GE) Headquarters Project EPNF Comments 2016-10-03


On second thought after reading the EPNF Comments -- unless you are a NIMBY [note in a victory there didn't seem to be BANANA comments] -- you probably wont find much to enjoy in that pile of bits -- lots of repetition [seems like some orchestrated campaign] and lots of Crackpot comments [e.g. Why not move GE's proposed Museum to the Green Bridge across Necco Ct.]
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Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

yea, about as clearly as you'll be able to see GE's logo from Mars.

Hey, at least they have a cool logo if it does indeed end up being large.
At least it's not some company putting a giant sign on our skyline

BigPicture -- Celebrating National Manufacturing Day and the approval by the Boston Civic Design Committee of the Gensler GE HQ design

which coincidentally this year is also National Frappe Day October 7

National Manufacturing Day is observed annually on the first Friday in October. We celebrate those who proudly stand behind our goods and services made in America. Americans continue to develop products and unlock new technologies that grow our economy. They create jobs through entrepreneurship, and their competitiveness revitalizes American manufacturing.

So we chose to address the question Could a Jeff Immelt standing on Mars see his logo on the Fort Point Channel in Boston -- simple answer is YES -- anyone can prove it to yourself -- when Mars in visible above the horizon stand on the edge of the Fort Point Chanel and see if it is visible to you -- the sunlit illuminated earth viewed from from Mars will be about the same brightness


Now when you get down into the weeds the question and the answers get more complicated

So we must ask -- what actually does it mean to see the Logo. Is it sufficient to detect photons from it -- then once again the answer is Yes -- a dark adapted eye can recognize somewhere between 1 and 5 photons as a distinct source. Of course Jeff standing on Mars would see all of the side of the earth facing him and he'd have to separate out his photons from the background.

Here seeing things on the earth from Mars has an advantage over seeing things from earth on the Moon or vise versa. Like viewing the moon from Earth, Jeff can look at an earth whose illuminated face is nearly opposite to the face which he's viewing [a New earth]. So all the GE Logo photons have to compete against are the ones from the artificial lights on the dark side of the earth. However, unlike the earth moon system, the two planets are not synchronously locked in terms of orbits [earth 8766.1525 hrs., versus mars 16488.2562 hrs.] and rotations [Mars solar: 24 hours, 39 minutes, and 35 seconds, versus earth solar: 24 hours, 0 minutes, 0.0009423 seconds]*1, [Mars sidereal day: 24 hours, 37 minutes and 22 seconds, versus earth sidereal day: 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4.0916 seconds] -- so if you wait long enough the right part of the earth will be in the dark facing you, and at the closest point in terms of distance

Now it becomes a matter of signal to noise ratio in the area which Jeff is able to resolve -- without a telescope or even binoculars when you look at Mars it looks very close to a point source -- Earth is a few times larger in solid angle -- but you's have to say it still would look like a point source -- so Jeff's eye would combine all earth origin photons into a few rod cells at most. End result --Earth would look the same to a naked eye on Mars with or without the GE Logo

But as I said before - -all is not lost --it's more complicated. An experiment at Columbia in 1941 showed amazing ability to detect a flashing light

In 1941, Columbia University researchers led subjects into a darkened room and gave their eyes some time to adjust. Rod cells take several minutes to achieve full sensitivity – which is why we have trouble seeing when the lights first go out.
The researchers then flashed a blue-green light in front of the subjects’ face. At a rate better than chance, participants could detect the flash when as few as 54 photons reached their eyes.

After compensating for the loss of photons through absorption by other components in the eye, researchers found that as few as five photons activating five separate rods triggered an awareness of light by the participants.

So Jeff needs to pulse the sign at the appropriate rate with an apparent surface brightness greater than the average brightness of the night time earth centered on Boston -- or perhaps pick an angle when most of the earth which he is viewing is ocean with Boston on the edge. -- Give him a pair of average binoculars and it would be easy.

Of course he could just put a laser behind a telescope mounted on the logo with enough power in the laser pulse and appropriate compensatory adaptive optics it would be a "piece of cake" -- over time the laser could transmit a bit map of the actual GE Logo

So -- Jeff Go for it -- we're behind you on this 110% :cool:

for a popular-science article on vision limits see
From spotting galaxies millions of light years away to perceiving invisible colours, Adam Hadhazy explains why your eyes can do incredible things.
By Adam Hadhazy
27 July 2015

*1 estimated length of Friday's day
*2 source of the quote about the Columbia Experiment
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

BigPicture -- Celebrating National Manufacturing Day and the approval by the Boston Civic Design Committee of the Gensler GE HQ design

which coincidentally this year is also National Frappe Day October 7

So we chose to address the question Could a Jeff Immelt standing on Mars see his logo on the Fort Point Channel in Boston -- simple answer is YES -- anyone can prove it to yourself -- when Mars in visible above the horizon stand on the edge of the Fort Point Chanel and see if it is visible to you -- the sunlit illuminated earth viewed from from Mars will be about the same brightness


Now when you get down into the weeds the question and the answers get more complicated

So we must ask -- what actually does it mean to see the Logo. Is it sufficient to detect photons from it -- then once again the answer is Yes -- a dark adapted eye can recognize somewhere between 1 and 5 photons as a distinct source. Of course Jeff standing on Mars would see all of the side of the earth facing him and he'd have to separate out his photons from the background.

