Lovejoy Wharf - Hoffman Building | 160 North Washington Street | West End

Re: Lovejoy Wharf

In this 1949 Warren Bridge photo (found on this page), it looks like the lower building on the right used to be longer? Perhaps it was truncated during construction of the dam that replaced the bridge?

(click image to embiggen, though resolution is pretty low)
Re: Lovejoy Wharf

It was chopped for the Central Artery, AFAIK:

Re: Lovejoy Wharf

Wikipedia says that the Warren Bridge remained open until 1962, which is well after the Central Artery opened. It could be wrong. The road to the Warren Bridge (Beverly Street) runs right next to this building.
Re: Lovejoy Wharf


You can sort of see the two buildings in this pic. The one being razed starts at the step down on the roofline. It has the balconies(?)

It's clearly the lesser of the two buildings, but still a nice building in it's own right.
I think there are three buildings. The one on the right is coming down. The one in the middle, which looks to have the balconies, either is renovated or replaced with a building with similar height and mass. The building next to N. Washington st bridge is renovated and gets penthouse floors on top.
Re: Lovejoy Wharf

Can someone explain why the residents of Strada 234 (specifically one resident if I remember correctly) was able to tie up the development of Lovejoy for years but now, with the new developer, everything is strangely quiet! The new development is adding a few floors to the old section which was one of the reasons (loss of views) why the lawsuit was brought in the first place!
Re: Lovejoy Wharf

Maybe they lost the lawsuit or were persuaded it was a loser and withdrew it?
Re: Lovejoy Wharf

Can someone explain why the residents of Strada 234 (specifically one resident if I remember correctly) was able to tie up the development of Lovejoy for years but now, with the new developer, everything is strangely quiet! The new development is adding a few floors to the old section which was one of the reasons (loss of views) why the lawsuit was brought in the first place!

IIRC, there was a financial settlement (i.e.,the owners in Strada were paid off to drop the suit).
Re: Lovejoy Wharf

Thanks, AmericanFL!

One can only hope that the attorney's ate up most of that settlement! Suing for a lost view in the city and collecting, just ain't right! The residents didn't do their due dilligence when they bought at Strada 234 and now they're rewarded!

Real glad that this project has the green light!! It's gonna be a winner, I think!
Re: Lovejoy Wharf

Based on the demolition photo, I'll correct my observation, and say that the middle building is coming down as well.
Re: Lovejoy Wharf


That's what? 5 rows of brick thick? Jesus. And what are those square pipe things? Chimneys?
Re: Lovejoy Wharf

^^ My guess would be ventilation/heating ducts.
Re: Lovejoy Wharf

I gotta say, part of me hates seeing stuff like that get torn down. Wish there was a way to repurpose it...

I mean, walls that thick must be pretty damn solid.
Re: Lovejoy Wharf

I gotta say, part of me hates seeing stuff like that get torn down. Wish there was a way to repurpose it...

Yeah. "Just" the lower portion on this image is being demolished, but if you can't see the beauty that brickwork, I don't know what to say....

Re: Lovejoy Wharf

Are you guys joking? Its the bucket of a bobcat.
Re: Lovejoy Wharf

LOL, I'm pretty sure Statler is talking about these...

859956345820b45f4720c.png which case yes those are old ventilation shafts.
Re: Lovejoy Wharf

I was talking about building demolitions with someone the other day, and thought, they don't really implode buildings anymore. I know the technology for tear downs is pretty strong, but I thought a building like this >10 stories, would be beyond what you can do with on the ground machines.

Anyone else able to shine a little more light on the demo processes?
