General Electric HQ (Necco Buildings Reno) | 5 Necco Street | Fort Point

Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

Yeah, apparently some of these people think we should go back to an agrarian society or something. Nutjobs.

The are pro-development people just as nutty on this forum.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

The are pro-development people just as nutty on this forum.

Names! We want names! ;)

Seriously though, some of these idiots showed up to protest the groundbreaking ceremony. Who has time to take off of work for the entire morning to go down there and do some lame chant? Unless of course these people all live in their mom's basement.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

Names! We want names! ;)

Seriously though, some of these idiots showed up to protest the groundbreaking ceremony. Who has time to take off of work for the entire morning to go down there and do some lame chant? Unless of course these people all live in their mom's basement.

I think you're forgetting how many of them come from inheritance money.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

horrible excuses for human beings.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

I mean... if that's how you want to feel.
Just don't look for support in this over the top reaction or standpoint.
aB is not a hate group.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions, no matter how wacky or misguided they may seem to many of us. Including you.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

You're semi weekly ad hominems (thinly veiled slander) aside,

Did YOU DISPROVE the bogus theory that 115 Winthrop will set precedent for other developers to ruin Boston? Did Joe Larkin or Adam Weiner go out of their way to thank you for doing that? No, i don't think that was you.

Did you write a half dozen letters to the Walsh Admn asking them to re-examine the the incredible opportunities for an enormous waterfront park at Central Wharf, and make a big poster for them to see that the open space that would come with a single tower plan would be as large as the carpet at Gillette? ...Or that Tom Menino BLEW IT by refusing to recognize a once-in-a-generation opportunity to save Central Wharf? ...Did you so impress the MAYOR that he would actually do a complete 180° and rule against the New England Aquarium... And not only that, but send Brian Golden to push for a deal that the IMAX site be included to expand the 50% lot coverage such that Don Chiofaro could gain the flexibility needed to build on the correct footprint, and thus; be able to move forward? No, i don't believe that was you either.

Did you lobby the Board to stare down the nimby's in the West End at the Garden Garage site to grant nearly the full height, giving up just 2 floors?

Pardon, i didn't see you there for that one either.

i push for bold, and tall buildings where they're proposed. Somebody has to. i spend 50% of my efforts on supporting increased density and housing projects set forth by the BPDA with peaks rising to between 150 and 390' on a few lots scattered about the City. Again, good urbanism as far as i can tell.

i've posted that height could be proposed for sites on Mass Ave, Huntington Ave, and 2 Charlesgate W in the Fenway.... i've posted that more height could be added in the West End to the detriment of no one. ...followed by; 'except that height won't be added in either of those places anytime soon.'

i don't quite see how that rises quite to the level of giving a pass to selfish activists, often who include those who live in rarefied air, and also Brahmins of significant tenure, who've lived fulfilling lives of priviledge ...who spare no expense pushing bad urban policies that only work to make housing unaffordable, prevent people from having real economic opportunity, including having a decent place to live and plant their roots.

An opposing force reduced Mass Eye and Ear in Mission Hill from 5 stories to 3 stories! Those are serious ASSHOLES that did that. You travel around the country and meet so many people that say they left Massachusetts because they felt they no longer could afford to live here.

i post in the Globe for those who might be persuaded by agent provocateurs who organize resistance against good planning by the BPDA. How do you best do this? My theory is good cop bad cop. You play good cop when you post in the Globe. i certainly enjoy reading your soft-spoken, implicit logic. It's highly effective. i play rottweiler in da Globe and at PUBLIC MEETINGS. Please feel free to give me some pointers on making better arguments that reach more people and alienate fewer reasonable folk.

The people on this board are all genius experts about Boston, it's history and about future planning. Why do i push a hard line that doesn't always resonate with even the most-supportive of development?

1. a few more tall buildings will be good for Boston.

2. revenue: The desire to see Boston gain the economic might
a. it so richly deserves,
b. to have the $$$ to carry out better planning, and make needed improvements....
c. build more affordable housing units,
d. to take down the Brutalist Ziggurats and vastly improve the land usage of these sites.

Stop exaggerating.
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Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

You can break NIMBY's down into 3 categories:

1) Misinformed do-gooders. These tend to be younger and pro-Sanders. They don't make the connection that giving a tax break to GE is better than having no GE at all, or that a shadow at 7 AM in December is worth 153M in funds. For example, on the Globe site one of them stated that the city should only allow a 400ft building but charge the developer 153M anyway...

