MBTA Public Info Meeting - Government Center


Staff member
Sep 15, 2010
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Anyone planning to go? I can't make it but am dying to know how they think Park will be able to handle all of that additional traffic coming its way.
B and D will be turning at Park St, but during off-peak the D will run to North Station (makes no sense to me why they don't extend the D all day long, but okay).
Not enough trains is the answer I got. They don't have enough trains to extend more than that to NS.

Also they will be taking one train from the "B" and using it to bolster the "C" branch, because the "B" will be turning at Park Street for the duration of the project.

More notes to come...
Can't imagine how horrendous the crowds will be at Park. Need to find a house somewhere off the Orange Line before they start this mess.

Thanks! I also loved reading through your blog. Fav'd it!

It sounds like the public forum aspect of the meeting was useless, as I expected it would be. Person proposes something that makes sense/is based on real daily patterns >> MBTA rejects it, cites optimized computer model, says it's possible.

I fully support the station closure, but I certainly believe there's a lot of room for improvement on their plans to mitigate the disaster that will be caused.
