Getting Transferred to Taunton


Active Member
Dec 29, 2007
Reaction score
I know its not to another state but I am sort of bummed out I can't be in Boston all the time like I am now.

So you will prolly see less of me (or maybe more) ha ha

But you will deff see less Boston Photos (recent ones)

as I start my same job at a new location in Taunton, MA on May 19th.

Adios !!!!!
Bless you. I spent 18 years growing up in Freetown and that was 18 years too long in the woods. Did my stint of working at the Galleria through high school.

At least you can get a lot more for your money there. I assume you're moving to Taunton?
I'll miss your frequent pictures. Once and a rare while I find myself in Taunton for work. When I'm there I stop at the Off Broadway Diner in Taunton Center. You should add that to your lunch rotation - very good food there.
Thanks Everyone.
I have been living in Raynham so commuting to Boston has sucked ha ha
so commuting from Raynham to Taunton will be a breeze :D
Good luck, Greg! Just make sure you satisfy our appetite for your photos on a regular basis as best you can. ;)
well I have sort of shifted my photos from Landscapes to photographing models.

I still photograph landscapes. but photographing models is fun too.


you can see more photos here. . . .
oh and I got a new toy

Canon EOS 6D Full Frame.

Things a beast. Can't wait to play with it.
