All this talk about no cars crossing is just nuts. We need greater connectivity in Boston; it's one of the major problems in this city and this is one of the greatest crunch points. There is absolutely no reason to not have multiple crossings on this site, and the fact that a massive street grid is being laid out directly across the tracks from a major artery (Comm) — one that has severely limited access to the N Harvard/Cambridge St corridor —*without so much as a peep from the Globe's editorial page or anyone else is mind boggling.
Yes, Babcock and Malvern are small streets: well, so are Harvard and Linden. The likely net effect would be a reduction in traffic, not an increase, since overall pressure would be eased.
The bus situation on the 66 is just beyond outrageous and no amount of traffic jiggering and signal prioritizing will ever mitigate that nightmare loop thru Union Sq.
The site Harvard plans to build will be, among others things, yet another life sciences hub. There is very little connection between Longwood and here, particularly in the north to south direction. There should be robust connections for ALL modes of transit, with plans built in for a future spur off the Green.
Building a massive development and deliberately not connecting it to a major thoroughfare just because a local college wants to wall itself off is not justified, not in the city's best interest, and makes no sense whatsoever.