Hanover St "Tower" | 244 Hanover St | North End

Re: Open Thread

That photo is from Hanover Street, North End, if I am seeing it right. Don't know what it is although it's been in that shape and form for months.
Re: Open Thread

That appears to be a garage door, on Hanover street.
Re: Open Thread

lol, could be a super stealth version of those thin parking towers that i see all over japan.
Re: Open Thread

Where are the mobs and pitchforks?
Re: Open Thread

What was here before? Did something burn down?
Re: Open Thread

Damn, I love that. We need more tall skinny buildings.
Re: Open Thread

Found this


Interesting - good infill project:

"244-246 Hanover Street
Boston, Massachusetts

TLCR was approached by a Boston real estate developer to help design a residential complex for a vacant lot on the North End’s vibrant Hanover Street. The lot’s narrow dimensions would be a challenge, but TLCR responded by utilizing the view potential with protruding bay windows. The three units per floor would vary its offered amenities, and the exterior copper-clad facades would age nicely and help this new complex mesh with the existing neighborhood fabric."

Re: Hanover St Tower

One of the defining characteristics of the Menino School of Architecture is the positioning of the garage door as the focal point of the design. Other characteristics include the excessive dependency on short and squat elements. Some affectionately refer to these buildings as looking mumbled.
Re: Hanover St Tower

Nice copper detailing and hopefully this will be executed well. Two concerns:

1) for peds this won't fill any void - the garage door (!) at street level will be dead and useless streetscape. Is this thanks to our wonderful minimum parking reqs?

2) if ever we could inject some sort of modern and bold statement into the north
end I feel like this could have been the spot - a missed opportunity?
Re: Hanover St Tower

Does any existing property have a garage entrance on Hanover?
Re: Hanover St Tower

The mad car-ification of Boston continues. Can everyone see the pattern emerging here?

So apparently there is absolutely no street in this city, no matter how pedestrian oriented and busy, off-limits to auto garages. I thought the Archstone's garage entrance on Washington St and Avalon's proposed garage entrance on Stuart were awful, but this is absolutely ridiculous. Placing a garage here and bringing cars onto the one the busiest sidewalks in the city is fucking sacrilegious. Is this what Kairos Shen believes constitutes "Boston's DNA"?
Re: Hanover St Tower

This is how we prevent the Manhattanization of Boston.

btw, why is there a seemingly empty lot in the rendering between this building and the one to the right? Or is that an alley?
Re: Hanover St Tower

Is it too late to raise voices in opposition? The garage door in an atrocity on Hanover street and an absolutely terrible precedent.
Re: Hanover St Tower

btw, why is there a seemingly empty lot in the rendering between this building and the one to the right? Or is that an alley?
I walked by this two weeks ago, I think it's an alley leading to the entrance of another building, but I can't recall that with certainty.
