Massachusetts Turnpike/I-90 (Current Projects, Conceptual Improvements, & Long Term)

According to the Boston Globe, Chick-fil-A has been denied a bid to operate at MassPike rest stops because of a conflict over hours. The company was originally founded by a devout Southern Baptist whose business practices were "based on biblical principles"
Because of these principles, the chicken chain has long closed each location on Sunday, a traditionally religious day of rest. This is where the Massachusetts DOT takes issue. The MassDOT requires all state rest stops to be open seven days a week. According to the Globe, "the new language was written so that travelers don’t go hungry when looking for a place to eat along the pike."
There are Applegreens on I-90 in upstate NY that have Chick-Fil-A and Panera. I once waited more than an hour on a weekday evening at that Panera. That place on a Sunday would not be fun.
There are Applegreens on I-90 in upstate NY that have Chick-Fil-A and Panera. I once waited more than an hour on a weekday evening at that Panera. That place on a Sunday would not be fun.
Those Paneras are brutal even during the week midday. Not helped by the every-other-one reconstruction of each rest stop on 90 in NY. Hopefully when they all get finished it lessens the crowding at all of them.
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