Logan Airport Capital Projects


Senior Member
May 6, 2007
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Ok, I'll take Data's suggestion and start a thread. And because no thread should start with nothing, look what Massport posted a day early!

https://www.massport.com/capitalpro...-C1/L1375-C1 CM at Risk Supplemental Info.pdf

The project has a goal to substantially complete construction by December 2018. The construction cost is currently estimated to be approximately $125 Million.

Mostly an interior renovation, but they're kicking the building out a bit. American doesn't seem to be taking any of United's gates, and if I counted right the entire project doesn't add any.
Will American swap any pier B gates with Virgin, Spirit, or Air Canada or will they decrease their presence at Logan?
Did I count correctly - AA will have 16 gates? Are B1-3 the Air Canada and Spirit gates?
Ok, I'll take Data's suggestion and start a thread. And because no thread should start with nothing, look what Massport posted a day early!

https://www.massport.com/capitalpro...-C1/L1375-C1 CM at Risk Supplemental Info.pdf

Mostly an interior renovation, but they're kicking the building out a bit. American doesn't seem to be taking any of United's gates, and if I counted right the entire project doesn't add any.

Looks like an additional 41,00 sqf to be added.
Did I count correctly - AA will have 16 gates? Are B1-3 the Air Canada and Spirit gates?

The document says it's 18. It also has a weird provision where B20-B22 get "right-sized" holdrooms. As far as I can tell, that means building a tiny sliver of new building and shifting the walkway and concession area at the tip of the terminal back into it to allow for more seats. I'm not sure I've ever seen an agency tweak a three-year-old project like that.
I believe the total AA op right now is 24 gates? However, on a purely informal observational level, I can say that these are often underutilized--even in the morning rush.
Terminal B Airline Consolidation

https://www.massport.com/capitalpro...-C1/L1375-C1 CM at Risk Supplemental Info.pdf







Kinda sucks if you take the shuttle. That stand alone security is awesome.
The B1-B3 hold room is awful and I won't miss it one bit.
This will be a fantastic improvement - B is going to essentially be a brand new terminal compared to what it was ~5 years ago.

But i will miss the Shuttle-only security line. Man, that whole wing was 80% highly competent road warriors and with so many doing no-luggage day trips....so so nice.
This will be a fantastic improvement - B is going to essentially be a brand new terminal compared to what it was ~5 years ago.

But I thought they just did a complete makeover a few years ago along with the post-security connection between the B terminals.
But I thought they just did a complete makeover a few years ago along with the post-security connection between the B terminals.

Yes, they connected the two main piers of B with a nice new connector building, but they did not work on the portion of B that this refers to. And the 1-3 gates were not connected to the main pier on the old U.S. Airways side...they were (still are) isolated off to the side, used by Air Canada.
Ok, I'll take Data's suggestion and start a thread. And because no thread should start with nothing, look what Massport posted a day early!

https://www.massport.com/capitalpro...-C1/L1375-C1 CM at Risk Supplemental Info.pdf

Mostly an interior renovation, but they're kicking the building out a bit. American doesn't seem to be taking any of United's gates, and if I counted right the entire project doesn't add any.

Equilibria -- good start and thanks to Data for triggering the thread

What we need is a sticky list of all the projects as these often morph and spread around as in what started happening withe Term B a few years ago and is now continuing

So here's what I had posted to the old Logan Flight Thread that launched the process which has led to this new thread [edited to reflect updates already posted on the Term B project] -- with apologies to those who saw it in the original thread

Another Logan Construction Project for Terminal B with more to come see below:
Capital Programs » L1430-C1

Post Security Concourse Gates 37/38
Contract: L1430-C1
Location: Logan Airport
L1430-C1 (14.2k) updated Thursday, May 12, 20
The Gate Connector project is comprised of two major components. The first critical component of the project is to provide a post security connection from gates 37-38 to the existing foodcourt.

This includes new offices for tenant airlines, a new concourse connecting the gate holdrooms to the foodcourt, and new airside toilet rooms dedicated to the new expanded holdroom space. Construction of the new gate connector space will require careful phasing to ensure that airline operations remain uninterrupted.

The second component of the project is the replacement of ceilings and duct distribution systems in the departures level public concourse and in the new gate connector space.

Anyway here's the next to be proposed -- $125M for:

The airline consolidation and enhancement project will combine the operations of the legacy air carrier USAirways, currently operating out of Pier A as American Airlines, into one consolidated operation at Pier B. The project is comprised of both renovated and new construction.

