General Electric HQ (Necco Buildings Reno) | 5 Necco Street | Fort Point

Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

Amazon is not a fiasco. No tax breaks offered by the city of Boston and a solid mention of many different options with a focus on the one with the largest area that is ready to go and has the space that amazon needs.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

Again I'll take a more optimistic view on this one: even if GE were to shrink to a fraction of its current size, they'll still likely need a headquarters larger than the existing brick structures.

When companies reinvent/rebrand themselves (as GE is clearly trying to do), often times they actually do invest in the symbology to embody that. What better way to come across as a sleek, new, streamlined company than with a sleek new corporate symbol?

The naysayers have a point. But I still bet some structure of architectural significance lands in that parking lot.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

Again I'll take a more optimistic view on this one: even if GE were to shrink to a fraction of its current size, they'll still likely need a headquarters larger than the existing brick structures.

When companies reinvent/rebrand themselves (as GE is clearly trying to do), often times they actually do invest in the symbology to embody that. What better way to come across as a sleek, new, streamlined company than with a sleek new corporate symbol?

The naysayers have a point. But I still bet some structure of architectural significance lands in that parking lot.

I have to agree with this sentiment.

The new GE CEO, John Flannery, has to demonstrate some fiscal restraint at first. He was brought in by the board to get earnings back on track. But once he does that, he also needs the symbology of the new HQ to help with the ongoing transformation.

This is a delay, not a retreat.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

Well, the stock completely rebounded, so it might have been a lot of panic for nothing.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

When companies reinvent/rebrand themselves (as GE is clearly trying to do), often times they actually do invest in the symbology to embody that. What better way to come across as a sleek, new, streamlined company than with a sleek new corporate symbol?

It'd look bad with all the job cuts and cost cutting in general.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

What's the deal with the land owned by GE in Everett and Lynn?
Does GE say still own that land? And why would the taxpayers give this dying company land deals on such prime property? Especially if they still own huge amounts of land in those areas.

We the taxpayers are the donkeys in the room.

I actually like baker but seriously he should have told them no
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

It'd look bad with all the job cuts and cost cutting in general.

The headquarters' opening and any related press releases will be YEARS away from now; no issue whatsoever with a proximity effect to the layoffs. Planning/design/progress can be going on in the background without issue. Shareholder reactions / things said in shareholder briefings are notoriously short-term in hindsight perspective. They already announced staged delays in the HQ construction, which already conveys the message of increased prudence in this area of spending. In 2-4 years from now, the sleeker/re-branded image will be welcomed with open arms.

Meanwhile, in response to Rifle, the state can always scale back the tax cuts (as they did for Vertex) if GE doesn't come through.

Even a GE at half the size is a serious, serious company. I 100% agree that the taxpayers shouldn't be taken for a ride here, but there is precedence for governmental pushback/adjustment in the face of lack of follow-through.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

If GE wants tax deals on prime property why not do land swaps for Lynn and Everett locations and build affordable housing? For the deal--- Maybe GE should have built their corporate headquarters on those locations which they already own instead making a quick 10 million in tax breaks for prime property that will always have value.

The overall population are a bunch of morons not to recognize these corrupt dealings between our politicians and the corporate class that claim they create jobs.

Boston is booming we don't need deals like GE and liberty mutual.
For Christ sake kids cant even bike ride around the area anymore because of the high volume of traffic. There are plenty of jobs around here. No need to start giving prime property away to billion dollar corporations.

GE shareholders should be happy about the move into Boston at least
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

I'm just happy none of you anti-business folks are in charge of things. You'd all run Boston into the ground like Detroit.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

I'm just happy none of you anti-business folks are in charge of things. You'd all run Boston into the ground like Detroit.

It's not anti-business.

Detroit was run into the ground because of the same types of dealings which was very heavily dependent on the auto industry.
Union pensions and healthcare which has lead to city budget deficits
Unlimited tax incentives for the corporations
Corrupt politicians

Mass just got their bonds downgraded.

MIT took mass to the promise land right now. We are very lucky to have biotech engine in Cambridge mass. Average square foot of commercial space is roughly $78 in Cambridge vs Boston $60. The real innovation is coming from Cambridge. I believe Amazon settles in Somerville.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

Amidst all of the lousy GE news lately (of which one could clearly post many bullet points...downsizing, layoffs, stock price, etc), let's instead focus on the positive from today's shareholder presentation:

GE has maintained it will keep its promise to add 800 jobs over the next 7 years at its new headquarters in Boston's Seaport.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

Good news, folks...

NPC filed with the BPDA shows the GE Headquarters remains largely intact - in fact, with some small additions. Looks like GE is serious about going forward with this corporate headquarters campus.

As reported by BBJ:
The changes include the rehabilitation of the four-story Necco Court bridge, adding a 9,387-square-foot parcel of open space to the headquarters campus and expanding planned rooftop meeting space at 5 Necco Court by 1,880 square feet. All told, the changes add 3,865 square feet of space to the campus, which is dubbed “Innovation Point” and will eventually span 2.7 acres along the Fort Point Channel.

As far as scheduling...
The first phase, which is now underway, includes renovations to two brick warehouses, a public dock on the fort Point Channel and the Necco Court bridge and should wrap up by mid-2019. The second phase is scheduled to include construction of a 12-story office building and creation of public open space, and should wrap up by mid-2021.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

Great news! Thanks!
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

Some of these have been posted a couple are new or of higher quality than the ones before. Either way enjoy for tonight.







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Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

Nice! Thanks for the updates!
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

Thanks. An interesting (development) to say the least! ...of course we pretty-much already knew the main HQ building was on life support. Now, the final gasps of the dying patient (as far as GE making a significant impact on Boston is concerned) appears to be upon us...

At this point, in the big picture, the cancellation of the main building and a few hundred workers no longer coming is little more than a minor bruise.... Shocking as GE's fall from prominence is, Boston will hardly notice.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

Thanks. An interesting (development) to say the least! ...of course we pretty-much already knew the main HQ building was on life support. Now, the final gasp of the dying patient, appears to be upon us (as far as GE making a significant impact on Boston is concerned)...

At this point, the cancellation of one building and a few hundred workers no longer arriving represents little more than a minor bruise in the big picture.

Shocking as GE's fall from prominence is, Boston will hardly notice it.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves. All that article is saying is that GE might (emphasis might) spin off some of its units into other companies. Even if that did happen, those spin-offs could still decide to make their HQ in Boston. It's way too early to have any idea what (if anything) will happen to the GE HQ.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

Let's not get ahead of ourselves. All that article is saying is that GE might (emphasis might) spin off some of its units into other companies. Even if that did happen, those spin-offs could still decide to make their HQ in Boston. It's way too early to have any idea what (if anything) will happen to the GE HQ.

More specifically, GE is meant to house 800 employees in this facility. They are most interested in supporting IOT and healthcare devices, both of which will almost certainly remain under control of the core GE.

If GE fails to deliver on the 800 employees, it would be appropriate for the Commonwealth and City to revisit their incentive package. As long as the 800 employees are there in 2025, it doesn't really matter what form the company takes by then.
