IMG_4349 by Bos Beeline, on Flickr
This is what I imagine the inside of one of those egg thingies at Deer Island looks like
IMG_4349 by Bos Beeline, on Flickr
There will also be a very impressive computational back end — hardware to be able to do sophisticated models in a way that is not common in academia.
The institute itself is going to be all dry lab, purely computational, but we will happily take data from animal studies. We will also have a collaborative grant program to seed directed studies and fund groups that we think will generate data crucial to understanding intelligence.
GAZETTE: You mention large-scale computing. Will that hardware require new systems being installed? Or are you going to use the existing infrastructure?
SABATINI: We’re going to buy a lot of GPUs [graphics processing units, that, like CPUs, power many computers] and also make use of cloud computing services.