The scope is for both the arrivals and departures levels and will entail modifications to the apron to accommodate the new American Airlines fleet mix.

The program is comprised of enhancements to public circulation spaces, vertical transportation, passenger amenities and concessions shell space, ticketing hall, the security checkpoint, toilet rooms, departure lounges, and baggage handling areas for both inbound and outbound baggage screening and operations.

Time table as per the Wednesday document

Begin Construction 2017
Substantial Completion December 2018

Down the road a piece there is another major project in the works:
Capital Programs
Projected Projects » L1313

Pre & Post-Sec Connector-Term A&B

And of course the Big Dog more than 1100 pages of details on the 7 new gates and misc at Terminal E [West Concourse and Blue Line connector]

available from Massport under
Terminal E Modernization Project
Boston-Logan International Airport
EEA# 15434
PREPARED FOR Massachusetts Port Authority
July 15, 2016
Terminal E Modernization Project
Environmental Notification Form
Environmental Assessment/Draft Environmental Impact Report Vol I
Environmental Assessment/Draft Environmental Impact Report Vol II - Technical Appendices


-- currently being assaulted by numerous NIMBYs and BANANAs

Massport has approved $45 million for the Terminal B work. The article stats that once the renovation is done, American will have 18 contiguous gates and that Southwest will be moving into American's vacated gates in B.

The project will see an additional 75,000 sqf of space added to Terminal B and 70,000 sqf of current space renovated.

Constructed is expected to start in March 2017 and be done by the end of 2018.

Slowly but surly Massport has been renovating and upgrading the entire airport. Delta and United already have top notch facilities and soon American will too.

Hopefully Terminal C will get some love in the form of renovations to the gate areas.
Who will be moving into Southwest's Terminal A gates? Will Delta be reacquiring them?
Who will be moving into Southwest's Terminal A gates? Will Delta be reacquiring them?

Could be Delta, or could be Alaska. Virgin America's about to lose their current gate area, so I could see the future Alaska consolidating over there.

Slowly but surly Massport has been renovating and upgrading the entire airport. Delta and United already have top notch facilities and soon American will too.

Hopefully Terminal C will get some love in the form of renovations to the gate areas.

I believe that JetBlue has more input on their gate areas (and more direct investment) than the other airlines do. It's uneven that way. United paid a lot for their gate expansion, which is why American couldn't be consolidated by shifting United a few gates down. It doesn't seem like AA is paying anything for this, though, and certainly Southwest isn't paying for any of their moves.

I think the C piers will get renovated on JetBlue's schedule, not Massport's.
I believe that JetBlue has more input on their gate areas (and more direct investment) than the other airlines do. It's uneven that way. United paid a lot for their gate expansion, which is why American couldn't be consolidated by shifting United a few gates down. It doesn't seem like AA is paying anything for this, though, and certainly Southwest isn't paying for any of their moves.

I think the C piers will get renovated on JetBlue's schedule, not Massport's.

If Terminal C gates 8,9,10 are any indication of how JetBlue will renovate the rest of their piers, their gate areas be over the top since 8/9/10 are like a private airline club, just beautiful. So, who would have paid for the renovations for gates 8/9/10 which were done the same time the post-security C-E connector was done, MassPort or Jet Blue? And how does American and SW get away with paying nada for renovations?
I believe Massport paid for the C-E connector. When I looked at the remodeled old E gates, it struck me that they could be used by international carriers with pre-clearance.

IIRC, the statement of work for ending the orphan status for Virgin America's two gates states that the gates will remain in operation while the work is being done. That work will be underway before work on American's consolidation begins.

From what I can tell, AA plans on bringing planes no larger than a 757 to the consolidated terminal. This suggests their expectations for future routes from Logan. IIRC, United got one or two gates suitable for aircraft larger than a 757.
I believe Massport paid for the C-E connector. When I looked at the remodeled old E gates, it struck me that they could be used by international carriers with pre-clearance.

IIRC, the statement of work for ending the orphan status for Virgin America's two gates states that the gates will remain in operation while the work is being done. That work will be underway before work on American's consolidation begins.

From what I can tell, AA plans on bringing planes no larger than a 757 to the consolidated terminal. This suggests their expectations for future routes from Logan. IIRC, United got one or two gates suitable for aircraft larger than a 757.

Couldn't the area where Virgin America currently operates out of be adjust to add a third gate?