2) People personally affected. Harbor Towers people fit into this category as they probably aren't out protesting every other project in the city. Classic definition of a NIMBY.

3) Professional NIMBY's. The most malignant of the bunch. These people tend to be older, childless or divorces without a job or a hobby. The energy most people put into their families or careers these people put into opposing any and all projects as if its the end of civilization as we know it in order to get their names in the paper.

I agree with odur about #3. #2 will always pop up wherever something gets built and sometimes they have valid concerns. #1 can be solved with a bit of education and information.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

You can break NIMBY's down into 3 categories:

1) Misinformed do-gooders. These tend to be younger and pro-Sanders. They don't make the connection that giving a tax break to GE is better than having no GE at all, or that a shadow at 7 AM in December is worth 153M in funds. For example, on the Globe site one of them stated that the city should only allow a 400ft building but charge the developer 153M anyway...

2) People personally affected. Harbor Towers people fit into this category as they probably aren't out protesting every other project in the city. Classic definition of a NIMBY.

3) Professional NIMBY's. The most malignant of the bunch. These people tend to be older, childless or divorces without a job or a hobby. The energy most people put into their families or careers these people put into opposing any and all projects as if its the end of civilization as we know it in order to get their names in the paper.

I agree with odur about #3. #2 will always pop up wherever something gets built and sometimes they have valid concerns. #1 can be solved with a bit of education and information.

I get a real sense there is a 4th category you are not including... the fake NIMBY's who rile up people with false concerns and are really just drumming up business for lawyers, politicians and developers who want to show that they are adding value to the process by being able to overcome these people. When in fact it is a very symbiotic relationship between lawyers, developers, politicians and the NIMBY rabble rousers.

Classic protection racket tactics.

This fake NIMBYism is frustrating to the real public planning and the concerns over things like developers coming in and circumventing decades of public planning and zoning regulations by cutting a few checks.

The rule of law and a level playing field shouldn't mean that we have laws that prevent development that can only be overcome by spreading around enough money. It is a type of insidious pervasive corruption which is frustrating the smaller scale investments that can't afford the spreading around money needed to smooth over the pols and friends.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

The reconstructed bridge. Looking east.

Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

Looks like its casting a shadow to me... :mad: ;)
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

Looks good. Glad to see how they are going to restore it. Bridges like that do make some sense in terms of being able to keep employees inside the security of the building and inside during bad weather. Gives some flexibility in terms of locating departments that need to work together.

That render is getting into the uncanny valley with the fake people though.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

Looks good. Glad to see how they are going to restore it. Bridges like that do make some sense in terms of being able to keep employees inside the security of the building and inside during bad weather. Gives some flexibility in terms of locating departments that need to work together.

Only the building on the right in that render is GE. The building on the left is owned by an unrelated firm and occupied by an unrelated tenant, so the bridge will be a walled off dead end that doesn't actually lead anywhere.

GE plans to use the space "as four separate lounges and quiet working spaces for GE employees".
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

I am surprised no one has yet posted that Jeffrey Immelt is retiring this year. Moves the company HQ to Boston and no sooner here, out the door he goes.

His successor is from GE health services, and supposedly his focus is on growing GE's overseas business.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

I am surprised no one has yet posted that Jeffrey Immelt is retiring this year. Moves the company HQ to Boston and no sooner here, out the door he goes.

His successor is from GE health services, and supposedly his focus is on growing GE's overseas business.

When a company names its new CEO on the same day they announce the departure/retirement of the current CEO, it means they knew about this succession plan for a very long time. Perhaps as far back, or father, than they planned this Boston move.

So my take is that this will have very little effect at all on whatever is/has been planned for Boston because such things have been in the works concurrently.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

When a company names its new CEO on the same day they announce the departure/retirement of the current CEO, it means they knew about this succession plan for a very long time. Perhaps as far back, or father, than they planned this Boston move.

So my take is that this will have very little effect at all on whatever is/has been planned for Boston because such things have been in the works concurrently.

It is being reported as a "six-year long succession planning program"... so yes, they are being very deliberate about their moves. The decision to move the headquarters to Boston will probably be good for a couple decades at least.
