Ink Block (Boston Herald) | 300 Harrison Avenue | South End

BeeLine thanks for the pictures. This is probably my fave building in the development.
This is terrific. Almost wish the blue wrap would stay.
This building seems like its turning out nicely, unlike its neighbor next door closer to whole foods, that building is one of the worst in the city in the last few years
I was scared to walk around that area as a kid in the early 90s
This is America, we don't get cool quirky names like British buildings do. Everybody is so serious out here.

Eggplant is 'Aubergine' in the UK...which doesn't sound so bad, really.

I'm curious to see what type of construction they do here. I feel like every Ink Block building has been done differently. I'd never want to move into the wood frame building.
I'm imagining all of these colors being listed in the voice of Bob Ross.
I'm imagining all of these colors being listed in the voice of Bob Ross.

'We'll take our fan brush and pull it through the paint... using just light little taps, we'll bring in some happy little trees along the street and between our sepia-, siena-, burnt umber-, and aubergine-coloured buildings... just look at sunset of colour we have with our luxury condo buildings...'


^ Especially the building in the middle that's finished now... its a disgrace
