Jan Karski Way Extension | Dorchester


Senior Member
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
This project has been brought up on the South Bay Expansion thread, but it really deserves its own.



I was walking back in this area the other day. Target makes me nauseous, and my lady had given me a pass. This place is odd...but this project is interesting. The way that it attempts to create a new pedestrian entry way to South Bay is critical for the immediate neighborhood, and I hope that corridor is continued to Mass Ave. Also, this seperation between buildings aids greatly in transitioning into the res neighborhood.

Side note: I love that they refer to a new alley created as part of this a "pollination corridor" in the PNF.
Overall this looks really good and Im glad to see lots of brick, even if precast. Brick is Boston I wish the majority of projects were brick so that feel would extend out much further than the core. Theres a noticeable change where the brick ends and the wood starts when traveling away from the core, I wish it was more mixed.
Yeah - this project looks great. Rooting for anything marginally contextual. We need urban fabric - not cheap plastic and random gimmicks.
Agree completely. The US is not Japan where buildings are demolished in 50 years, anything thats built could end up standing for 200 years. There needs to be more emphasis on context and quality and quality does not necessarily mean expensive. Theres plenty of examples of buildings built with cheap materials that look great. Architects need to really treat every building like it could be there for a long long time, cuz they probably will. This does look good and so do those recent examples in the seaport near gillette, more please.
“The Jan Karski Way Extension Project will bring 403 residential units to Dorchester. Sixty units will be designated affordable, and the developer has agreed to increase affordable housing contributions in the future. A transit-oriented development, Jan Karski Way is a 10-minute walk to Andrew Station and a nine-minute walk to the commuter rail at Newmarket Stations. The project will also include enhanced streetscapes, the construction of new streets and sidewalks, as well as 14,665 square feet of retail space, storage for 488 bicycles and 47,786 square feet of new publicly accessible open space.”


Project presentation
Last edited:
Thanks to @areiss and @sticknmove I have merged the threads and deleted their moderation requests
“The Jan Karski Way Extension Project will bring 403 residential units to Dorchester. Sixty units will be designated affordable, and the developer has agreed to increase affordable housing contributions in the future. A transit-oriented development, Jan Karski Way is a 10-minute walk to Andrew Station and a nine-minute walk to the commuter rail at Newmarket Stations. The project will also include enhanced streetscapes, the construction of new streets and sidewalks, as well as 14,665 square feet of retail space, storage for 488 bicycles and 47,786 square feet of new publicly accessible open space.”


Project presentation
Mmmm render porn, nothing better
