Liberty Mutual Tower | 157 Berkeley Street | Back Bay

Re: Liberty Mutual plans major Boston expansion

They hate everything.
Re: Liberty Mutual plans major Boston expansion

This building sure is clunky - something that, for an insurance company trying to expand its headquarters, almost has to be expected, for better or worse.

However, this is much better than most of what is going up now. When compared to the precast-and-alucobond landscrapers of the South Boston Waterfront (sorry, the "Innovation District"), the Kensington or (God forbid), the Victor, you do have to give Liberty Mutual credit for trying to give us a little height and some decent materials.
Re: Liberty Mutual plans major Boston expansion

As for the height, I would have almost rather this have been a landscaper than a weird hybrid of a highrise and one. It basically landscraperizes the visible skyline from many of the best angles on the Back Bay, destroying so many once-elegant views of the Old Hancock.
Re: Liberty Mutual plans major Boston expansion

Though not perfect it's certainly a welcome addition.
Re: Liberty Mutual plans major Boston expansion

One of the few recent buildings built in Boston that I can't complain about the materials.

Also, I get the Fatiron quips, but the curves are kinda sexy and I still think it's better than a squat box.

Now, about that ground floor....
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Re: Liberty Mutual plans major Boston expansion

When will they install the gargoyles?
Re: Liberty Mutual plans major Boston expansion

Gargoyles would do so much to enliven this stiff and starchy building...bring 'em on!
Re: Liberty Mutual plans major Boston expansion

This building is inoffensive on its narrow sides and extremely offensive on its wide sides. At ground level it's utter shit.
Re: Liberty Mutual plans major Boston expansion

Spandrel and recessed panels not being precast/stone would have been quite nice here. It would have pushed the vertical reading and could be quite elegant. Right now .. it is just nice.

Re: Liberty Mutual plans major Boston expansion

This building is inoffensive on its narrow sides and extremely offensive on its wide sides. At ground level it's utter shit.

your crazy this is a very nice addition to boston you need to see the good in things
Re: Liberty Mutual plans major Boston expansion

your crazy this is a very nice addition to boston you need to see the good in things

The last time I looked this was an architecture forum. What's wrong with having a critical discussion?

Should we just post and endless stream of photos and gush about very ordinary or underwhelming buildings.
Re: Liberty Mutual plans major Boston expansion

^ It's not a critical discussion. Don't gush if you don't like it, but the same poster saying the same thing over and over again isn't criticism. It's whining.
Re: Liberty Mutual plans major Boston expansion

The last time I looked this was an architecture forum. What's wrong with having a critical discussion?

Should we just post and endless stream of photos and gush about very ordinary or underwhelming buildings.

I never see an endless stream of gushing about any new buildings going up whether theyre nice or not but i do see an endless streaof everyone saying how bad everything is every other post scroll back through the pages and see how redundant its getting there needs to be a balance of appreciation and criticizing.
Re: Liberty Mutual plans major Boston expansion

No, sorry, if the opinion of the majority of forumers is that a building is bad, we don't need to counter it with some sort of artificial "balance".

The sad truth is that good architecture is extremely rare in Boston. I'm sorry if the truth gets you down, but being in denial is not the way to deal with that.
Re: Liberty Mutual plans major Boston expansion

I'll qualify that to say recent architecture in Boston is rarely good. i.e. The stuff we discuss on this board. If we had a forum devoted to pre-WWII architecture in Boston, I would imagine it to be fairly positive.
Re: Liberty Mutual plans major Boston expansion

I'll qualify that to say recent architecture in Boston is rarely good. i.e. The stuff we discuss on this board. If we had a forum devoted to pre-WWII architecture in Boston, I would imagine it to be fairly positive.

True, but wouldn't that discussion be fairly positive in any city. I can't imagine a city in the US that would prompt one of us to say, "The trouble with _______, is all the old load-bearing masonry buildings!"
Re: Liberty Mutual plans major Boston expansion

I'll wait with baited breath for the day the board's problem is gushing and not ad naseum negativity for negativity's sake.
Re: Liberty Mutual plans major Boston expansion

Me too! I can't wait for the day when developers start bringing their A-game to Boston so we have something to gush about.

Sadly, the current negativity is mostly justified.