Here seeing things on the earth from Mars has an advantage over seeing things from earth on the Moon or vise versa. Like viewing the moon from Earth, Jeff can look at an earth whose illuminated face is nearly opposite to the face which he's viewing [a New earth]. So all the GE Logo photons have to compete against are the ones from the artificial lights on the dark side of the earth. However, unlike the earth moon system, the two planets are not synchronously locked in terms of orbits [earth 8766.1525 hrs., versus mars 16488.2562 hrs.] and rotations [Mars solar: 24 hours, 39 minutes, and 35 seconds, versus earth solar: 24 hours, 0 minutes, 0.0009423 seconds]*1, [Mars sidereal day: 24 hours, 37 minutes and 22 seconds, versus earth sidereal day: 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4.0916 seconds] -- so if you wait long enough the right part of the earth will be in the dark facing you, and at the closest point in terms of distance

Now it becomes a matter of signal to noise ratio in the area which Jeff is able to resolve -- without a telescope or even binoculars when you look at Mars it looks very close to a point source -- Earth is a few times larger in solid angle -- but you's have to say it still would look like a point source -- so Jeff's eye would combine all earth origin photons into a few rod cells at most. End result --Earth would look the same to a naked eye on Mars with or without the GE Logo

But as I said before - -all is not lost --it's more complicated. An experiment at Columbia in 1941 showed amazing ability to detect a flashing light


So Jeff needs to pulse the sign at the appropriate rate with an apparent surface brightness greater than the average brightness of the night time earth centered on Boston -- or perhaps pick an angle when most of the earth which he is viewing is ocean with Boston on the edge. -- Give him a pair of average binoculars and it would be easy.

Of course he could just put a laser behind a telescope mounted on the logo with enough power in the laser pulse and appropriate compensatory adaptive optics it would be a "piece of cake" -- over time the laser could transmit a bit map of the actual GE Logo

So -- Jeff Go for it -- we're behind you on this 110% :cool:

for a popular-science article on vision limits see

*1 estimated length of Friday's day
*2 source of the quote about the Columbia Experiment

^^....How can one simple satirical question about the GE sign elicit responses which read like a college thesis? Thank goodness for the free MIT OCW (open course ware) courses I'm taking.....they help me decipher many posts on here. :)
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

^^....How can one simple satirical question about the GE sign elicit responses which read like a college thesis? Thank goodness for the free MIT OCW (open course ware) courses I'm taking.....they help me decipher many posts on here. :)

Lapradatetom -- You think Jeff was being funny when he said "Logo Visible from Nars" -- I think he was looking into the future when GE would like to be supplying stuff for the "Martreans" or perhaps "Marterriers" :p -- just as GE supplies stuff to over 180 countries

With over 500 factories globally, we celebrate manufacturing as an incubator for ingenuity. And today, we’re focused on its future. #MFGday16

The world's premier digital industrial company.
Transforming industry by connecting the physical and digital.
Sensing, predicting, and responding to make the world work better.

We are a $130B high-tech industrial leader, with strong global franchises that use our enterprise strength in technology, brand, globalization and services to collectively generate consistent growth, high margins and high returns.

....The Internet has had a massive impact on consumer productivity and commerce. Its impact on industrial markets is just now being realized. By 2020, 10,000 gas turbines, 68,000 jet engines, more than 100 million lightbulbs and 152 million cars will be connected to the Internet....

Chairman of the Board & Chief Executive Officer, GE
February 26, 2016
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

Lapradatetom -- You think Jeff was being funny when he said "Logo Visible from Nars" -- I think he was looking into the future when GE would like to be supplying stuff for the "Martreans" or perhaps "Marterriers" :p -- just as GE supplies stuff to over 180 countries

^In all reality, I don't recall Jeff Immelt ever mentioning Mars at all. I thought he was quoted as saying he "wants a GE sign so large that it's visible from space".....but maybe I'm wrong. It doesn't matter anyway. One thing that's very obvious in the renders is that the GE sign will be very visible from the expressway, and to planes flying into Logan.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

^In all reality, I don't recall Jeff Immelt ever mentioning Mars at all. I thought he was quoted as saying he "wants a GE sign so large that it's visible from space".....but maybe I'm wrong. It doesn't matter anyway. One thing that's very obvious in the renders is that the GE sign will be very visible from the expressway, and to planes flying into Logan.

I actually don't think the sign will be all that visible from I-93. Sight-lines to that location are pretty blocked from ground level by the large I-90 tunnel vent building and then the USPS building.
