grinding my gears

Bobby Digital

Mar 2, 2007
Reaction score
Blowhard stalwarts that keep beantown in the 1940's...

aka NIMBY's... aka old rich people in power that keep us looking no different than Des Moines, IO

Whats yours?
When the board goes through these weird lulls and there are only 4 or 5 posts a day. :(
Yeah, what's up with that? Some days we have too many posts to read and other days there's nothin' but tumbleweed around here. :shock:
What the hell is the deal with How is it possible for such a respected company to have such a shitty Web site. If you're lucky, the pages will load extremely slowly, if you're not, the pages won't load at all.

Also, could we maybe throw a little news on the front page, instead of the "Worst Metaphors" Poll or "25 fun things to do in Western Maine" special.
Smuttynose said:
What the hell is the deal with How is it possible for such a respected company to have such a shitty Web site. If you're lucky, the pages will load extremely slowly, if you're not, the pages won't load at all.

Also, could we maybe throw a little news on the front page, instead of the "Worst Metaphors" Poll or "25 fun things to do in Western Maine" special. is designed for depressed women in meaningless secretarial positions.
Too true. The Globe deserves a divorce from that trash.
The most annoying thing for me is that almost every link requires me to click twice before the page will load. Does this happen to anyone else?
that the only information coming out of this forum is on the Natick Mall Expansion.....I hate slow periods.
My workplace just blocked Firefox. I'm stuck with IE6. This sucks.
My workplace just blocked Firefox. I'm stuck with IE6. This sucks.

As a web designer I have to pour a 40 on the curb for my fallen brothers. Your IT guy is obviously a moron, or whoever his boss is since I'm sure your IT guy uses Firefox himself.
Err..evidently, it was some sort of glitch. I came back from lunch and everything is fine again. Weird.

Either that or this pissed off some important people and they removed the block post-haste.

Either way I'm happy again.

Until I get fired for spending too much time online. :/

BTW Both IE 7&8 are available but they both come with warning of "advanced filtering functions" built in. Shitty internet is better than no internet.
