General Electric HQ (Necco Buildings Reno) | 5 Necco Street | Fort Point

Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

What the GE investigation could mean for the company’s future

By Jon Chesto GLOBE STAFF JANUARY 24, 2018

Another General Electric Co. call with analysts, another dose of bad news. This time, it’s a Securities and Exchange Commission investigation that’s adding to GE chief executive John Flannery’s headaches.

Last week, Flannery disclosed that the Boston company would take a surprise $6.2 billion write-off and set aside $15 billion over seven years to prop up its portfolio of reinsurance policies.

Flannery also reiterated that all options are on the table in terms of the massive restructuring he has underway, words that were interpreted by many to mean that he is open to breaking up the company.....

contd in the Globe
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

What will be built first? Columbus Center or the GE HQ?
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point


enough time, i'll go with Columbus Center.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

I am 100% convinced that the glass building will never get built now, but if they rehab the brick buildings to the condition of the render... that wouldn't be so bad. Not sure what they would do with the parking lot then.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

I am 100% convinced that the glass building will never get built now, but if they rehab the brick buildings to the condition of the render... that wouldn't be so bad. Not sure what they would do with the parking lot then.

you're 100% convinced of that? GE remains one of the 10 largest companies in America and is a global force.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

Not sure where you're going with this picture, but what chrisbrat said is absolutely true. GE has multiple billions of dollars in sales every year internationally including some very specialized machinery like jet engines, power turbines, locomotives, etc. GE only has 2-3 competitors worldwide for some of the products they make so I think calling them a global force is warranted.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

Is that a bad render (the canvas from the site hanging on the fence), or are they re-cladding the side with faux-brick?
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

GE---is in a big trouble. I say they file bankruptcy and liquidate to avoid paying all those bloated pensions.

It was a hell of a run.
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

Nice update
Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

They have also raised the Harborwalk (3 or 4 feet) at a point that flooded this past winter.

nice - as a comparison from January:

Re: General Electric HQ | 244-284 A Street | Fort Point

Whats this restaurant all those people are at?
