Lab Building (née Hotel Hampshire) | 34-40 Hampshire St. | Cambridge

dude, what you were doing was trivializing someone else's neighborhood. No sh!t you weren't serious about actual structural collapse.

Honestly, regarding aB in general, I love 50% of the projects and dislike 50% of them (or thereabouts), but, from the heart, one thing I never do on here is joke about wishing failure upon projects because such failure affects actual innocent humans surrounding them who had nothing to do with investing in the projects (e.g., "haha, that developer went bankrupt and left a hole in the ground with a barbed wire fence around it," "heehee, those units will never sell," "hope that thing rots in place").

Example: I am significantly more distanced from that stalled lab project on McGrath, and I never wanted there to be more labs build there in the first pace, but it brings me pain to see a hole left in the ground there and I refrain from sh!itting on that situation. It genuinely sucks for people near it to have to live by a pit for (probably) years.

I am sharing my values here not because I expect you to share them precisely, or feel the same way as me about posting etiquette. I'm sharing them because I respect you as a forumer and share a lot of other opinions with you about urbanism and development, and so wanted you to understand the nature of my reaction here. I am glad to chalk it up to a joke whose humor I don't share. Onward and upward to the next discussion.
All good. No prob with attacking a post. Just no need for personal attacks, ok.
