MBTA 2014 Bluebook

haha well that was easy, huh? Thanks!

Too bad it was never built
The commuter rail ridership statistics seem so wildly inaccurate that one wonders why they even bother to publish them. To wit, they claim that the South Weymouth Station only sees 83 inbound boardings on a typical weekday. Really? I bet if they cross referenced that with their parking revenue from that station they might think differently.

Let us hope that when Keolis comes aboard they actually try to get reliable, consistent ridership numbers. The T is only shooting themselves in the foot when they can't even figure out how many people ride their trains. If Keolis can establish some simple procedure for counting passengers they will find that many of their ridership increases required in the contract have already been achieved.
Uhm, are we looking at the same numbers?

Bluebook 2009 to 2014

Red Line: 243k to 273k
Orange Line: 183k to 203k
Blue Line: 58k to 63k
Green Line: 250k to 228k

The Red Line has really spiked in ridership.

Ridership increases for both the Red and Orange are pretty amazing - basically leaving the two neck and neck when compared on a passengers-per-mile (Red=13K, Orange=18K) and passengers-per-trip (Red=623, Orange=627). Not sure what the complete saturation point is, but it appears we're scooting our way ever closer until more, newer equipment arrives to beef up frequencies on both lines.
For anyone who wants to play with the commuter rail ridership data, I have 2001-2013 Bluebook data and 2012 CTPS counts on this document.
